
Think Before You Wish.

[Gender-Bender and Yuri Warning - If you don't like gender bender stuff, please do not read this.] [Author Notice - This is just for fun I started this writing in the long boring quarantine we're in, please don't be offended by anything like (not limited to) Grammar or Slurs.] Two Lolis rule supreme. They might grant some random otakus wishes, its suggested to not offend the two Lolis to live a good life. They might f*ck up some people's life. They might even fix some people's life. It all depends on their mood. (Anime, Movies, Cartoon, Novel and etc. stuff from them or them themselves don't belong to me beside the two original character or the original world I may have written.] [The Main Characters are the two Lolis.]

BalloonPops · Others
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30 Chs

10. Victim #2.

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

<Boom> - Sound - (<TSSSK>, <BOOOM>)

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

<Character: Message> - Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Original Void, Origin's Big Bedroom]

(Pov End Reality)

I wake up to see Origin hugging me tightly, we both were naked, I could feel her body's heat. Her skin touches mine, it was really smooth and soft.

I can't believe we had s*x for over a year! Over a fricking year! Man if I didn't stop we could have done that for like forever.

Origin seems to be waking up, she seems as cute as usual. I just clean up everything with a snap, thanks to my *Beyond Omnipotent* powers. Yeah, there was a lot of mess, the soft sheets were soaked, soaked, thankfully my powers cleaned everything beside us. (A/N no need to rub it off *-_-*)

"Hey there, honey~" I say a little embarrassed as I think about what we did for over a year.

"fufufu~ did you enjoy the year, honey~ I did my best to pleasure you~" She said.

I flush a little as I remember what happened. The pleasure I felt for the whole year, I almost lost myself in pleasure and kept going thankfully Origin stopped. (A/N Only Origin can do this stuff to End, ~Soul bond~, vice versa, only End can do this kind of stuff to Origin. ~Soul Bond~)

"Y-yeah" I say a little shy.

"Let's do more of those Otaku wishes thing and mess with them and watch their life like a movie, those are always fun!" Origin says excited.

"Okay~" I say to Origin with a smile remembering what happened last time we did that kind of thing~

"Let's take a bath first~" She says with a smile.

"Yeah~ I mean we could just clean ourselves with our powers but bathing is more fun~" I say agreeing to Origin.

Origin licks her lips then snaps. We appear in a bathtub, both naked. I don't remember a bathtub last time I came here. She probably created one just now. The bathtub was relatively small for two people. I was on top of her facing up the ceiling she then summoned water, soap and all the stuff. She started to scrub me and her since she did it last time too, she played around a bit with the sensitive spots of mine that she found in the last session of ours.

After we were done she dried me and herself with a towel. We teleport-ed to the bedroom. Then started to think with her hand on her chin. I just waited there for her.

"Hey, honey~ Remember on our date you should I could choose what you would wear~" She said with smug.

I remember, I regret it. She is probably going to dress me in a weird dress or something.

"Y-yes" I say, a little of scared what was going inside of her head.

(Pov Origin Reality)

I was thinking what my beloved should wear. I don't want too much skin of hers or mine to be seen by others, after all she is mine, and I'm hers.

Hmm, maybe a princess dress? She would look cute in it. Or maybe a simple dress? She likes wearing simple stuff. I guess I could wear a simple long white dress and she would wear a simple long black dress. We would match!

(Pov End Reality)

It seems she has come to her conclusion. She removed the hand from her chin as she smiled at me.

She smiled and with a snap of her fingers. I was put on a simple black long dress under the dress were a cute ribbon underwear and a small cup A sized bra. Origin was wearing the same thing except her dress was white instead of black. Black really goes well with my ruby red eye and white really goes well with Origin's sky blue eyes.

Wearing the long dress felt a little harder to move in than the sundress. There is a problem of the underwear being seen while running thanks to the air. I'll probably kill the person whoever sees my underwear or Origin's. (A/N wait MC turning into yandere like Origin?)

I move around for a bit to get used to the dress. Thankfully Origin didn't make me wear a dress that shows too much skin, I don't wanna show too much of my body to anyone else but Origin.

"Ok~ I think I'm ready honey" I say to Origin with a little smile.

"Okay then! *<snap>*" Origin says with excitement, then snaps her fingers.

[Place - Sorry excuse of a void]

We appear in the same place we summoned that one Otaku who wanted a harem but instead of making a harem the otaku joined one. Hehe~ that was so funny though.

"Hey~ Origin let's make a cooler entrance this time." I say to Origin, she nods with a wink, as both and her are invisible to the mortal eye now.

I then remove the two thrones, and the movie theater set up as they might get in the way. I can put them back anytime I want anyway.

I click the button that summons Otakus.

(Alex Pov)

I seemed to have arrive in a dark place, just endless dark room, with endless space. I seemed to have died and arrived here, somehow.

Let me review through my memories.

