
Think Before You Wish.

[Gender-Bender and Yuri Warning - If you don't like gender bender stuff, please do not read this.] [Author Notice - This is just for fun I started this writing in the long boring quarantine we're in, please don't be offended by anything like (not limited to) Grammar or Slurs.] Two Lolis rule supreme. They might grant some random otakus wishes, its suggested to not offend the two Lolis to live a good life. They might f*ck up some people's life. They might even fix some people's life. It all depends on their mood. (Anime, Movies, Cartoon, Novel and etc. stuff from them or them themselves don't belong to me beside the two original character or the original world I may have written.] [The Main Characters are the two Lolis.]

BalloonPops · Others
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30 Chs

11. Victim Number 2's Life

'Hello!' - Thoughts, (Thinking, Inside a Character's Head.)

"Hello~" - Spoken, (Speech, What a character is saying.)

{(Character - Name) Pov} - Point of View, (How the character is viewing the world)

[Time-Skip, - (N) - (Y - Year, M - Month, D - Days, H - Hours.)

<Boom> - Sound - (<TSSSK>, <BOOOM>)

[Sender -> Receiver: Hello] - Telepathic Communication.

<Character: Message> - Mind reading.

*Sigh* -> Doing something.

[Place - Sorry excuse of a void]

(Pov End Reality)

"He dare he ask us to join his harem. What do you think we should do to him Origin?" I say and ask Origin being very angry.

"I think we should Gend-bend him invalidating his first wish, make him so beautiful that he will be r*ped, and make the system give him slutty quests if he doesn't finish those quests his soul will be tortured until forever." She says, furious.

"Hehe~ Sure sounds fun." I say to Origin with an evil chuckle.

I go over and make his body, he will be Xia Qingyue's twin SISTER, he will look like Qingyue but more alluring, a lot less talented, a curse that will attract any men and because of his time manipulation he will stay 18 forever after he becomes 18.

"Hehe~, what do this, this will work?" I show Origin the body.

"Fufufu~ I also created the system~ It will only give him slutty missions if he doesn't do them he will be tortured until forever." Origin says. (A/N imagine a loli saying 'fufufu~')

"heh, I'll get all the stuff ready for us to watch. You can give him the stuff and reincarnate him." I say to her with an evil smile.

"Sure, honey~" Origin says as she snaps her hand both the body and the unconscious soul of the guy disappearances.

I also snap my fingers as a whole movie theater with only two seats appear, starting to play.

This theater is able to block anything r-18, I don't want me or my wife to see that kind of stuff of others!

[Place - Xia Manor]

(Pov Alex)

My head hurts. I fell unconscious. I remember now, I was Alex, now I'm Xiao Qingwa.

I reincarnated as a female, I thought I would be male. It most likely has to do something with the two lolis I saw in the dark place. '

They must have done this because I asked them to join my harem. I regret it even more. I don't have a d*ck, meaning my first wish is probably gone.

I just stare at the empty space as my twin sister, Xia Qingyue comes in. She is still happy go lucky type, mother has left yet. She came in the door and looked at me with a smile.

"Are you okay, sister?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine, sister." I say with a fake smile.

Xia Qingyue could see through that fake smile as she had Heart of Snow Glazed Glass. She frowned as she said, "It's fine you don't have to tell me."

She left me alone, probably she was unhappy for me not telling her the truth.

[*Beep*] when I the beep sound I was happy maybe I could change back with the system's help?

[Hello host, you have been granted a system by the End, and the Origin.] He says in a mechanical voice.

'Hey, system, why am I female?' I ask the system.

[Its because host offended Origin and End, it was your rash behavior, and they HATE, HATE harems.] System answers.

I regret even more.

'What about my first wish?' I ask.

[You don't have a d*ck. Your wish is still there but you need a d*ck.] it says.

'Is there a way I could get one?' I ask a little bit of hope left.

[Yes.] It answers.

'How?' I ask.

[By buying [Gender Bender Pill] for 100 million System points or [Futa Pill] for 100 million System Points] It answers. (A/N false hope.)

'How many system points do I have?' I ask.

[0] System answers.

