

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
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17 Chs

Chapter 3 - New school New friends

" Alright if you want to go then just go , party hard "

"Huh" ? ( Maya was stunned )

Maya was shocked her mother actually allowed her . Her wish actually came true she was jumping like a kangaroo 🦘 all the way to her room happily.

" If mama has said yes than papa will also say yes , I was afraid that my wish didn't work but it looks like I was uselessly worrying"

Everything is going according to Maya isn't it incredible how she is able to control everything and make her way no matter what the situation might be .

" It's already evening, I am hungry Mama can I eat Chinese food "

" Sure "

" Alright then I will order now "

Maya didn't expect her wish of her parents spoiling her will come this much handy .

The next day after going for morning walk with her mother she got ready and went her new school . She chose commerce at 11 th standard . The school where she went was quite a popular and prestigious school known for its studies , discipline and co- activities , the things that were not in her previous school.

" Damn , I am nervous " .

How can things get more worse Maya was late at her first day at school, the prefects told her to quickly leave her bag on the corridor and join the assembly as it was going to start at any moment .

Maya saw a familiar girl who she have chatted with, she was also from her school and coincidentally she was also with her in this school and even same class her name was Harshika .

" Hii Harshika !"

" Oh Maya hello , why are you late , go and stand in the middle as per your height first, let's talk in the classroom later ".

" Alright "

Harshika was a sweet girl, the assembly ended and everyone went to their classrooms in a queue Maya didn't know the way so she asked harshika to help her . Maya took her bag from the corridor and followed harshika . By her surprise the classroom was quite small and only a number of 39 students were there .

" Are there only this much children in our class?" - asked Maya

" Yes , not many people take commerce as their major after all " - replied harshika

" I see "

The teacher came into the class and started taking attendance soon it was the first period Maya bought all the books that were needed . There were a total of 8 periods in total excluding Recess of 20 minutes .

" Thank you for preparing the seat next to you for me " - Said Maya

" Oh , it's alright you can't imagine how happy I was when I learned that my old classmate is joining in " - Harshika

" Really I guess so , it must be boring , after all you don't even know anyone besides me "

" Yes that's right , I was thinking of taking leave as i always gets bored in the class ".

" Oh , it's ohk now though "

both of them smiled brightly

Maya was afraid to be a burden on harshika but it was good to know that she didn't thought that way . Unexpectedly everyone welcomed Maya quite warmly and called her pretty like literally everyone but it was not a surprise as she looked like her mother who was also a beauty . Maya had always got complimented as beautiful or pretty since childhood cause of her resemblance to her mother so much .

" Hello , my name is Riya , nice to meet you . I am harshika's friend "

" Oh really, hii My name is Maya "

" oh I know that , looking at you now you really are Beautiful "

" huh ? thanx ?"

" haha and cute too "

Riya was a very cheerful girl and really knows how to make someone feel comfortable around her .

Maya made 4 friends that day who were also harshika's new friends . Maya has always been quite active in sports since childhood.

" Are there any sports selection going on Riya ?"

" No, you are quite late it ended 1 week ago "

" What ? that's really sad , I wanted to take part in it "

" Oh it's alright you will get a chance , didn't you take physical education as your optional subject just ask your respective teacher he will give you an opportunity"

" Really? Alright than I will ask him "

Maya had more of a cute nature than a beautiful face . There didn't came any opportunity for Maya to use her gift given by the goddess cause everything was going rather smoothly.

" Maya it's optional period "

" so where and with whom should I go I don't even know anyone ?"

" hey girl , did you actually forgot about me didn't I told you I have also taken physical education " - said Niya ( one of her new friends )

" Oh right I am so sorry niya I totally forgot "

" What you forgot about me , I am so hurt "

" haha you are such a drama queen "

" Everybody leave for your respective classes " - ordered the teacher to students

Maya left with Niya she asked niya about what kind of period physical education is and what we have to do in this period . Niya told Maya to not think too much of this period and take it as a free period as the sir don't teach anything, the students stroll inside the school or sit on the stairs in the ground and chit chat usually or play basketball, that's it.

Maya was in an awe to know all these things .

" Maya do you know how many boys are gonna have a crush on you fufufufu" - Niya

" What kind of nonsense are you saying out of nowhere "

" No , really first you are so pretty second your personality is so cute even the way you talk is cute "

Maya started laughing

" You what are you rambling about on yourself , are all the girls dead in your school"

Maya noticed one thing that every girl in this school liked to talk about boys no matter when and where they can always talk about guys .

" So Niya do you have a crush then? "

" Yes , ofcourse I have do you see that prefect his name is Shaun and I like him very much "

" well I guess every prefect must have many girls wooing them right?"

" that is actually true "

" why so ?"

" Cause every prefect is somewhat perfect in every field a good face with a good figure good in sports and studies and top of that some are total gentleman, what more would girls want ?"

" Oh I see , I didn't knew there were such perfect guys "

" hm . that's right so do you have a crush Maya ?"

" What ? me , ( Maya scoffs ) no I don't have a crush I have never had a crush before "

" I see "

" Don't tell me you are a lesbian "

" shut up I am definitely straight , as straight as an Eiffil Tower , understand?"

" Ohk , ohk "

EVERYONE GATHER ON THE GROUND ( The physical education teacher shouted )