
Think Before You Wish.

[Gender-Bender and Yuri Warning - If you don't like gender bender stuff, please do not read this.] [Author Notice - This is just for fun I started this writing in the long boring quarantine we're in, please don't be offended by anything like (not limited to) Grammar or Slurs.] Two Lolis rule supreme. They might grant some random otakus wishes, its suggested to not offend the two Lolis to live a good life. They might f*ck up some people's life. They might even fix some people's life. It all depends on their mood. (Anime, Movies, Cartoon, Novel and etc. stuff from them or them themselves don't belong to me beside the two original character or the original world I may have written.] [The Main Characters are the two Lolis.]

BalloonPops · Others
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30 Chs

9. (18+)

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

<Boom> - Sound - (<TSSSK>, <BOOOM>)

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communcation.

<Character: Message> - Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - In some expensive hotel in Tokyo]

(Pov Origin Reality)

I woke up to see my beloved hugging me tightly and sleeping. She was super cute in the panda pajamas. After all, I did suggest her wear it. I will just stay laid down until she wakes up, I didn't want her to wake up. She looked too cute sleeping like no one was here.

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

(Pov End Reality)

I wake up to see Origin and I were still hugging each other even though she was awake. She must have not wanted to wake me up, that's probably why she didn't move when she woke up. I see she is still in her racoon pajamas, it looks really cute on her.

"Hey, honey~" I say to her.

She looks at me then smiles and says, "Hello to you too, honey~"

We then put on the stuff we wore yesterday then leave the hotel.

"We can come here later..." I say as I grab Origin then teleport to our bedroom in [Original Void].

[Place - Original Void, Origin's Big Bedroom]

"Sorry, I really wanted to do this with you." I say with a little flush. Origin also realized what I mean, she smiled a little devilishly.

"Oh, don't worry honey~ we can do this for years if you'd like~" Origin says.

(Pov Origin Reality)

I can't believe my beloved actually asked me to do *that*. She looked so cute when she was embarrassed. I'm super excited to this with her again. I hope she likes it. I'll try to do it better and longer this time!

(Pov End Reality)

"Fufufu~ don't worry honey, I'll do it better than last time on this one~" Origin says with a smug.

Origin suddenly snaps, mine and her clothing we were wearing change into a really sexy nightgown. Mine was black while hers was white. Under the nightgown was just an underwear, there was no bra. You could see through the nightgown. (A/N I read too many hentai)

She goes in the bed and pulls me in the bed and lays me down.

"Your hair is really beautiful, honey~" Says Origin as she caresses my hair softly and slowly.

I nod shyly. She starts off by removing her hands from my hair and starting to caress my hips, her hands were moving smoothly going around and around my hips, it made me moan softly, "ah~♡"

(Pov Origin Reality)

I get on top of her and sit on her smooth legs. I slowly caress her soft white hips. She moans softly. I love that cute moan. I hope I do better than last time~

I slowly proceed my hands upward from her navel area. I stop at her left nipple, they were hard, asking to be sucked.

I started to suck on the left nipple and while starting to pinch on the right nipple with my right hand to not keep it lonely. Her small breasts were really soft, her skin were really smooth I could lay on it forever and never wake up.

"Ahhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhhhhHHHhhh~♡" "AHhhhhh~♡"

Her sweet soft moans spread across the big bedroom. I then stop to see the underwear she's wearing is completely soaked with her love juice, my right hand slowly and gently goes down from her breasts to navel to her underwear. My hand goes under her underwear, I gently start to rub the lips of her p*ssy, and her moans become a little louder than before.

"AhHHHHhHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHhhhhHhHHh~♡" "AhhHHHHhhhHHHhhh~♡" "AHhhhHHHHHHHhh~♡"

I then start rubbing the lips of her p*ssy even harder to make her p*ssy even wetter. With my other hand I then take off the underwear, her p*ssy was so cute and wet. I take two of my fingers gently slide them into her p*ssy and start to finger them.

"Ahhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhhhhHHHhhh~♡" "AHhhhhh~♡"

Her moans even louder than the last. Her legs starts hugging my hips, fully showing her cute p*ssy.

"fa-a-s-ter" She moaned. I just smile and comply to her orders, now my fingers are fingering her p*ssy even faster and deeper. She moaned even louder than before, fully embracing herself in the pleasure. Her body was heating up, he p*ssy was throbbing, her head was tilted back, and her face was fully red of pleasure.

"AhHHHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhhhh~♡"

"i-i lov-e y-ou~" She moaned, I was really happy she said that. I love her too.

"I love you too, honey~" I say with a happy smile.

I saw that her p*ssy was was wet enough so I stopped fingering her and put my face in front of her cute p*ssy, and started to put my tongue in it. She jerked up as I moved my tongue inside her p*ssy up, down, left, and right.

I found her cute little clit with my tongue, I pulled it gently with my tongue and it was in mouth, I sucked it and she jerked up and down as she moaned in pleasure.

"AhHHHhhhhhhhahHHhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhHHhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhHHHhhh~♡" "AhHHHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhhhh~♡"

She climaxed.

I feel her right hands move under my underwear to my p*ssy's lips and she starts to rub on it gently. I stopped and started to moan as she rubbed, I was already wet. She got up and started to suck on my right nipple while pinching on my left nipple, I moaned louder and louder. (A/N I mean they are like really strong they can get up from anything I guess *shrug*)

"AhHHHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhhhh~♡"

Now my moan started to echo the room. I felt a lot of pleasure from her sucking my nipple and rubbing the lips of my p*ssy. She looked at my p*ssy as she laid me down on the bed where she was. She spreads my legs gently, still rubbing my p*ssy lips and pinching my nipple. She puts two fingers in my p*ssy and starts fingering my p*ssy, I jerk up and down from pleasure, my head tilts back. I was really feeling the pleasure from her.

"AhHHHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhhhh~♡" "AhHHHhhhhhhhahhh~♡" "AhhHHHHHhhhhHHHh~♡" "AhhHhHHhhHHHHHHhhh~♡" "AHHHhhhhh~♡" I moaned.

My legs hug her hips as she plays with my p*ssy. She then removes her hand and finds my clit and starts to rub it, I moaned even louder as she rubbed it. She put her head in-front of my p*ssy as she started to put her tongue in and move it around and suck my p*ssy.


[Time-Skip - 1 year and 3 months]

We finally stopped, that was a lot to handle... so much pleasure. I learned a lot of styles to pleasure my beloved, I'll do it in bed every time for her~ fufufufu~ You're only mine, my beloved~

(Pov End Reality)

I really learned a lot from H*ntai. Thankfully from what I saw, I pleasured my wife, Origin, very well.


We both fall asleep cuddling each other.

(A/N I hope the Lemon got better~ I mean I have been practicing.)

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~ Please point out my mistakes ~

~ Next chapter later today, at most tmrw ~

BalloonPopscreators' thoughts