

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Maya sat down it was not the time for arguing but to think . Maya started to think who can be the one to help her at that time she reminded herself of her friends .

" Riya , Sonia , Harshi can you guys help me ?"

" Sure Maya you don't even need to ask " - all together

Everything was set but only 4 people are not enough she needed atleast 10 . She started asking more people that she knew from other classes and hers and unexpectedly everyone was quite enthusiastic about it . Maya actually got 15 children to help her .

Now it was time for the Physical education period . Everyone went to the ground . Maya caught a glimpse of someone maybe a dog or a child or God knows who at the end of the garden ? Maya curiously ran towards the end of the garden towards the wall . She found a child covered in blood lying there . It felt like it was rarely 11 to 12 months old , but what Is such a small child doing inside the school that too covered in blood . Maya checked her breathing , thankfully she was still breathing." Helpp ....." Maya shouted loudly everyone ran towards her soon the P.E teacher came too Maya and the P.E. teacher took the child to the hospital.

Maya was really worried she almost cried seeing such a pitiful child . At this time when the baby was inside the ICU Maya thought and thought about how the child came INSIDE the school premises. After some long consideration Maya came onto a conclusion that someone must have thrown the child inside the school ground but wouldn't that be just too cruel and why would they even do that inside a school that just doesn't makes sense .

Maya talked to her Sir he told Maya that noone brought the child inside . After 3 hours of surgery the baby was finally stable . Maya didn't had the heart to leave the child but still she wanted to know about how the child came inside the school and who abondoned the child . Soon the police also came as Maya was the first person to saw the child she was with the police everytime they investigated about it .

The police , Maya and the school principal saw the CCTV footage of the cameras altogether covering ground area and they found what Maya had already predicted someone indeed threw the child inside the school ground how inhuman of them was the first thing that everybody thought , even the police looked puzzled after seeing the footage.

I can bet that It must be there first time too seeing a case like this .

Now the most important thing who is going to take care of the child or precisely who is going to adopt the child if noone was willing to adopt her the police decided to send her to an orphanage of children.

Maya decided to adopt the girl she Always wanted a little sister of her own as she didn't have one now the thing is how she can convince her mother and father then again , she got reminded of her powers .

" Excuse me sir can you please give me some time I would like to talk to my parents about the adoption if you are not against it , that is " - Maya to the police

" well definitely there is nothing better than that if they can agree with that "

Maya went to her home talked to her parents about everything that happened and used her magic wand ( magic ) and obviously they agreed .Afterwards the news of someone abondening a child in a school covered in blood were to be seen everywhere.

Maya visited the hospital for many days and took care of the girl and also in school she started preparing for the annual function just when the preparation was completed the good news from the hospital also came . The child can finally be discharged . Everything was moving on smoothly except for one thing and that was the identity of the inhuman person who threw a 7 months years old child and abondoned her just like that .

Maya and her parents legally adopted the girl and brought her to their home just like that, the time, the day of Annual Function also came. Maya with help of her teachers was successful in inviting some chief guests some famous actors , whom everybody knew . Everyone danced singed and enjoyed that day forgetting about everything that happened .

A few days after that Maya's parents decided to move out of their old house as they already had a plot of their own , the main reason was Maya's mother she hated the place where they originally lived it's surrounding people living there . And thus she finally succeeded in making Maya's father agree .

When Maya knew about this she was on cloud nine as she also had always wanted to leave that wretched house and that place where everyone is abusing each other or gambling or drinking . Maya decided to design the layout of their new house and decided to make it a real big house ofcourse the plot was also quite big . Maya again used her powers and made a fabulous layout of a house consisting of a beautiful garden a rooftop and a swimming pool .

When her parents'saw the layout they were stunned by it " how can a little girl like her can make such a beautiful and perfect layout of a house ?" was their first reaction . Maya used her powers again and made it so that the labours can complete the building of their new house in only 6 months which was too much cause the house was very big more like a manor .

Maya had one thing in mind that " I will give everything and the best that I can't have to my little sister " she wanted to be a caring sister . Maya hated his bother to the core and thus made the situation so that he had to leave for Kota to study and only came back on very rare ocassions . So it was only her , he mother , her father and her little sister now .

Now it was time to name her Maya asked her parents about it but they told her that they would like to do it after the building of their house is completed and they would also do it in a very grand way . Maya couldn't agree less .

Summer vacations started it was May now 4 months have passed just like that . Maya and her parents started to call the little girl Alora and sometimes orange that was a little funny name but it did suit her seeing how her cheeks were so chubby and round just like an orange .

Maya and her mother decided to go somewhere for the vacation for a holiday with Alora ofcourse only the three of them they decided to go for a trip . First place was decided to be Barelly partially because of Maya as her BEST FRIEND lived there , and she had never got the chance to go to her house and meet even when they lived at the same place .

Maya booked tickets and they set off for Barelly the next day they arrived there at 2:00pm Maya had already known about Bhavya her BEST FRIENDS address thanks to her powers . She had already booked a taxi to take them wherever they wanted to go and she also booked two hotel rooms one for her and her sister and one for her mother.

After getting ready she set off for bhavya's home and surprised her , she was so surprised that she almost cried seeing Maya . Maya have already told everything to Bhavya and she also loved Alora and played with her more than she did with Maya .