

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 1 A WISH

Maya belonged to a middle class family , she lived in India . Her parents definitely loved her though not in a spoiling way , they were also strict with her just like the typical Indian parents . Maya was a nerd until 5 th class after that her Percentage started detoriating. She currently have her 10 th class board exams and was waiting for the results. Her percentage was too low in pre boards to take science , thereby she was waiting for her board results when everybody has already started going to school much before on that . She was stressed but noi in a depressed way .

It was May the month of summer .It was like a schedule to go out for walk with her mother in morning everyday after returning home she would got ready and help her mother do some kitchen stuff . After completing that she spends her whole time browsing and chatting on her phone basically entertaining herself . Everything was going pretty normal as any other day , but that night Maya had a strange dream ." •••••" " Where is this voice coming from , who is talking ?" " HELLO MAYA , MY CHILD " . " What who are you how do know my name , and why aren't you showing yourself ?" " Because gods and goddesses are prohibited from showing there true selves to ordinary people ". " So you are saying that you are a goddess?" " Yes , my child " . Maya quickly bowed in front of her and then asked " But why are you here and what is your name ?" " Uhm. why Am I here , I am here to grant you a wish and about name you can call me whatever you want THEOPHILOS ." " goddess my name is Maya not THEOPHILOS ". " I know that child , THEOPHILOS name is given to people who are loved by God and you are one of them ^_^" . " So I am loved by God ? " " yes child now tell me your wish we don't have much time " . " Ahh alrighhh..t . let me think . yes I know now so I will make my wish then " . " After thinking or saying ' I want ( whatever my wish is ) ' I want it to be fulfilled in reality. that's my only wish " " Alright as you wish My child THEOPHILOS , but there will only be one flaw that you can't use your wish on the other people loved by God , but don't you worry there are rarely 10 of them in the whole world (✿^‿^) ". A very bright light came and then Maya woke up. Although it was all a dream but it looked quite real to be called a dream . " Ugh, what kind of dream was it , it's can't be true what I saw right? I don't know anything anymore " Maya wanted to hopelessly tried atleast once if it was really true , though she knew its all false .

She went to morning walk with her mother as per her schedule , she also wanted to check if her wish really came true though it really feels like seeing a fictional movie but still she wanted to try it . " Uhm I feel so hot mumma , I am covering with sweat all over ughh" . " stop being like this , it's not like it's your first time coming with me for a walk and sweat is good for you it removes extra fat " . " yeah yeah , alright" . " Now why are there so many flies here , they are literally coming only to me , what the heck " then Maya realised the wish she thought. " I want all the flies around me and around my mother to disappear and not appear again " .