

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 7 - GUN SHOTS

" Mam we have arrived " .

Raven stepped out of the car . There was always bodyguard secretly protecting Raven which she herself knew .

" Well this mall looks quite ordinary . Well not the time to enjoy shopping let's see where is the young Caliph "

Maya heard some very faint sound of gun shots as she had a very sensitive hearing because of her powers .

" It's coming from the west side "

Maya ran towards the west side of the mall but it was totally empty there was nothing there she saw a room there . She went inside there her bodyguards were still following her . There was a very faint crying / weeping sound coming from this room suddenly some people barged inside that room .

" Huh why is there a little girl here ? " - kidnapper 1

" We don't have to waste our time on someone else quickly find that brat if you don't want to die by the hands of master " - kidnapper 2

" Maybe she had seen him let me ask her . Hey little girl did you see any br.. boy of your age running here ?" kidnapper 3

" No , i didn't " - Raven shaked her head and answered

" I see , it looks like he has gone to the clothing side , let's leave now "

Maya ( Raven ) took a sigh of relief and only after she made sure that those people were gone then only she started approaching the cupboard of the room from where the weeping sound was coming.

" Miss wait , there is blood coming from that cupboard it can be dangerous please stay away " - A bodyguard who came out of nowhere

" Mr. Robby trust me I know what I am doing , if it was dangerous you would save me anyways " - Raven smiled

" Aish , why are you so cute Miss alright then I am just at the back "

" Alright"

Raven opened the doors of the cupboard and saw a boy black hair with reddish green eyes just by the look Raven understood it was Caliph who was injured gravely his blood was flowing non stop beacuse of the gun shots .

" Robby please help me carry him , he seems to be in so much pain he is alive right ? "

Robby ( bodyguard) checked his pulse

" Yes , miss he is indeed alive which can be considered a miracle how can someone be alive after losing so much blood "

Caliph opened his eyes slightly in which he saw he was in a car where someone had teary eyes ( Raven ) he was thinking" is she crying because of me ? Is she worried about me ? " But just afterwards he lost his consciousness due to his excess loss of blood .

" Robby call father and tell him to call Doctor Fray at home now someone is gravely injured" ( inside the car )

" Miss are you not going to take him to the hospital?"

Raven knew if she bought him to the hospital the Ansaldo's will definitely know about it because of their connections and at that time both Caliph and Raven's family including her will be in danger .

" No we are taking him home , children dislike hospitals "

RAVEN knew it was a rather childish excuse but she couldn't tell Robby anything

" I don't know Miss why are you hiding something from me ? but I will ask no more let's go to Marshal house "

" Yes , that's right just a little longer and you will be saved don't lose hope " - Raven to Caliph who had his head resting on her lap on the back seat

After arriving they took Caliph to the guest room where everything was prepared with the doctor he treated Caliph and took out the two bullets inside her body one was on his leg and the other was at the back near to his spinal cord .

" If you were to be a little late he would've died on spot , but why are there bullets in such a small child's body ?, where did you even find her miss ?"

Everyone looking at Raven

" I saw him hiding in a cupboard in the mall and the blood was flowing out of the cupboard and thus when I opened it I found him "

Everyone thinking .

" You did a great job sweety , didn't I always said my Raven is an angel she really is an angel " - Raven's mom

They didn't suspect Raven in the slightest afterall they loved her so much . Raven talked to her family and asked them to let Caliph stay here for some time as it will not be safe outside they agreed . Raven personally took care of Caliph . The plan was another thing but seeing a child suffer Maya just couldn't think of anything.

After 3 days Caliph became conscious the person to see him conscious first was Raven's maid .

" Hmm , everything looks fine he has healed internally, there are only some external wounds which will be healed in no time , by the way boy why is there so many scars on your body ?"

Caliph stayed quiet but Raven knew they were the scars given to him by her step mother .

" Doctor please don't over exert him he just woke up "

" Alas , alright miss than I will leave you two it will be good if you could talk to him as he is having a mental breakdown beacuse of the incident and it will also be good if you can found out about his family we should also inform them about him how worried they would be "

" Alright doctor " - Raven smiled bitterly

Family I don't think Caliph even knew the meaning of family as there was not even a single person who actually loved Caliph in that house .

" Hello my name is Raven , nice to meet you " - Raven smiled brightly

Caliph had never seen someone smiling so brightly when talking to him , he couldn't even talk to his family members by his will forget about smiling , he was not allowed to talk to his family members if they didn't ask him to or he would get beaten he was not allowed to ask any question too or he would get beaten by his step mother , he had total 2 brothers and a sister they all despised him and mocked him beated him whenever they were in a bad mood and the worst thing was that Caliph was not allowed to fight back no matter what happens even if they kill him he was not allowed to fight back. The smile of Raven suddenly made the atmosphere in the room become warm and comfortable.