My name is Alex, I'm an Otaku. I have seen many Animes including (But not Limited to) Naruto, DxD, Dragon Ball and many more. I have read many fanfictions and novels. I died by truck-kun running me over, I didn't try or did save anyone like in those fanfictions.

Maybe this is purgatory? Or a waiting room for a god to judge me? Or...

'Is this the cliche die and god grants you wishes thing? Maybe it will a hot milf goddess? I'll just wait...' I say to myself in my head.

[Time-Skip - 3 minutes]

(Pov End Reality)

[End -> Origin: I just did a random number from 1 to 5. He got 4. He gets four wishes then.]

[Origin -> End: Isn't that too many?]

[End -> Origin: It's not like he will wish for anything productive anyway, and there is no way they can get strong as us.]

[Origin -> End: Them getting strong as us is impossible, we'r the beginning and the end, honey~"

[End -> Origin: Haha~ honey~ Let's appear now, make it cool as much you like!]

[Origin -> End: Sure, honey~]

(Pov Alex)

Two small figures appear in a blinding light, 9 meters in-front from me. They were two cute lolis, they both looked the same except for their hair and eyes. One had black hair and ruby red eyes, while the other had white hair and sky blue eyes.

'I thought it would be a hot milf goddess not two lolis.' I think. They frown their face, probably from seeing me (A/N Mind reading.)

"You have 4 wishes, wish fast, and there are limits." The black haired loli says, monotonously.

'Oh my god! It's exactly like the fanfictions said! I need to make sure first...' I think

"Is this a prank, who are you?" I say as I narrow my eyes.

"No, this is not a prank if you don't want wishes then you can just disappear" Says the white haired loli with no emotions in her face or voice. I shudder.

"Nono, I'm sorry my goddesses, please could you tell me why me? and why?" I say, I didn't want to disappear and I could tell they could make me disappear if they wanted to.

"It was random. We did this because we felt like it." said the black haired girl, again monotonously.

"Did you kill me?" I ask a little scared if that would offend them.

"No, it was a random soul from infinite souls that had died. You had 1 in infinite chance. Good job you're lucky." said the white haired loli with no emotions again.

"wh.." I was about to say something but I was interrupted.

"Enough. No more questions, just say your 4 wishes and be done with it. Remember the wishes have limits, if I don't feel like it, I'll not grant it." Says the black haired girl, again monotonously.

"Could you give me some time to think?" I ask.

"You have 5 minutes." Said the white haired loli.

"One last question, do anime worlds exist, if yes then do I need to use a wish to reincarnated into an anime world?" In fanfictions people mostly go to anime worlds.

"Yes, no." Answered the black haired loli.

"Thanks" I was excited I could go to those anime worlds with one of those wishes!

Hmm, the protagonists of the fanfic in this kind of situation always get a harem and be OP as heck. There are a lot of beautiful women in many animes and mostly in cultivation animes. I always wanted to cultivate and be OP, and there are many cultivation worlds I could choose from. And cultivation worlds allow you to have a harem. It's a win, win.

(Pov End Reality)

[End -> Origin: He is thinking about harem like the last guy. I don't like him.]

[Origin -> End: True, let's just wait till he wishes. Let's not read this guy's mind. I want to see what he wishes.]

[End -> Origin: Sure.]

(Pov Alex)

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

"Time's up. Now wish." The black haired loli said.

"Alright, my first wish is that everyone I have s*x with me is 100% loyal to me. Meaning anyone I stick my pp in their p*ssy is 100% loyal." I say and explain as these two lolis might not understand what s*x is. ~(A/N he shouldn't have explained that, now what if he isn't a guy in his next life?)~

"Sure." Says the black haired loli, face showing no emotion.

"My second wish is the ability to manipulate time"

"Sure, your domain range is only 5 light minutes." Says the black haired loli.

I didn't think that would actually work. I was a happy, having ability to manipulate time is going to be OP.

"My third wish is to have a simple system that let's me buy stuff from store, do quests, and see my status."

"Okay, your store will only have stuff related to cultivation."

"My last wish is... for you two to join my harem." I say proudly, hoping for them to join my harem, they were too cute!

"Denied, we're already married, just for asking that you lose that wish." The black haired lol said as she frowned.

Sh*t, I shouldn't have done that. I lost a wish. Well I guess I already have stuff I need anyway.

"Where and when do you want to reincarnate to?" the white haired loli asked a little angry.

"I'm sorry for that please forgive me, but I'd like to reincarnate into Against The Gods, I'd like to be born a similar time as Yun Che and close to him as possible."

"Okay, are you ready?" the black haired loli asks.

"Yes, could you please make it so I remember my memories when I'm 4?"

"Sure~ Now off you go."

I lose consciousness.

(A/N what will happen to this guy? Do you guys know?)

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Puuh~ long chapter bruh.

~ Next chapter tmrw ~

~Please point out my mistakes~

BalloonPopscreators' thoughts