
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Her Guardian

Her father, on the other hand, fights adversaries who wear black and have red eyes just like them. They pummeled and stomped their opponents, and they slammed their fists against the nearby walls. Their movements are quick, as is their avoidance of punches or swipes. She couldn't help but be terrified by what she was seeing. 

Many creatures are still battling to protect her and their families, while many more are lying on the ground. She sees war now and wishes to put an end to it, but she is unsure of what she can do. She was only a young girl who had little experience with fighting.

Meanwhile, in front of her, an elderly vampire approached her, his red eyes piercing her. He, too, is dressed in black and appears to be with her parents' vampire foes. He smiled as he gently approached her, but there was something peculiar about those grins that appeared to frighten her. She couldn't figure out why she was so terrified of the approaching elderly vampire. She had an odd impact on him, and she sensed that despite his age, he was a formidable opponent.

When she observed her father battling with his adversary, she stepped in to assist him while staring at his adversary, causing the man's bones to hurt and him to be unable to move till he eventually fell down. As a result, her father attacked the man. In another, she shattered his bones till his body was shredded.

When she tried to hurt the man in front of her again, he got paralyzed as well, till he knelt in front of her.

"It's not the end yet!" The elder's voice cut through the chaos, a declaration that made Avery's insides coil. His form was a shadow against the moon, draped in darkness, yet his presence burned like a beacon of malevolence.

He then grasped her wrist, and she yelled in pain as she felt great heat.

Avery's breath hitched in her throat as she catapulted from the shadows of her nightmare into the dim moonlit reality of her bedroom. Her chest rose and fell with rapid, shallow gasps, a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead. She sat up, clutching at the twisted sheets, her fingers grappling with the cotton as if to anchor herself away from the terror that had seemed so palpable moments before.

"Only a dream," she whispered, the words catching in her dry mouth.

The darkness of her room loomed around her, but it was a familiar darkness, not like the suffocating abyss of her nightmare. She wiped her brow, feeling the cool dampness against her skin, and shivered despite the warmth of the summer night. Goosebumps prickled her arms, a testament to the vividness of her dream.

She remembers the vampires attacking her parents. They are all in black. And the old man who she encountered in her dreams. The old man pierced red eyes. She knew that they were dangerous vampires. She wondered if it had anything to do with the news they had watched earlier. But she just shrugged it off and she thought that it's just a dream and never will happen to them.

She felt her throat dry because of those horrific dreams of her, so she went down to the kitchen to drink some water. 

She opened the refrigerator and grabbed a pitcher. She poured the water into the glass. While drinking, she heard a crackle in their living room. So she suddenly stopped from drinking.

"Huh? Who's that?" She whispered to herself.

She suddenly went there but no one was there. The other lights were turned off and only in the kitchen were lit. She did not notice the rapid movement of a creature.

She sipped the water again, and she could already sense and smell his presence as she did so. She quickly turned around to see a creature standing in front of her. She was taken aback when she learned who he was.


When Avery heard rustling in their living room, she was taken aback. When the man was in front of her, she couldn't express how she felt. Because she can often feel and smell the monster, the creature's presence and smell are familiar to her. She had no idea what the person in front of her was trying to do or how he had gained access to their home. With a grimace on her face, she approached him and questioned right away.

"Why are you here? How did you gain access to our home? Don't you realize that trespassing on our property might land you in jail?" 

"If you make a sound, your parents may hear us. What else do you suppose they'd think of the two of us if they found out I was at your place? I'm not prepared to argue with your parents, and they may inquire extensively about me as well. I just checked to see whether you arrived home safely, and you appear to be fine, so I'll going home." Raven said this while looking at her intently. His eyes seemed to have a different meaning and a lot of depth to them. 

He immediately leaped out of their window after saying those words, so she swiftly looked at Raven to see if he was okay. He gave her a warm grin and said, "Please close your window and lock it as well, because someone other than me might come in. Let's just meet at school, and I hope you had a good night's sleep. I'm hoping you'll be able to dream of me." He gave her a wink once and then vanished from her sight. 

She is unsure of how she feels as a result of today's events. Raven comes to their house to see whether she is okay and if she can get home safely to their house after she had a frightening dream.

