
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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A cute desire

Meanwhile, while Avery and Tanya were returning to the classroom at their school, Avery noticed Raven and grinned. She didn't expect to see Raven now that her gaze had been drawn to him. She didn't know, but she was ecstatic by what she saw. 

Raven had been running through her mind and her eyes had been seeking for the man. She couldn't explain how he had gotten into them without her or her parents' knowledge the night before.

She also wanted to know why the man smelled odd and had unusual eyes that night. Everything came back to her as she watched Raven. She didn't think any longer and looked at Tanya, her buddy. She needed to speak with Raven and ask all the questions that had been bothering her. 

When she still doesn't know Raven's genuine identity, she can't be bothered. Raven could suspect her, but she needed to be near him. She wants to figure out what her best- hidden secret is and why she has such a powerful aura. She couldn't help herself, she needed to know more about Raven, so she couldn't control herself and took a big breath before saying.

She apologized to Tanya right away and said, "Tanya, I'm sorry, but I still have to go somewhere, so please enter the room first. Don't wait for me, and don't be concerned about me. That's all right! Please enter our room! I'm pretty fine!"

"Are you certain of what you're claiming? Do you want me to come along with you? After all, it appears that our class will begin too early, and you will be subjected to the same fate as before! I don't want it to happen to you again, and if you're the only one going where you're going I'm scared about you. I won't be able to forgive myself if something awful happens to you, so I'll be with you wherever you go." Avery scowled as she heard what her friend had to say.

She sensed Tanya's concern for her, but she needed to speak with him. She needed to move quickly since she might not get another chance to speak with Raven, and she needed to get past her friend, who was now staring at her. She needed to show Tanya that she was confident in her ability to settle her down wherever she went.

"I'm fine, but I appreciate you taking care of me. Don't worry. I'm quick and will be back in the classroom in no time. I can't miss our class, so please come in." Tanya did nothing in response to what her friend stated, instead of allowing her to do what she wanted. 

She didn't want to agree, but she didn't want to make Avery furious. She wishes to go wherever she wishes, but she is unable to do so. She couldn't help but worry and get upset, especially after something horrible had occurred to her previously. Before she sat down in her school chair, she needed to calm down. She was just concerned about her safety and the fact that she would not be hurt or end up in any sort of difficulty.

Avery smiled as Tanya walked into their classroom and instantly went after Raven. She had consented to what she wanted right away and it appeared that she would learn Raven's true identity. 

The classroom buzzed with the subdued energy of students settling in for another lecture, the sunlight filtering through the windows casting long shadows across the desks. Avery sat poised with her notebook open, the blank pages a stark contrast to the turmoil that swirled within her. She stole glances at Raven, the only figure who seemed to exist outside the mundane rhythm of high school life.

His presence was an enigma, an invitation to a world she sensed but could not see. The allure of the unknown clung to him like a second skin, and Avery found herself drawn into his orbit despite every rational thought that screamed caution.

"Why are you following me? Is there anything I can do for you?" Raven's voice cut through the din, tinged with a blend of curiosity and irritation as he pinned Avery with a look that seemed to peer into her very soul.

"Uh, no, I mean—yes," Avery stammered, feeling the weight of embarrassment settle like a stone in her stomach. She clasped her hands tightly in her lap to still their trembling. "It's just that... well, you're different, aren't you?"

Raven arched an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth quirked in an almost imperceptible smirk. "Different is a matter of perspective. Care to elaborate?"

Her heart hammered against her ribs, urging her to flee, but Avery held Raven's gaze. "You don't fit the mold here. There's something about you—something other." Her voice wavered, betraying the fear laced with fascination that gripped her.

"Other?" Raven echoed, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. He leaned forward slightly, closing the gap between them. "And what exactly does your intuition tell you I am?" The question hung in the air, charged with an electric undercurrent that Avery couldn't ignore.

