

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 8 - I AM DARKNESS

[ Age restricted content ]

Caliph replied

" He.ll.o " - with a soft and low voice

" So what's your name ? "

" Caliph "

" I see that's a pretty decent name , you are not hurting anywhere are you ?"

" Um no , but who are you?"

" Didn't I told you my name is Raven and I am the daughter of the Marshal house you can also call me Rav , I found you injured in the mall so I brought you here , I hope you are not feeling uncomfortable "

" Uhh , I see thank you, you can also call me Cal "

" Oh , really that's sweet of you , by the way do you like sweets ?" - Raven

" Yes " - Shyly answered

Raven left for the kitchen that instant and brought some sweet cookies for Caliph.

" Here try these they are really sweet and tasty"

" Crunch munch crunch munch " - Caliph eating happily

" You seem to like it , tell me if you ever wanna eat more of these in the future i will bring it for you or you can also tell Marsha about it "

" Who is Marsha ? "

" She is my personal maid , Marsha can you come here for a moment please "

" Yes miss , what happened, oh hey there it's good to see you recover well "

" She is taking to you Caliph , it's rude to not reply "

" hello myself Caliph thank you for taking care of me "

Marsha became mesmerized seeing and listening to Caliph as he was really cute .

The doctor came again in the afternoon, this time with a physcatrist

" Hello there , I heard your name was Caliph my name is Lydia, nice to meet you " - Lydia the physcatrist

Caliph crumbled himself in the long warm blanket as he was scared of Lydia .

" Oh my , looks like I have scared you , I am sorry for that . but you need not worry I am not here to harm you Caliph"

Caliph looked at her with strange eyes as if he was scared of her , then Caliph looked at Raven , Raven signaled him that everything was alright .

" Hello Ms. Lydia" - Caliph

" oh my you have such a sweet voice , now that we are familiar with each other a little shall we talk about something, something about you like what you like and where is your home something about your parents maybe "

" Will you send me back ?"

" Huh, don't you want to go back to your home ?"

" No" - in a firm voice

" Cal told me he had quite a rough time in his house that's why he doesn't wish to go back " - Raven

" What kind of rough time ? , can you tell us Caliph ?"

There was only Lydia and Raven in the room all the other people were sent back so as to not make Caliph uncomfortable

" My mother used to beat me everyday , she said I was a jinx a useless child , my dad ignored me my brothers and sister also used to beat me to appease their anger "

" what ? did she beated you with her bare hands ?"

" No , ( shuddering voice ) she would time me up with a rope which becomes more tight the more you move and after that she used.a whip to whip me she used to say that this is my fate . Sometimes she even ...."

In the evening after the talk with Caliph .

" What kind of monstrous family this child has been to , let me tell you it's even better to send him to an orphanage than to make him go back to that house again " - Lydia angrily said

Lydia started to tell everything that Caliph told her to Raven's family . Whereas Raven was thinking about what Caliph said in the end .

" Sometimes my step mother used to tear up my clothes and make me kneel down and makes me do really wierd things "- Caliph in a low shivering voice with fear in his eyes

" What kind of wierd things Caliph?" - Lydia

" she would tell me to lick her and she would also put on a dog collar on my neck and hold its leash, if I didn't obey her she would punish me by ( shuddering voice ) ..."

" It's ok Caliph you can tell us but if you are uncomfortable and don't want to you don't have to "

Caliph eyes became wide opened , never ever there was someone who said such sweet words to him ,he saw Raven's worried face

" Will you hate me if I tell you , and send me back there ?"

" No , no one is going to hate you or send you somewhere you don't want to go so don't worry " - Lydia

" That's right Caliph we will never hate you , you haven't done anything wrong so don't feel bad ok?"- raven

" Alright" - Caliph became teary

" Caliph so do you want to tell or you wanna rest we can talk about it later too if you are not ready "

" It's alright I will tell you , she would put her fingers in my twit and kept pressing it , it felt really wierd I used to cry my hearts out but she slaps me everytime I make much noice or whip me " - Caliph

Lydia hugged Caliph warmly while shaking with anger . Raven was also very angry this is too much even if he isn't your own blood child it is not at all okay to molest him to assualt him physically and mentally, how much must he have been suffered .

Raven comes into the present , and saw her family reactions they were also as angry as her .

" How could people like these even exist in this world such a monster how could she do this to a little child " - Raven's mother

" You are right dear I will never let this child go back to that hellish place " - Raven's Father

" So Mom , dad and brother can we let him stay here ?" - with eager eyes Raven

Everyone looked at each other first

" Alright, Raven I also think that it's better for him to stay here " - Raven's Father

" Yay , I am going to tell Caliph about it he will surely be happy about it " - Raven

Raven ran towards Caliph room and opened the door

" Cal do you know Everyone agreed to let you stay here you are going to stay with us from now on , just like a family"

Caliph was really happy to hear this but his thoughts were telling him that he is a very dirty person how could he even think about staying at the same place as Raven . If Raven is the warm bright light which comforts people then he is the dark and cold darkness who swallows everyone inside him . " How could I ever think about even being friends with someone so bright I am just a dirty child and a jinx " - Caliph's thoughts