
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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The next day, Avery awoke early and eagerly went to her school. Her Daddy sends her up again, but this time he didn't get out of the car. 

Tanya was waiting for her at the school gate, and when she saw her step out of the car, she waved. It was a pleasure to welcome her back, and they entered together.

"Yesterday, I was almost raped by two men on the road," she told Tanya during her lunch break.

Tanya remarked, "What? That should be brought to the attention of the principal! Those people are complete morons!"

"My Daddy called the Principal earlier and everything is okay." She reassured her friend.

She detected that peculiar smell again as the two of them were eating, so she turned around to see where it was coming from.

"Are you all right? What exactly are you looking for?" Tanya questioned as she was seeking for something and why she was gazing around.

Tanya became frightened later and appeared to be staring at someone.

"Oh, shocks! It's Raven!" Tanya said as her eyes widened.

"Raven?" Avery inquired as she turned her head and looked at the area where Tanya is staring. 

Avery was surprised to see that man was the one who rescued her yesterday. He was with his group and had a football in his hands. Raven turned to face her as he caught Avery staring at him.

Avery returned the stare because she was perplexed. "Do you know who's holding the ball?" She asked Tanya.

"Y-yeah... He is Raven! He is one of the most popular here at our school!" Tanya explained, "All the girls admire him because he is a great football player, handsome, and has a perfect figure! The people around him were his football team mates."

"Why isn't Raven in a school uniform?" Avery wondered again, astonished.

"He hasn't really worn a uniform since the first day of school." Tanya explained, "but the school no longer pushes him to wear one because he is an athlete and well-known."

Raven drew Avery's attention. He was dressed like a rock star and wore a leather jacket with his boots.

She spoke with Tanya once more, and they discussed their assignments.

After class, Tanya was picked up first, and Avery was left behind because her daddy had not yet come to pick her up. Her Dad said that she would wait for him at the gate until he came. 

She was standing there, until she saw Raven riding his motorcycle outside the school. He quickly stopped in front of her and asked her.

"Is someone going to pick you up?" Raven inquired as his motorcycle came to a halt in front of her.

"Yes, my Dad," Avery replied.

"Oh, okay." Raven said and drove his motorcycle away. 

Her Daddy's car arrived a short while later, and she got inside the car right away.

When Avery and her father came home, Avery's Mom, Elena, just finished cooking. The meals were ready for their family to share at the table. They sat down immediately so that the food would not get cold.

"How's your studies so far Avery?" Athan asked her daughter while eating.

"It's fine Dad. We haven't done much other than quizzes." Avery quickly said.

"So how was the quiz?" This time Elena asked while eating her meal.

"I got a perfect score from Dad and Mom," Avery smiled while she said that to her parents.

"Good to hear that Avery." Athan said smiling to her smart daughter.

They expected it from their daughter because they know that Avery is a very smart girl. So they are proud of their only child.

After they ate, Avery and Athan went to the living room to watch television while Elena was left in the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Avery and her Dad silently watched television until news came out about a series of murders of innocent people.

"We've gathered in front of the site of a brutal murder of young people. His assassinations have also been reported on our city's streets. A serial killer is on the loose, accused of murdering a number of individuals. Our mayor has committed to investigate the situation in our community and bring justice to those who have perished as a result of the serial killer's actions.

According to the information we have, there have been a number of cases of murders for unexplained reasons, but our police are already looking into them. Some people believe it's just a theft, but we can't be sure because the victims' belongings aren't missing. Just a friendly reminder to the residents of our city: be cautious and don't stroll alone since you can become one of the victims."

While they were watching the news in the evening, they learned that a serial killer was on the loose today. The entire city is under surveillance, and several examples of unsolved murders have been documented. There are female and male victims between the ages of fifteen and above. Because of the claimed massacre, many people were afraid for their safety. They don't want to be one of the news's victims. They hoped the serial killer would be captured, as reported on the news.

They noticed some of the victims laying on the road on the footage, and their skin was really pale. The eyes of the other dead are similarly wide open, as if they are even more surprised. They couldn't believe what they were seeing once they saw the corpses and glanced at each other. Because they were aware that it was a vampire bite, although the reports indicated otherwise.

"What has occurred in the last few days is terrible. I understand that everyone is concerned about what happened, but let us just hope that the cold-blooded killer is apprehended. The victims of the serial killer were allegedly stabbed with an icepick and a sharp knife, according to the police. If you have any information concerning this news, please contact our police department so that the investigation can be expedited. Take care of yourselves, and good night," said the reporter.

The entire city was kept under guard because there were recorded cases of killings for unknown reasons. According to the news, the victims were aged 15 to 45 years old.

The police said that the victims were killed with an icepick or any sharp object such as a knife. But when they saw the video of a woman lying on the dark road, lifeless and drowning in her own blood, Athan knew who did those terrible killings.

"Elena, you must watch it. Hurry up!" Athan calls his wife from the kitchen.

"What's that Athan. I'm still doing something in the kitchen." Avery's Mom said.

