

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

EXTRA - A Short Introduction on Maya

Maya became a lonely girl after her bestfriend moved out of Agra and settled in bareliy due to her family complications. For 2 whole years Maya was purely alone . Her mother used to be busy with housework , her father wasn't at home and her brother always uses phone day and night , her bestie Beth was her only friend so in school too she used to be alone , sitting alone , eating alone etc. Maya was a soft hearted girl being surrounded by girls since childhood , she didn't even knew how to interact with opposite sex . In 7 th class her class teacher punished her to sit with boys at that time she cried a lot cause she felt uncomfortable but she should have known that she can't avoid boys forever .

Maya was growing fast as all the girls , the problems around her also started growing something too bad to happen , happened with her .

She was an overthinker so whenever she goes for a bath she used to check the bathroom first even in her home , her home's bathroom gate was a little opened like a little space was there downwards as everyone's home and a little space at the upward side of the gate which made her always a little insecure . One day while bathing she heard a very mild bumping sound on the door she reacted quickly out of reflex ( it's not like something happened to her in her home it's just quick reflex) she saw someone holding a phone at the upward space of the door , the camera part was pointing towards the bathroom angle , she screamed "mumma phone in the bathroom " loudly the shocking thing was that only one person was there at home aside from her mother and her it was her brother . Yes, IT WAS HER 'BROTHER 'who was holding the mobile phone don't know if making a video or photo such disgusting thing.

After that he got scolded beated got his phone snatched but Maya didn't say a single word she was too shocked to think anything . This incident can't even be misunderstood because it was dead clear what he was doing .

From that point on she wished it's better to have no brother than to have one like him , she wished he was dead . He lost every kind of caring feeling and brotherhood feeling , from then on she only ven imagined a happy family of three people . A teenager who has already a lot of stress because of her studies and other things got one new big problem now . People says it's not safe outside but for her she isn't even safe inside .

After that incident she very rarely cried and whenever she cried she would go at a place where noone can listen or see her and then cry there and console herself there alone slowly being eaten by darkness , but she never let anyone knew what was on her mind because of her smiling face , from that day on she started laughing and smiling a lot .


She tried to forgot everything at least she didn't think of it much now and only focuses on her phone and studies that was all she could do too ,she also told everything to her bestfriend after 2,3 months passed after the incident . Her parents doesn't allow her to go outside on her friend bday party or anywhere else , they only allow it when one of the family member is going with her . They, because of that even hired a tutor who would come home and teach Maya , they were always like this though.