
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Trash is trash

"You can't do this to us!"

"Do you know who I am?!!"

"My father will soon get me out of here. Just wait until he comes and I will make you look good?"

"What father? Ptui! Just wait until Bryn comes! He will get us out of here and punish all you bastards"

This was what Selene heard once she opened the door of the dungeon.

Because their race have high sensitive hearing, almost all the doors in this mansion are enchanted with a silent spell. It not only serves to keep secret but also doesn't let them be overwhelm with all the sounds.

In a blink, Selene arrived in the cell with the guy who said Bryn was going to save them.

"Oh? It seems you are my brother's loyal follower"

She said in a calm and quiet voice but it overwhelm each and everyone inside the cells.


The young man answered with pride. He remembered how much the Matriarch favored her brother and wasn't afraid to admit who his Lord was.

Selene nodded in satisfaction making the man stuff his chest in pride thinking he would finally be released from this boring place.

But unfortunately for him his delusion was not long lived.

"Your name is Anton right? Anton I'm sorry to tell that my dear brother is detained now and even if he comes he doesn't have the power to free you"

"B-but he is your-"

"Brother? Although we both are Vin Tremere the difference between us is too big. Wouldn't you agree?"

Selene said looking directly to Anton's eyes, making him feel like he was a feeble prey waiting to be eaten.

She didn't stare at him for too long and walked passed every cell.

The noise of the contact of her nail to the metal bars echoed in the silent space.

She stopped in front of the cell of a voluptuous woman.

"Kate, do you know what is the most striking difference between me and my brother?"

Kate, who was before screaming about her father, of course knew the answer.

Not only her, but everyone one else also did.

The most striking difference between the Matriarch and her brother is obviously the strength. While Bryn did have a high rank, he could barely kill a human by his own. The Matriarch is completely different. Although she is not the highest rank -they still didn't know she advanced- she was unbeatable in her rank and could even contend with the higher ranks. That's why even though they disliked her and opposed, they still respected and feared her.

But Kate didn't answer. She couldn't afford to offend neither parties. Fortunately for her, Selene didn't need her answer.

"It's strength my dear Kate. My brother is so weak that he could be suppressed by people two ranks lower than him"

She answered her own question and walked to another cell.

"Nils, do you know all of you here are like him? A soft and weak trash"

Nils, who was flaunting his identity earlier, had a very high self esteem and prideful. So even if he knew she was right or that he shouldn't oppose her, his pride didn't let him agree.

"I'm not weak!"

He hissed.

"Oh? Should we try?"

Selene asked, and as soon as her voice fell, every person locked up felt breathless. They instinctively grew their fangs and nails as their turned red like rubies. They tried to release themselves from this feeling activating their rank pressure, but it was to no avail.

Some of them started to wail while others madly fought with shadows. The dungeon was in a frenzy, but Selene who caused it, coldly watched their desperate attempts.

Just when they thought they were about to die, Selene released them from what was the worst minutes of their lives.

Selene walked to another cell.

"So do tell me Yuri, do you think I'm right or is Nils right?"

"You're right! You are absolutely right!"

Yuri yelled fearing if he was quieter or slower to answer she would once again put them through hell.

Selene nodded.

"So you are a weak trash, so I will call you from now on you like this. Weak trash 12 do you know what I released on you now?"

Yuri shook his head and a flash of disappointment passed in Selene's eyes. But soon disappointment turned into annoyance.

"No? What about the rest of you? If you answer correctly I will release you"

But even with her offer no one talked. If it was before she released the bloodlust, they would simply guess whatever come to their heads but now they were too afraid to try.

The longer the silence went the more Selene got annoyed.

"No one?"

She asked again. But no one uttered a sound.


She spilled a word.

"Anyone or anything that kills a lot can emit bloodlust. Nosferatus, lycans, humans, animals and even objects. Nosferatus were known for their bloodlust... "

Selene gave an ironic chuckle. How far have they regressed from the nosferatus original form? Is it because they've been living in peace for too long?

"What will you do when someone has enough bloodlust to impair you? Hide in the clan? Although I as the clan chief want you assure you that we will keep you safe, I can only do so if you stop your nonsense. The clan needs a new strong batch of individuals and I can only do so with your help"

"We won't fight"

Kate weakly said.

"I don't need you to"

Selene said shaking her head. Of course she would love nothing more then transform this bunch in respectable individuals, but she knew it was a waste of her time.

When the war was unavoidable in the last lifetime, she forced all the clan to covert in a kind of combat unity. But how could those masters and madams who passed centuries not knowing what a fight was contend to those savages who knew nothing more than fight?

Her clan only had numbers and not quality of warriors, which result many losses on their side. So this time Selene decided to spend the clan's resources in those worthy and willing.

"Unless you cause trouble, I'm too busy and too lazy to care about you. But I don't see why you would do such a thing right?"

This was good news for the group. They thought their Matriarch was trying to mind their business, restrict their freedom and transform them in those military guys.

Small sound of agreement could be heard echoing in the dungeon. They really had no reason to oppose her. Although their rightful amount of blood was going to be diminish, they still could buy more. They are rich anyway.

"Good. You shouldn't be a knife in others hands from now on then. You and me are no enemies. Everything I do has a reason and is fundamentally good for the clan. If you have doubts and complaints, you can come to me at any time. I promise to hear you out"

Selene said making her way out of the dungeon. But as if she remembered something, she paused and said without turning to them once again.

"You will be released a year from now. Consider it your punishment for your little rebellion"