Although Avery was astonished and perplexed, she just followed Raven and closed and locked the window, but she was taken aback when Raven vanished so quickly. She wondered if he was walking or riding a motorcycle outside, but she never heard a motorcycle. She couldn't help but be concerned about the man who had paid her a visit earlier in the evening. 

She wanted to know if he was riding his motorcycle, but it was too late in the evening, and she didn't want her parents to be concerned if she left the house. She also remembered what she had heard on their television, so she took a deep breath and simply imagined Raven being alone and securely returning home.

Raven's personality perplexed her even more because she could still smell the animal odor he had left in their living room. She was baffled by all that had occurred tonight. She also had no idea how he got into their house because, as far as she knew, all of the entrances were secured. 

All of the doors and windows are closed. Raven's actions piqued her interest, and she couldn't help but wonder and be startled. She took the perfume and sprayed it all over their living room to remove the stench he had left behind. Raven's scent is unusual to her, and his presence is strange as well. He also had a strange impact on her, as if he thought he was better than her.

She walked to her bedroom and re-laid on her lovely bed after following the man's instructions and removing his scent from their entire living area. She couldn't help but wonder why Raven went to their house after what transpired today. Why was he so worried about her that he went out of his way to find out if she had returned home and even barged into their home without warning? Why was she concerned when the man leapt from their window? Why was Raven on her mind? Those were the thoughts that ran through her mischievous head. She inhaled deeply and shook with all her thoughts about Raven. Despite the fact that they had just recently met, he was messing with her thoughts.

She just reasoned that it was possible that they had seen the news earlier on their television about a serial killer sweeping throughout the city. She couldn't help but feel concerned for Raven as a result of this. Raven was strong, but he was still human, and he didn't have an opponent against the vampires. But she was relieved since she felt the man was weird and had tremendous strength. 

She exhaled a sigh of relief, knowing that he would be able to return home safely and that the vampires would not harm him. She was relieved that Raven was concerned about her safety, but he had no idea that the serial murderer would be powerless to move her due to her exceptional strength and power.

Despite the fact that she had calmed down, she continued to be concerned about Raven... until she fell asleep.

Her mother knocked on her door the next morning to wake her up because it was late and she needed to get to school. It's possible she'll be late for class. Her mother jolted her up by waking her up and looked at her cell phone. She looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 a.m., with only one hour till her class began. 

Her first session began at eight a.m., and her eyes widened as she saw what she saw. She hurriedly dressed and put her ability to work right away. It's normal for her to be swift to act if she wants to, given her vampirette nature.

She put on her uniform and headed down to eat breakfast right away. Her activities were also expedited, so her mother and father were taken aback and surprised by what she did, especially given her quickness. They didn't expect her to be that quick as she was rushing to get to her school, thus they were taken aback by Avery's actions.

While panting, she remarked to her Daddy: "Now, Dad, let's go!"

Her father gave her a nod and sat the newspaper down. Before heading to her school, her father and she kissed her mother and said their goodbyes.

She looked for Raven as soon as she arrived at school, but she couldn't find him. She used her nose, but all she detected were different human scents until Tanya approached her and inquired.

"What are you doing today, and do you have a strange appearance? Are you all right? Are you feeling ill right now? Do you enjoy smelling something? Maybe you appreciate my perfume and that's why you're like this!"

"I just smell the pure air," she remarked. She smiled at her friend, but she smelled something familiar as she said it. She didn't know why, but she became nervous all of a sudden...

A vampire, to be precise... She swiftly turned to face the person who had just passed her, gave it a quick glance, and then vanished.

"What are you looking at?" Tanya inquired once more. 

Nevertheless, she only said, "There's nothing! I believed I recognized the person I saw." They then walked inside the room together.

Meanwhile, Athan visits his father, Darren, at his home, where they discuss the city's claimed bloodbath.

"Dad, I'm concerned about what's going on right now because things may turn messy again, and I don't want that to happen. I don't want anyone in my family, especially Avery, to suffer. She was too little to see the conflict that was going on at the time. I don't want to go through another conflict like the one that nearly killed our entire clan." Athan expressed his sorrow to his father.

"Don't worry," Darren murmured, patting his son on the shoulder. "We'll do everything we can to defend our family from the terrible vampires."