
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Glen clutched the thin book in his hand in anger.

To tell the truth, he always had doubts about his tribe attack. How could humans overpower their whole tribe? However when he express his doubts to his father, he only receive a harsh reprimand.

It was only years later to this conversation that he found out that those like him who questioned their tribe disappearance would suffer some kind of misfortune. Since then, Glen knew someone in the Coven was involved in the massacre, but he never thought it was the Coven itself instead of one or two witches.

Yes, he believed what he read. He couldn't think of any motive for Lady Selene to lie to him. At first, he thought she was interest in the shapeshifter incantation, but her ancestor actually had access to it when he was in the tribe.

Lord Alekos, Lady Selene's Ancestor, made a deal with the tribe chief at the time. In exchange for the tribe incantation, Lord Alekos helped the tribe refine the shapeshifting with his knowledge of the races.

As a race with high affinity to magic and deception, coupled with their high IQ, Glen has no doubts that if one day Lady Selene seriously put the Clan magic researchers to study the incantation of his clan, in no time they would manage to adapt to their kind and maybe even improve it.

Glen sighed.

So to say, he really has little to no utility to Lady Selene.

He grabbed his hair.

Maybe she wanted information on the Coven or someone to act undercover there?

But as far as he knows this method was considered inferior among the nosferatus and would be rarely used.

Just as he was going to rack his brain, someone knocked in his door.

"How can I help you?"

Glen opened the door and asked the blonde man outside his door. He knew this guy. According to the information he collected, he was the vice-captain of the dark patrol, but they never crossed paths in his time in the clan.

"Are you the Akhtar guy? Milady asked me to escort you to your destination"

The blonde guy said extending his hand to Glen.

"Yes. I'm Glen Akhtar"

Glen answered a bit flattered.

Maybe he is more important than he thinks?

The vice-captain grabbed the back of his neck and quickly made way to main house.

Jumping up and down in a high speed, Glen thought that if not for his shapeshifting in one of the kin, maybe he would threw up all his guts by now.

But even with his molecular transformation, he was still dizzy when he was finally let down.

"Milady, Glen Akhtar is here" the dark guard reported behind closed doors.

"You may enter" the soft but resolute voice sounded from other side.

The vice-captain opened the door and led Glen inside before bowing and exiting the room.

"Milady" Glen bowed respectfully at the woman behind the table. Different from the first time, not only was his respect genuine but he was also a bit grateful for the woman before him.

"Your answer?" Selene asked without lifting her eyes from the document in her hands.

Glen immediately kneeled with three fingers at his heart and looked fixedly at his future liege.

"My name is Glen Anima Akhtar, the 8th generation of the Nagual clan. I hereby swear that I forever follow by my liege, Selene Vin Tremere, side until death takes me away"


After finish arranging Akhtar's affairs, Selene once again focused in the list on her hand.

Twenty names.

Organized from higher to lower ranks. The list had was more detailed and organized than the one her shades gave her.

Selene passed her finger above the first name.

'Oh Uncle Darius, you can't stay still, can you?'

The man thirst for power always managed to stir up some kind of trouble in the clan no matter what timeline she lived.

And this time was no different.

If the man was a qualified leader, neither Selene nor her Father would have qualms about giving him power, but the issue is that he was not. Tyrannical, corrupt and a extreme thirst for blood and power, the with man couldn't be the worst choice for a leader.

Unfortunately, he had strength and status and couldn't be easily moved.

'But this is only if he has both'

Selene thought with a devious smile.

She usually wouldn't be so ruthless with someone of her own clan, much less to one of her relatives, but this man completely overstepped her bottom line.

For his selfish motives he didn't have any qualms about sacrificing his own people nor did he care who he had to ally himself to in order to get what he wanted.

It was because of him that in her last timeline she ended up in that hell and the kin...

A guttural sound came from her throat as the people in the mansion suddenly felt a huge oppression on them, making them immediately kneel.

But just when the servants were wondering who enraged their mistress the oppression disappeared.

Selene closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself.

To think she could still loose her cool to the point of releasing the rank pressure unknowingly even after all these years. To say the truth, Selene was a bit embarrassed.

'What am I, a hundred thousand year baby?'

She chuckled at her thought completely relaxing herself in the chair.

Dealing with her uncle now is unrealistic. So she will first target his subordinates and supporters and once he is vulnerable enough she will strike him down.

But first she needs to deal with the gang of idiots who are being used as a knife.

"Noelle, Nyx"

At her calling the two man appeared in front of her. While Noelle had an elegance carved in his bones, Nyx, the leader of her shades, has a very cold and sharp demeanor just like a sword.

His blue navy hair made a sharp contrast with Noelle's platinum blonde hair. Such contrast always made Selene feel they were perfect for her right and left arms.

"I need all these people in the mansion dungeon by the end of the day"

Selene said passing to them another name list that her father shades gave her. This were all the second generation who were trying to oppose the new measures.

"Don't cause much trouble"

"Yes Mistress"

Noelle said bowing. He took the list and retreaded.

"As you command"

Nyx said with a nod and disappeared once again at Selene's shadow.

Now she just has to wait.