'Is there a starter pack?' I ask, in fanfictions most MC's get starter packs. I should be able to earn that much in a bit right?

[Yes.] It says.

'Open it!' I exclaim in my head.

[Okay, You have received:

1x. Smoother Skin pill.

1x. Bigger Bo*bs.

100x. System Points.

1x. Time Manipulation


'Wait... why would I need them except the System points, and Time manipulation?' I say.

[Host, my name is Slut System.] It says.

'...' I was quite.

[...] It was quite.

'...so I need to have sex like this to get points or something?'

[Yes. *Beep*

Mission: Have Sex. ((Once every day))

Reward: 10x System Points

Punishment: Torture of your soul, forever.

Time-Limit: 23:57:00


'...how will I have sex in this body' The body was only 5, so I had to ask.

[System will 'grow you up'] it answers.

'Does it include clothing?' I ask.

[Yes, you will be teleport-ed somewhere in the world of, 'Against The God,' in random time-line, the mate can't be female, as you're not in a male body.] It answers.

I was a bit depressed, I had plans for harem, I had plans to be OP. But no. It had to be ruined. I guess it's my fault for being a lustful b*stard.

'System give me everything I got from the Starter pack.' I ask.

[Okay.] it said.

My body started to burn, it felt like 1 million ants crawling onto my body and biting me. I fell unconscious from all the pain.

[Time-Skip - 5 minutes]

I woke up to see my breasts have become from A cup to C cup in size. My smooth snow skin became even smoother.

'System show me information on Time-Manipulation.'

[*Beep* Sure,

Power: Time-Manipulation,

Range: 5 light minutes.

Warning: As Host is not outside of time, if you were to stop time you'd be stuck, if you'd reverse time you'd reverse yourself aswell, including memory.


'...so my power is pretty much useless...' I say in my head.

[Pretty much, should've thought through your wishes, but hey thanks to you, I was created.] it said.

I just look at the empty space... and *sigh* I have to get to 100 million System Points... it won't be hard, right?

[No, it will be very hard.] System replies.

'System... just do the mission, time is running out and I don't want to be tortured.' I say, scared of the torture.



...Mate: Xiao Yulong, Age: 18

...Location: Bedroom


'Wait him?' I ask.

[It was random] It answers as I was teleported.

I was in a bed,. It was night time. I appear to be about the age of 18, no cultivation, I couldn't defend myself. Next to me was Xiao Yulong. I was wearing a nightgown, you could see through it, and an underwear.

"Get ready, my little slut." He said as I shudder.

'I'm not ready to already have sex... and in a body like this too.' I say in my head.

[Too late now, you have already accepted the mission.] It said.

He then started to rip through my clothes like a beast. He ripped off his clothes too like a hungry monster looking for food.

He then started to touch my mountains' peak slowly twisting and pinching it as I moaned.


I can't believe I moaned to a man just touching me. Girl's body are too sensitive.

He then started to lick my other free mountain's peak as I moaned louder and louder. Then he started to play with my p*ssy.




Mission: Have Sex(Complte)

Reward: 10x System Points


I lost myself to the pleasure. I love it. I don't even care anymore. (A/N This person doesn't have invincible mind. )


[Place - Sorry Excuse of a void]

(Pov Origin Reality)

That is what that Otaku gets. Thinking about me and my beloved joing this weak otaku's harem. Hell no! Go be a sl*t instead.

(Pov End Reality)

"Haha~ It's really fun to ruin people's life." I say to Origin.

"True~ All they had to do was think right and not offend us to maybe live an easy life~" Origin says to me.

"Let's do one more Otaku summoning then we could maybe save my old world, after then we can do what you want, honey~" I say to Origin.

She nods happily as the last two summoning were very amusing.

I remove all the theater stuff as I click the Otaku summoning button. (A/N this will only be one chapter)

(A/N Idk, I'm thinking about the anime, movie or cartoon world they should go to. I have a fun plan for End's old world. Stay tuned to find out~)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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~~ I thought hey this is an easy chapter why not post it today? ~~

Next chapter probably tmrw.

(Also thanks for your guys' recommendation, the next otaku won't be gender-bent, probably.)

BalloonPopscreators' thoughts