
Thirst For Blood.

Once upon a time, in a world where werewolves and vampires existed, there lived a young woman named Avery. She had always been drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural, but little did she know that her own destiny would soon be intertwined with theirs. Avery had always possessed an unexplainable connection with the supernatural realm. She had vivid dreams that foretold events and showed glimpses of the future. One fateful night, after waking up from a terrifying nightmare, Avery found herself haunted by the memory of golden yellow eyes. The werewolf with those enchanting eyes had appeared in her dream, pledging to protect her from a group of relentless vampires. Together, they unraveled the secrets of their intertwining destinies, discovering ancient prophecies that hinted at a greater purpose for their love. With the support of their loyal friends and allies from both the werewolf and vampire clans, they embarked on a quest to bring peace to their warring worlds. In the realm of werewolves and vampires, their love story became immortalized – forever bound by moonlight.

Blue_Heart_Novel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Hunt

Avery is baffled as to why she felt so strongly about Raven previously. She couldn't put her finger on why she had been so nervous earlier with Raven. It was as if something had occurred to her and she had no idea what it was. She's already perplexed by what's going on with her, especially when Raven is nearby.

She had been thinking a lot earlier because of their proximity. It was as if they shared some sort of connection that she couldn't put her finger on. No one will ever be able to break this bond. She has no idea what it is or why they have two, which she doesn't notice in others.

Raven's weird stare and the strange uneasiness she felt were palpable whenever they glanced at each other.

She knew it wasn't fear, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. It was even stranger when the man could see her and she smelt different, which surprised her even more.

What is going on with me? What am I thinking? Is there something wrong with me? Is it true that I am sleep-deprived? Why was I nervous when I was with him earlier? Why am I in such a terrible situation? Wait, why am I thinking about him in the first place? Am I losing my mind? Why do I get giddy whenever I recall something that happened earlier?

Those were Avery's thoughts at the time. She wasn't sure what she was thinking, and she could now compare it to a math issue. She couldn't solve a math problem since it was too difficult and she didn't grasp it.

Raven is just too enigmatic for her, especially when their gazes meet. With every hit of their eyes and every time they glanced at each other, there seemed to be something unusual going on. It was as if his eyes were trying to tell her something, but she didn't know what it was.

"Are you all well, sweety? You've been deafeningly quiet since I pick you. Do you want to share your thoughts with me?" When her father asks her, she awoke in deep meditation.

She immediately shifted her gaze to him and gave him a sparse grin. They were driving back home in their vehicle. She was completely unaware that she had been silent and deep in concentration for some time. Her father had been staring at her before she realized it.

Her father was aware that his daughter was deep in thought and wanted to know what she was thinking about. His daughter has only recently been like that, and that is what he is concerned about.

She always notifies him anytime she has a problem or requires assistance, but this time she seemed to be concealing something from him. He is concerned about his daughter as a father. He will not allow anything horrible to happen to her because she is their only kid.

They are unable to afford the loss of a child. The fact that they had a child was a miracle, and he thought she was a powerful woman. He couldn't help but be concerned, and there was talk of people being killed respectfully.

A vampire who murders people cruelly in their city. He must defend his family and ensure that what happened previously does not happen again. He didn't want to repeat their history of bloodshed. He wants them to be able to live in peace with his family. He was curious about his only child's development and what would happen to her in the future.

Seeing her father's disbelief, Avery couldn't help but speak up and add, "Don't worry about me, Dad. I'm fine. I'm old enough and capable of taking care of myself. Stop worrying about me and stop considering me as a baby instead."

Even though Avery maintained she was fine, it was impossible not to be concerned about her. He knew his daughter so well that he could tell she was experiencing anything and thinking hard about something.

Her father sighed and continued to look down the road. Avery was well aware that her father did not believe her. Because he had been with her while she was in her mother's womb till now, she knew her father knew her extremely well.

She was well aware that her father questioned her behavior and words. She didn't want to keep it a secret from her father, but who knows what he'd do if he heard every word she said. She doesn't want her father to know what's on her mind, and she has a peculiar feeling about the man she previously protected from her classmates.

She didn't want Raven to be involved in what her father would do if he discovered what she was thinking. If Avery says something, maybe something else will happen to Raven. Despite his bizarre fragrance and vibe, she didn't want to hurt Raven by her father.

He didn't want to trouble his daughter about it any longer, even though he was concerned, because Avery didn't seem comfortable with the topic, so he changed the subject to lighten their mood and asked, "How are things doing at school? Will you inform me of this? Is there something that's bothering you? Just let me know if there's a problem, and I'll contact the principal immediately." Avery frowned in response to her father's inquiries.

By the number of questions he asked, he may be a reporter. Her father irritates her, yet she understands him. Because she had only recently started that school, she knew her father was concerned. She is a student at a school where she does not belong.

She can't blame herself because she is her parents' only offspring. She didn't want her parents to be anxious, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm fine at the school I'm attending, so don't worry; I'm capable of handling and defending myself. If I have an issue at school, I'll let you know. We have a task to complete, but I am confident that I can accomplish it. Our teacher also cautioned us about the news that we had seen the day before. I witnessed my classmates' concerns and apprehensions as a result of the news. I could see their anxiety and worry in their eyes as well. There may be more atrocities in our city, I'm scared. Dad, I caught a whiff of a vampire in school, and he appeared to be studying there as well. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a nasty feeling about it." Avery expressed her concern for the vampire she had met.

