

Note - This is my first time writing a novel , writing just for fun , as it's my first time and English is not my mother tongue there may be some mistakes , hope you can understand. Maya was a normal 17 years old teenage girl who liked to attach herself to her phone all day chatting and browsing She had a slightly strict family but not after one day when a goddess came into Maya's dream asking for her to make a wish. " I am here to grant you a wish " . " what ah , uhm what should I wish ......?" What wish would Maya make . How will it change her life utterly ? To know more read THEOPHILIA

Mehak_Singh_1375 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"In the past the school principal never bothered me in my old school, wait ! did my clone do something , gosh ".

Maya checked the message that message was to ask her if she could organise the biggest and grandest function in school"The Annual Function" which was going to be held for 2 days each day 6 hours .

" Wierd Riya told me that school functions are always organised by the cabinet members and school staff much less the students, I am neither the staff member nor a cabinet member why would he want me to be the incharge of it specifically?"

Maya got a call from harshika

" Hey , I heard you are going to be the incharge of this year's Annual Function, is it true ?"

" where did you even hear that ?"

" Oh it's our class teacher , she messaged in class group , that the principal has appointed you to organise it "

" That old geezer( principal) listen I just saw the message that he sended to me and I have definetly not said yes , so why the hell is that old hag telling teachers about it "

" Calm down first Maya , so you didn't said yes ?"

" Yeah , that's right organising something big as this is no easy task why would I throw hammer on my own damn leg ?"

" Yeah makes sense actually we all were thinking the same thing cuz we all know how much study loss it is.."

" wait wait what did you just said ?, study loss ... yes ! that's it ok I am doing it "

" what but weren't you so against it just now ?"

" yes but if it can make help me avoid those boring lectures and lecturers so ofcourse I am on it , I will message him now and say yes to him though I am afraid it won't make a difference as he has already decided everything on his own but still . alright harshi thanks for opening my eyes I will talk to you later "

" Huh wait...". [ hang up]

What ? Maya hated the lectures at school and her class teacher she is a person who is always looking for reasons to insult children, Maya has luckily avoided it though cuz of the new student tag even though it has been 2 months since her admission but it does consider as new .

" Alright so now I have replied him so what should I do now ? , what a hazel "

" Maya come on its time for dinner " - mom

" Alright coming , how I missed your cooking "

After eating dinner 🥗 Maya had an idea obviously not a good one in her head

" I want to do some shopping, Mumma can I ?"

" Sure "

Maya started scrolling dresses online , she had never bought any dress online because of its price so now was the time to do it , Maya's father have become rich now Maya had taken part in two national quizzes [ in reality her clone , she was busy enjoying a novel ] and viola`~ she won in both of them got prize money of 30,000₹ in each respectively. Now Maya was rich and girls addiction ' shopping ' how can she ignore that temptation. Maya bought a dozen of dresses all different types . It barely took her half an hour to select and order them .

" What's the time , oh it's still early then then I should probably go to the market and buy bunch of things , when I am on it from tomorrow onwards I am going to be very busy anyway because of that old geezer of a principal so let's just enjoy today "

" If you are going than buy these things too for me "- Mom

" Alright , alright "

But hell how is Maya going to carry all the stuff alone ? Ofcourse she has her own idea What idea ? of ofcourse buying a car , our Maya who has gone to cloud nine because of all the money she had , had made her too reckless , but again she is just a teenager right now that too of 16 years what more would you expect?

" Alright mom I will be leaving now "

Maya sat inside the car it took her 30 hours to reach Climson Mall the car was drove by a temporary driver . Maya went inside the Mall and started exploring it , afterall it was the first time she had come to a mall alone . She bought some snacks some more dresses 2 very expensive lip balm and at last her eyes got fixed on one section it was stationary section Maya has loved sketching , painting, colouring and creativity since her childhood but she couldn't buy many things because of its price but now was the time . Maya go for it .

Maya bought 5 kits of art supplies consisting of many things like - drawing book and different types of colours . Maya was more than satisfied after doing all the shopping and now it was time to go back home .

Maya went to the counter and after everything was billed she payed through her phone and afterwards the driver helped her put all the things in the car after reaching home she unpacked everything and had a very satisfactory smile on her face it was already late now so she got off to bed .

" Damn how can I forget about something so important?" - Maya ( at night , woke up after seeing her strange little dream)