"Just watch it first. Look. It is not an ordinary killing," Athan said.

Elena intently watched the news and she gasped at what she saw.

"Oh my God Athan! Don't tell me they are now here in the City. But why?" Elena was still shocked by what she saw in the news.

"Maybe the vampires have nothing to eat in the forest so they come down here to the City to eat humans," Athan said.

"But it is impossible for our kindred to run out of food in the forest Athan," Elena said.

"Why do they have to kill and eat people when they can eat animals' flesh and blood like us?" Avery curiously said.

"They are more acclimated to human blood, thus there are vampires like that," Athan explained to Avery, "Some clans are not accustomed to drinking animal blood due to a dislike of the taste. Others, including those of us who live in cities, must learn to drink the blood of animals so that others do not mistrust us and for our own safety. When people find out who we truly are, it's problematic. They can track us down in any part of the globe and kill us one by one. We do awful things to others when we can't control something, so let's not wait for that to happen. We must restrain our desire for other people's blood. Even if it's difficult, it's the only way to keep them from pursuing and killing us. So, Avery, pay close attention to us since all we want is for you to be safe and out of trouble. We don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Your father is right, Avery. We are here in the City because we can socialize like normal people." Avery's mother listened to what her husband said and went to the kitchen first.

"Avery, you have a friend at school, right? What's her name again?" Athan asked Avery.

"Yes Dad and her name is Tanya." Avery said.

"And Tanya is a mortal. Am I right?" 

"Yes Dad."

"Will you be willing to kill and eat your friend because she is human?" 

"Of course not, I can't do that to her Dad because she's my only friend, even if she is not like me and she didn't know we were vampires. She'll be scared of me when she finds out I'm a vampire so I can't do that to her Dad." Avery said.

Avery's mother returned to the living room with three glasses in her hand then one by one she handed it to her daughter and husband.

"And because we are such kind vampires. So it's good that we don't get used to human blood. So instead of human blood, I used animal's blood. Is the shake I mixed delicious?" Elena asked them.

"Yes Mom. I like it and it's delicious." Avery said while sipping her shake.

"I'm glad you like it sweety." Elena smiled at her daughter.

"Yeah, It's really delicious honey. But let's just be careful even if they are like us. We still don't know why they do this to people. Especially you Avery." Athan said then looked at her daughter.

"I don't want to hurt you. You are my only child and you are still young and I know, you still have dreams that you want to come true. Just contact me when you are in trouble with them." Athan said.

"Yes, Dad. I will be careful. You too, Mom and Dad." Avery said to her parents.

"We will be, Princess." Her Dad said.

They hugged each other while enjoying their delicious bloody shake.


Avery was restless in her bed at night and appeared to be having a nightmare. Her gorgeous face was also soaked with sweat.

The moon hung outside Avery's window like a pale, indifferent sentinel, its light casting a spectral glow across her pristine bedroom. The sheets twisted around her as though trying to contain the turmoil within her slumbering form. Her delicate brows knitted together, and droplets of sweat beaded on her forehead, trickling down her temples like tiny streams.

"Mommy!" The word shattered the silence of the night, a desperate plea torn from her throat. Her voice came out ragged, filled with an anguish that had no place in the sanctuary of her room.

Avery turned fitfully, hands grasping at empty air, as if she could claw her way back to a reality where phantoms didn't haunt her sleep. Her breathing was erratic, a staccato rhythm that underscored the chaos unfurling behind closed eyelids. 

"Please... no!" she whispered, the words choked out between labored breaths. She fought against the invisible restraints of her nightmare, muscles tensing as she struggled to wake.

"Help me," she gasped, a silent invocation that echoed in the confines of her mind. Even here, in the vulnerability of dreams, she knew fear – it coiled around her thoughts like a serpent, waiting, watching.

"Mom!" She screamed loudly to summon her mother, but she soon realized she was passing out due to an unexpected vampire attack.

Avery's heart pounded against her ribcage, a frantic drumbeat in the silent void of her dream. The air was thick with an ominous mist that swirled around her feet as she stood in an unrecognizable landscape of twisted shadows and febrile whispers.

"Mom?" Her voice trembled, barely rising above the susurration of the fog. A silhouette materialized through the haze—a familiar form that beckoned with outstretched arms.

"Come here, Avery," her mother's voice called, laced with urgency and warmth. "Hurry, my love."

She took a step forward, her limbs heavy with an unknown dread. But before she could bridge the distance, a figure emerged from the gloom like a specter of death. The vampire's face was a ghastly white, its eyes two glowing rubies set into a visage of eternal hunger.

With a swift, merciless motion, the creature flung her mother aside as if she weighed no more than a doll. Avery's scream caught in her throat, a strangled gasp of horror.

"Mom!" she cried out, the word finally breaking free, but it was lost in the cacophony of the nightmare.

She wanted to run to her, to tear through the night and reclaim the safety of her mother's embrace. But her feet were rooted to the spot, terror holding her as firmly as any physical chain. The vampire turned its malevolent gaze upon her, and Avery felt the cold touch of fear claw at her soul.