Avery's breath hitched as Raven's proximity overwhelmed her senses. His scent was bewildering—a wild, untamed fragrance that didn't belong to the hallways of their suburban high school. It conjured images of moonlit forests and the echo of ancient, primal calls. 'This is madness,' she chastised herself, even as her pulse quickened with an inexplicable thrill.

Raven watched her struggle, the faintest hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "You're not very good at this, are you?" he teased gently, leaning against the row of lockers with casual grace.

Avery's cheeks burned hotter still, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. She was mortified, caught in an absurd dance of approach and retreat. 'Just spit it out,' she chided herself internally.

"Sorry, I'm not making any sense." Her apology was a surrender flag, white and stark against the battleground of her confusion. "There's just something different about you."

"Is that so?" he replied, his eyebrow arching in amusement.

"Never mind." Avery exhaled a shaky breath, feeling the weight of her own curiosity like a stone in her stomach. 'Why can't things just be simple?' she lamented inwardly.

Raven pushed her to the lockers, closing the small gap between them. His movements were deliberate, each step measured and full of an untamed energy that sent shivers down Avery's spine.

"You know," he whispered, his warm breath tickling her earlobe, "I think you do have a crush on me."

Blushing furiously, Avery shook her head. "N-no, I don't," she insisted, trying to sound more confident than she felt. But inside, her heart was racing with anticipation.

"Oh, really?" he murmured, his voice a low growl that resonated with the primal parts of her being.

Before she could protest or muster any semblance of resistance, Raven bridged the final gap, his lips finding hers with a boldness that left no room for doubt. Avery's mind screamed at her to push him away, to assert her independence, but her body betrayed her, melting into the kiss that seared through her like sunlight through fog.

Before she could even process what was happening, Raven cupped her face gently and leaned down until their lips were just a breath apart. He paused, seeming to savor the moment before crashing his mouth against hers in a hungry kiss that left her breathless. She gasped into his mouth, her eyes fluttering closed as he took control of the kiss, his tongue slipping past her lips to dance with hers. His taste was intoxicating, all bitter-sweet and warmth and strength, and she couldn't help but melt against him.

She whimpered softly, arching into the contact, her hands finding their way up his chest and around his neck. His skin was so warm beneath her fingers, the contrast between them so sharp it was almost painful. But she didn't want to pull away, not now when he was finally giving in to his hunger.

Raven pulled back slowly, a wicked smile curling his lips. "You taste amazing," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "So delicious."

Avery's cheeks flushed crimson and she couldn't help but laugh nervously, the sound catching in her throat. A smile tugged at her lips as she returned his gaze, feeling a twinge of something she hadn't felt in many years - desire. 

"Or maybe you're just happy to see me?" His scent was intoxicating—a mix of musk and soil that made her head spin. She shook her head, denying his claim even as she thought about how wonderful it would be to be with him.

"Of course not," she replied, laughing it off. 

"Curiosity is a powerful thing," he said softly, his voice threaded with a warmth that contrasted sharply with the chill in the air. "But sometimes, Avery, it's safer not to know."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." Avery attempted to retreat into the safety of her own defenses, but her words felt hollow, defeated by the truth of her curiosity. Her eyes betrayed her once more, searching Raven's face for answers she wasn't sure she wanted.

"Perhaps," Raven murmured, his voice a low thrum that seemed to vibrate through Avery's being. "Or perhaps you're closer to understanding than you think. But be careful, Avery. Some truths bite deeper than fangs."

With that cryptic warning, Raven straightened up and turned away, leaving Avery to grapple with the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions that threatened to consume her. 

As the bell rang, signaling the end of their clandestine meeting, Avery was left with more questions than answers. Raven had retreated into the throng of students, swallowed up by the sea of bodies moving toward their next class. But the imprint of his presence lingered, a phantom sensation that clung to her like a second skin.

'What are you, Raven?' she pondered, her mind awash with possibilities. With each step she took away from that dark corner, she realized the tenuous thread that had bound her to a normal life was fraying, and with it, her understanding of the world she thought she knew.