

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 - SCHOOL

" Cal , why don't you say something, aren't you happy?"

" I am but how can I stay with you Raven I am a d.."

" No you are not whatever you are thinking you are not that , don't even think about it just treat past as past and forget about it , if you say these kinds of things again I will be really sad "

" I am sorry , I didn't mean to make you sad "

" Alright so you are living with us "

" Yes " - Caliph smiled brightly

This was the first time Caliph has smiled so brightly . The very next day they both went for shopping basically they went to buy Caliph some clothes as he had none .

" Cal this T - shirt looks so good on you let's take this "

" Huh, Rav you have already bought 30 around T-shirts , shirts and Jeana for me , I think that's enough , I don't need more "

" What are you saying ,. are you going to wear these clothes every year no way , of mom and dad knew they would've also said the same thing as me "

" Alright I give up "

They shopped for like 3 hours non - stop all thanks to Raven and all they brought was Caliph's clothes .

" Let's return now " - Raven

While they were on their way back Raven saw a street food shop .

Raven told the driver to stop the car

" Cal do you know this is one of my favourite shops they make delicious Chinese food , I want to make you try "

" But aren't we going to be late "

" Oh don't worry about it , let's go first "

They ate together Caliph's eyes brimmered with happiness it looked like he really enjoyed the food .

" I knew you will like it " - Raven

Finally they arrived home but it had already been night at that time Raven directly went to her room , took a bath changed her clothes and slept. That day Raven slept like a log she was really tired after all so much happened in just a day .

The next day Raven woke up and went to Caliph's room after getting ready to invite him to come to breakfast. They had breakfast together ofcourse with Raven's family members in the evening they played and at night slept this was their routine for about 1 month after that Raven's school resumed .

One day at night in the dining hall

" Mom don't you think Caliph also needs to go to school" - Raven

" I have also thought about it but let's ask Caliph first "

" I am okay with anything" - Caliph

" Cal is very good at studying mom do you know he can even solve all of my arithmetic problems even though he never went to school isn't it fascinating"

" Really Caliph that is really some brilliance " - Raven's Mom, Let me talk to your dad Raven maybe you can both go to school together "

" Wow really okk , go ahead Mom "

Next day in the dining room while having breakfast Raven's mother told her that she can go to school together with Caliph and Caliph will be known as a tranfered student and your playmate .

" Thanks Mom you are the best "

" Can I really go to school with Rav"

Caliph wasn't happy because he had the chance to go to school but because he was going with Raven .

" Yes ofcourse dear , we have ordered a school uniform of your size your bag pack, books pencil box everything needed it will arrive today in the evening and you will be able to go to school with Raven tomorrow" - Raven's Father

It's not easy to get enrolled in Raven's school as it is one of the top school, but only because of Raven's family position it was possible but still Caliph had to take a test before getting in the same class as Raven .

Next day Raven went to school after wishing Caliph good luck for test .

Raven went inside the class and sat on her seat suddenly many girls came to her .

" How can I forget Raven was a popular villianess " - Maya's thoughts

" Hey Rave how are you doing , do you know my father brought me the limited edition dress on my birthday " - Friend 1 ( Ruhi)

" Oh really my mother bought me the LABRA purse " - Friend 2 ( Liya )

[ Labra is an high end famous company known for its costly items ]

"What the hell is wrong with these people do they just came here to show off that's bothering " - Raven's mind

Just then the bell rang first period started and thankfully those headache giving girls sat back to their seats . Wait Caliph it's Caliph, he appeared with the class teacher Milly .

" Good morning everyone. As you can see there is a new student beside me waiting to join us . Please introduce yourself "

" Hello my name is Caliph , please take care of me in the future "

" Don't you have anything else to say , Caliph "

Caliph blankly stared at Teacher Milly .

" Caliph you can sit with .."

" Me , I mean there is no seat left mam anywhere else and I can help him cover the things that are done in the class " - Raven

" Alright Caliph you can sit with Raven "

Caliph sat beside Raven . Raven sighed of relief Caliph if everything is ok . Raven told him the whole story about her friends . Caliph chuckled.

" Don't laugh do you know how difficult it was for me " - Raven

". Alright , I won't "

" Hey new guy , which family are you from ?" - Class bully ( Laven)