

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs


After some seconds all flies actually disappeared

" Maybe it's just a coincidence , should I try one more time ?" - Maya

Maya tried again this time she wished

" I want cloudy sky , that much cloudy that it almost becomes dark "

Maya looking upwards waiting , all of a sudden the sky was covered with rainy clouds as per her wish . It was difficult for Maya to believe what was happening. So she tried one more , last time .

" I want the sky to be clear and I want all the trees around me to turn into cherry blossom trees" .

What could happen? Again her wish fulfilled all the trees turned into cherry blossoms and sky became clear . Everyone started gathering near the cherry blossoms after all having cherry blossoms is a very uncommon thing at Agra that too, beside the street .

" Ohk , what the hell ? Have I become a God or something, woo... I just can't believe it....."

Maya smirking throughout the way of her morning walk ofcourse she made all the trees back to normal and detached the memories of all the people who have seen it including her mother . Everything happened just like that she felt like a supreme being , but she also became a little scared after all if , if anyone even have the slightest hint of her powers they would do anything to use her and she didn't wanted to be used as a tool by greedy people .

So many things happened Maya came home took some rest bathed freshen up and then came in her room , standing in front of the mirror .

" What the fuck did I do ! wow , I still can't believe I have such great power , though why does it feel like I am forgetting something important , let's see what else did the goddess said to me in the dream I seem to have forgotten about it , whatever I will take care of it afterwards first let's change my life ".

Maya was a little confused as to where she should start , she made a paper and a pen with magic and wrote things that she wishes to change in that .

" Hmm , first what should I write ?" ( thinking hard)


1 . Having atleast 5feet6inch height. ( she was 5')

2. Making a protection barrier around me and my parents. ( protection barrier - No matter how, nothing can harm them neither externally not internally )

3. Making my father's business splendid .( splendid - top notch )

4. Changing my boards results percentage into 98 percentage .

5. Making myself brilliant, intelligent and best in every martial arts , boxing and every sports game .

6. Having a memory in which I just have to read something once and I will learn it pleasingly.

^ This is the list made my Maya

Maya was a little girl of 16 years only she didn't have any big dreams so did in her wish list .

Maya wanted her parents to spoil her , she wished

" I wish my parents could spoil me just like parents from foreign countries" .

Obviously the wish was bound to happen but strangely nothing happened for almost two hours Maya waited but nothing happened, after that she became sad she had a call from her bestie he also lived in Agra just a few kilometres far from Maya's home his name was , Dawson.

" Hello whatsup, how did you think of this poor girl today ?" ( Maya )

" Can you stop being sarcastic" ( Dawson )

" Alright , alright tell me what is it how do you call today aren't you quite busy lately preparing for IIT "

" Uh, that please don't talk about it I am totally exhausted because of it , can you believe I am still studying "

" Then, why did you even call me when you are that busy are you showing off how much you can study huh ?"

" No I am not , okay listen so here's the thing as you know my birthday is just around the corner and you, have to come no matter what, you always say your parents don't allow but I don't care I want you to come this time . I am holding this year's party at XX Cafe near your house "

" It's not like I don't want to come but you already know how possesive my parents are it's almost impossible for me to come "

" I know but atleast try to convince them don't just back off like that "

" Alright I will ask them, then talk to you later I will text you however the resolution comes out "

Maya hanged up the phone now it's time to ask for permission from her parents but only her mother was at home so she visited her mother first .

" Should I make a wish, this way she will definitely let me go but, still let's try normally first maybe my wish of them spoiling me have come true "

" Mama , what are you doing ?"

" Cooking , can't you see ?"

" Uhm , i was just generally asking , forget that I wanted to ask can I , I mean don't get angry or something but can .... I..... go to Dawson's birthday party it's on 9 September "

Maya was praying for her wish to come true .