He couldn't help but wonder and think about what his daughter had said. They are, to his knowledge, the only vampires in the city who sympathize only with the people. He couldn't help but be concerned about what he'd heard, especially since it appeared as if his daughter would run into the vampire she'd met regularly.

He needs to take action, especially given what else could happen to his family as a result of it. He needed to inform his father and apprehend the assailant who was terrorizing and killing people in their city.

Their city's residents, particularly their family, could not be harmed. He simply inhaled deeply and exclaimed, "Can you just stay away from the vampire if your paths cross again? I don't want you to be wrecked by that vampire; therefore staying away from him is a smart option. Call me straight away if something awful happens, and I'll come to you right quick. Be cautious and aware of your surroundings at all times. When horrible things happen to you, it's difficult."




Meanwhile, at the Dark Moon Pack, Alpha Rafael informed his officials about the widespread news and his plans to catch the vampire killer.

"This news can be devastating to all of us, especially if it involves the assassination of certain people by a vampire. If they discover that the killer is a vampire, we are alarmed, so we need to talk about it. 

The vampire may have a reason, but it shouldn't be the case. It is illegal to murder individuals and consumes their blood. Only animal blood can be drunk. Their bites on the necks can be seen, indicating that the victims were slaughtered by vampires. 

Although no other humans are aware of our true identity, it appears that they will soon learn of our best-kept secret, thus we must avoid being discovered due to the vampires roaming the city. When they find out about us, it's difficult since our lives could be jeopardized. We must be cautious since those vampires may attack us as well. 

We must make every effort to save ourselves. We need to hurry since we might be discovered if we aren't careful. Not only does our safety depend on it, but we're also talking about the safety of the general public, so we need to be ready for everything." Alpha Rafael said to his officials.

"Yes, we agreed with you Alpha, let us not guess on the various reasons why he did that because we have no idea where he comes from or what his objectives are. We must learn everything we can about that vampire." Delta Lupus said.

"We must increase our alertness in all areas of the city and be more aware of every move and movement of the creatures around us, since the vampire may be lurking nearby. We need to be prepared for what he might do since we don't know what he'll do now. As you glance about, quickly report what you discover." Alpha Rafael ordered them.

"Also, do not allow anyone to see you because you may be suspended and held liable for everything. You should be cautious about whatever you do since you could get hurt. I'll instantly summon our pack's greatest warriors to carry out our intentions. To decrease the quantity of news, we must act as quickly as feasible." Alpha Rafael went on to say that his officials agreed right away.

Alpha Rafael quickly summoned his skilled and capable warriors and explained his reason for summoning them, which was met with unanimous approval. Because they have been taught for such circumstances and times, you will not notice dread and uncertainty on their faces. Except for their loved ones, they have nothing to fear, including death. 

Their Alpha instructs them to keep an eye on and hunt down the vampire who kills them for a short period while on their excursions. They vowed to defend their pack to the best of their abilities. 

They got themselves into that scenario because they, too, desired to assist all of the creatures in their universe. Raven, Lupus, Rocky, and other pack warriors are stationed throughout the territory, guarding it.

They mocked Raven as they went by, saying, "What if we track down your vampire girlfriend? Well, what are your plans?"

"That won't happen because I know her," Raven countered.

"Let's go hunting! Get the vampires right away!" They exclaimed, laughing.

They instantly converted into werewolves as a result of today's full moon, and they frequently hunt during full moons. They will now go for the vampires who kill people. They began by hiding in huge trees where no one could see them. They sat there, waiting to see what would happen.

They observed a shadow after a few hours of waiting, and this was most likely what they were looking for.

Meanwhile, a car got stop on the road, and the driver went out to repair it. He was unaware of the approaching man in black behind him while fixing the tire, and he was shocked by him and shouted.


They went straight to the source of the scream they had heard. Raven and his friends knew that it was the moment they had been waiting for. 

As soon as they've arrived, Raven notices a terrified driver and a vampire grin. Raven hurried to the vampire as his two comrades guarded the probable breach through which the vampire may escape. 

Raven smacked the vampire in the face, prompting Rocky and Lupus to seize the vampire's arms and stop him from harming others. Raven threw several punches. His vampire opponent was so powerful that he couldn't even tell that he was hurt. Instead, the vampire smiled and swung his arms around with all of his strength. His vampire adversary moved as quickly as though it were a breeze. 

Rocky and Lupus sprung to their feet after sitting on the ground. They slammed punches and kicks at the vampire, but he was swift. They also sat on the ground several times as a result of the vampire's strikes, punches, and kicks. 

They were up against a formidable opponent tonight. Raven, fortunately, had devised a strategy, and when he informed his companions about it, they quickly understood. Lupus and Rocky used their speed to catch the vampire right away. 

Raven struck the vampire in the sciatic nerve and other pressure points with a hard punch and kicks, rendering him weak and helpless. Ravens received no wounds or scratches whereas their vampire opponent received numerous bruises and wounds. 

They acknowledge that their vampire foe is formidable. They ultimately defeat the vampire as they ramble.

But, he remarked, before he could die, "I am not alone, there will be more to come. Prepare for our return, for we are going to slaughter you all!" 

Rocky bit him and separated his head and body after he stated that. Then, over time, his body vanished and turned to ash.

The male driver of the car was almost frightened, and he rushed to finish changing the tire and start the car as quickly as possible. 

Raven and Lupus exchanged glances, as though the man was afraid of them as well. He expected the werewolves to attack him as well. They returned to the pack right away and told them what had happened.

Alpha Rafael was surprised that the vampire that they encountered had a plan intentionally to kill humans in the city. It was very disturbing to humans and for them, if the vampires attacked in the city.