

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs


" Hey, laven what does it matter to you what family does he belong to ?" - Raven

" Raven don't be so rude when I am not even talking to you , you tell me or you just know how to hide behind a girls back " - Laven

" You.." - Raven angrily

" I am ...."

" He is my relative , my distant aunts son's son , are you happy now " - Raven

" oh , what's you surname then ?"

" Anderson " - Caliph

" Oh really well let's be friends then Anderson I must have given a wrong impression let me introduce myself properly my name is Laven Smith the only heir of the ' Smithsonian Industries '. - Laven Proudly

" I don't wish to be your friend "

" What the hell are you saying I am being so humble as to accept you as a friend and you dare to decline it ".

" This new boy is a goner how can he ever offend Laven " - Classmates murmuring

" Caliph let's go it's time for lunch " - Raven dragged out Caliph

" Rav are you okay ?'

" Not even in the slightest bit , who does he think he is I will never let him bully you , you are such a pure and sweet child how can he have the audacity to .."

" ( chuckling) "

" Are you laughing seriously I am getting mad for you here and you are actually laughing hmph I won't talk to you "

" Wait , I am sorry I was wrong don't be mad please ?"

At this time Caliph was making a very cute face looking at his face Raven cannot be angry with him anymore

" Alright I forgive you only this time but remember to not do this next time " - Raven

" Okay "

Caliph and Raven sat together in the canteen to eat lunch and started talking and giggling just after some time Laven came with some more of his friends

" Ho , are you flirting with her right now chick , you a person of unknown background how dare you hit on girls " - Laven

" What does it matter to you , oh or is it because no girl gives you a heads up "- Raven laughing

" After all what exactly is your relationship with him why are you always helping him ?"

" Didn't I told you already he is my distant relative, and why do I even have to tell you ?"

" you , you fine Caliph just wait and watch you cannot hide behind her all the time anyway " - Laven left

" Raven you don't have to fight beacuse of me "

" I am not fighting because of you it's just that someone needs to teach some lesson to children like them " - Raven

" Aren't you also a child what are you taking about?"

" Umm , nothing "

The school ended early due to the principal's birthday , hence both cal and rav left early . Raven didn't said a single thing on the way home she was thinking about her family which she left though she already left a clone of her in her stead but still she missed her family no matter how much Raven's family members love her the fact that they are not her parents and that she is not Raven does not change she decided to go back to her home for some time but then again everything will be a mess here hence she decided to leave for only a short period of time and come back after some time after seeing everything and everyone is alright.

" Rav are you okay ? "

" Huh? yes , yes ofcourse I am alright what could possibly happen to me "

" Are you sure you are really absent minded today is it because of what happened in school earlier if that's the case then I am really sorry it's all my fault".

" No cal you don't need to apologise I am just thinking about something else , you know what I think I need to have some time alone please help me inform everyone to not approch me or come into my room until tomorrow ".

" What ? Rav you are not okay are you , please tell me what happened"

" Nothing to worry ABOUT I will leave now "

Raven left for her room after arriving she wished to come back to her real world and automatically the clone disappeared from that point on . Now It's not Raven or Rav but Maya the real one .

Maya was really happy to come back to her home her real and original home . After arriving she didn't saw much changes just that Maya was now a very popular girl an intelligent girl who is also good in sports and an all rounder . It must be looking like not so needed falttery but this was exactly what she was right now what she had achieved with the help of her powers ofcourse .

After Maya came she saw tons of notifications and messages from her classmates, friends , bestie but wait why is there a message from the school principal here ?