

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


" But it's still 1 o clock at night , but seriously how can I forget that I have to practice martial arts and make myself strong in case something happens to my powers , let's sleep now as nothing can happen I will just set the alarm on 4'o clock and go to jogging first alone today "

Maya slept like a log that night after doing so much shopping she was dead tired , but unexpectedly she woke up just after the alarm rang .

" Uhmm .. so sleepy ( Maya yawning )"

Maya got up from bed brushed her teeth changed her clothes and went for jogging on the footpath on the streets where everyone else also does jogging . After jogging for 1 hour while taking breaks and while listening songs from the Bluetooth earplugs. Maya returned home after one hour .

After taking a bath Maya changed her clothes had breakfast made by her mother packed her stuff . Her father dropped her to her school. After reaching school and her class she observed that no one other than her had came to class and it was frustrating for her to be alone in the whole class . After a few minutes children started to arrive .

" Hey harshi."- Maya

" Oh , hi Maya where are you sitting? let's sit together"

" Alright no problem , though I am not going to be in class for many periods because of the preparation of Annual Function "

" It's alright I will just sit with Megha or Riya while you are gone "

" Aww ohkk "

Maya and harshika talked about a lot of things . They also went for a stroll in the ground in the morning as it was not the time for teachers arrival in the classes .

Maya has changed in a lot of aspects right now she was no longer a cute , little kid like person that everyone thought her to be she has now become a confident girl with a decent height and incredible fitness ( because of its powers ) .

" Maya let's go teachers have started to arrive in classes "

" alright "

After arriving in class they had prayers after praying her class teacher took attendance talked about some competition and stuff and then she started to talk to Maya about the so called ' Annual Function ' .

" Maya , have you decided anything about the annual function like what kind of activities there are going to be and the schedule and all "

" No , mam not yet it's my first time organising something so big and I am afraid I am not experienced and I don't know how the functions are held here "

" Fair point , why don't you take help of someone of 12 th standard they can help you a lot in many things "

" I don't know anyone of 12 th standard Mam "

" You have to make connections now , what do you expect me to do make you friends with the students of 12 th standard then what are you supposed to do . My duty is to advice you how to do it or not it's you choice not mine "

Maya was boiling with rage now thinking that " If this lizard like teacher didn't even wanted to help why the heck is she even giving me ideas , I am also having this much brain that students of 12 th standard can help me but I didn't think of it because I don't know how to approach them as I don't know them and here this fucker ( teacher ) came . Now if I don't follow her advice she is gonna make fun of me infront of the whole damn class . I don't care I will do what I feel like doing even if it means I had to make her my foe I DON'T GIVE A DAMN " .

" Mam I will take the help of someone from my own class as I don't know anyone of senior side "

" My duty is to advice you I have already told you now it's your option do what you want ".