
Third Rebirth

#WPC303 Selene as the Matriarch of one of the biggest Nosferatus clan in the world had it all, but due to a ill-fated love, she lost everything, including her life. But to her surprise, when she thought she was going to dissipate, she opened her eyes and saw herself in the past. Unfortunately, although she changed herself, her ending was still tragic. Opening her eyes once again in the past, Selene discarded her love and her heart was filled with hate. She desperately wanted to destroy everything that threatened her, but she still ended up in a miserable state. This is the third time she went back to the past. This time was much earlier than the previous times and no scum or major event has happened yet. Is this enough for Selene change her fate? And why is she coming back to the past? Selene doesn’t know, but regardless of everything, this time around she will protect everything and everyone she holds dear. Even if she has to burn the whole world

TravelGod · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Glen Akhtar

Selene looked at the list that her father's shade just gave to her with a complicated expression.

For most of them, She not only expected but she already several countermeasure plans to each and everyone of them. But there was just one name who was excluded of this list.

'It seems we have a rather troublesome fellow in our clan this time'

Selene thought passing her finger above the name.

Glen Akhtar.

In her original timeline Selene only knew him as a lycan who managed to blend in many of the nosferatus clans with many aliases.

In her following re-try in life, he became a double-spy, then a triple agent and then he was working for so many people that the rumors of he offering the information for who payed the highest started to circulate.

It was only in her last time that she finally found his true identity. When the major powers of the world started a war, Akhtar finally had to go back to his master: the witches.

It turns out that he was just a wizard whose proficient spell was shapeshifting. By changing his constitution in a molecular level, if one didn't know his taste it posed a rather hard task to find him out once he blended in with his target.

Seeing that he was using his original name, Selene attributed to his inexperience since he should probably be starting in the field now.

'Guess lucky me'

Selene thought calling Noelle.

"I want you to summon this Akhtar guy"

"Yes Mistress"

Not long after a platinum blonde, light-blue eyed man entered Selene's office. The man looked he just became an adult, with medium height, a few muscles and a fairly handsome face. If one had to pick a word to describe his appearance would be pleasant.


Glen said politely with a bow. His attitude was neither over pleasing or disrespectful.

"You're here, please sit"

Selene said taking her eyes out of the document in her hand.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

Selene asked.

"How could I dare to phantom Milady's thoughts"

Glen answered her unhurried.

'I can see why this guy made severe damage to where he infiltrated'

Selene thought deeply scrutinizing the man in front of her. Such an attitude, makes people comfortable with him and tends to attract the superior's eyes.

"Glen, what do you know about the other species?"

"Not much, just the basics, I guess. The lycans are a feral bunch. Insane animal instincts, huge strength and regeneration. They can use few specific magics. Humans are weak but fairly smart. They will come up with things to deter the other races here and then. They are also easily corrupted and can breed successful halflings. Witches are humans born with magic. They have all the humans cons but they manage to overcome the physical differences disparity between them and the other races with magic"

Selene smiled.

"Yes, you're mostly right. Did you know that female humans with magic are more powerful than male humans with the same gift?"

"Is that so? I was unaware. It's still the Clan Leader who is more knowledgeable"

Glen answered with an embarrassed smile, as if ashamed by his ignorance.

'Heartbeat is normal, no sweat, no pupil constriction, no sweat, no breathing distortion'

Selene quickly checked his response but she must admit she was still fairly impress with the young man. He is indeed a good seedling.

"Is normal for you not to know since there is barely any Wizards out there. I will teach you something else today"

Selene said knocking her finger on the table. Glen felt that the beat in the table was his heartbeat. A steady sound.

The woman in front of him was friendly and not once showed her coercive smile, but this calmness made Glen wary. Was like his primal instincts were telling him the huge danger in front of him.

Honestly, he wished nothing more than to get out of this office, but unfortunately his identity and purpose didn't let him do so.

"I love ancient history you know? I think is very important that we learn from our ancestors mistakes and achievements. I once read in one of the records that there was this tribe called Nagual. A human tribe doted with magic. They didn't have a disproportionate ratio between genders, so they called their doted individuals shamans"


The sound in the table coincided with Glen heartbeat. He had the illusion they both were fusing making it a louder noise.

"Their peculiarity doesn't end there. They had this unique magic called shapeshifting. I read that the most talented individuals could even turn to a whole different race"


"Don't you think is fascinating Glen?"


Selene looked right into his eyes.

"But you know Glen, unfortunately humans are very cowardly beings. In the record says that the whole tribe was devastated because they were to similar to the humanity enemies. I guess it was other times, given that humans were afraid of being slaves even by their own race. The fact is that they poisoned the whole tribe. Adults, elderly, kids. None survived... or so it is said in the record"


Glen felt a little transpiration in his hand.

"However, there is a twist. This was only the official record, in the Ancestor's diary, there was a different story. The reason why the tribe was destroyed wasn't fear of them being different, but because other doted humans wanted to learn their magic. Unfortunately, it was a secret passed by the Ancestors and the tribe never gave them what they wanted"


"So the now so called Coven, killed all the tribe members with poisoning and let normal humans burn the whole tribe making it look like it wasn't done by them. Then they saved a few children and earned their trusted by offering the survivors a 'safe heaven'"


"The children in order to repay their saviors and express their gratitude offered the Coven their Ancestors' secret, the shapeshifting incantation. Unfortunately, the Coven never managed to replicate the exact power that the Naguals showed in shapeshifting. So in frustration, they made the Naguals survivors pledge alliance to the Coven. Don't you think is ironic? The Naguals have being serving the Coven as its dog for generations due to a fake gratitude"


Selene got up suddenly and there was no more thuds. Glen felt that his heart stopped just like the sound of her finger as she came near him.

"Say Glen, as a descendant of the amazing Naguals, how is the feeling of being the dog of your enemy?"

Selene whispered in his ears making him feel cold.

"How do you know?"

Glen said calmly, but he was sure she could feel his small shivering in her fingertips.

"After I learned that the treacherous Coven had this trump under its sleeve, I devoted myself to find a way to break it. Unfortunately until now, other than rank suppression I have not found a way to identify the individual or to break the incantation. But I did manage to find a way to identify my kind"

Selene said tracing her finger in his face.

Everything she told his is true, it only never happened in this life. She actually could stimulate the blood of her kin to some extent, making them fast and stronger. But this was only limited to the kin and any other species was excluded from her elegant clutches.

"I find hard to believe this was how the Clan Leader found me"

Glen said more calm than before. He is a smart individual. If she just wanted his death she wouldn't even mind to appear in front of him. But all this talk could only mean she wanted something from him and wouldn't kill him for now.

"You are a clever kid"

Selene said patting his head like an elderly, making Glen a bit dumbfounded about her change of pace.

"Thank you"

Glen answered a bit unsure.

"I know you must have your doubts about the story that I just told you, so I will provide my ancestor's recordings of the time he spent your tribe. You can investigate as much as you want without caring for the Coven. You have a month. After this month I hope you can come to my side sincerely"

Selene said going back to her seat.

"I must thank the Clan Leader for the opportunity. I will be taking my leave then"