

When your life is slowing deteriorating for the second time due to the second diagnosis of Lymphoma you start to lose sight of the good things in life, or so that’s what Delilah St Claire thought, she never thought that a 6ft something curly blonde hair quite famous influencer going by the name of Vincent Hammersmith would change that. Vincent the trouble making Influencer who takes life for granted comes across Delilah when he visits the hospital she is staying at and both get off to a bad start not taking a liking to each other, but as life events push them closer physically, mentally they start showing each other there is more to life than what they think they know about it. Sometimes the weaker ones are the ones that make sure someone else is never in pain. 

INDWritez · Urban
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20 Chs


Helena was still in the hospital on full time watch, it was horrible we would visit her as much as we could, even on college days I would drop by and make sure that she was very much still somewhat alive, she has been in a coma for about 2 months, and in that 2 months Zack has been by her bedside every. Single. Day, it has been the saddest but cutest thing to see, I love that fact that no matter who Helena is, what she is going through, she had found someone that loves her every bone.

I have been back and forth as well, I have been trying to get her to wake up and every single time failed, but then so has everyone else including Vincent who has also been going to the hospital as much as he can, so that he can show her that he is also there for her.

Since the first time Helena went into hospital Vincent's slap went pretty viral on whatever platform he came from, he was bigger and better then before and is now officially 2 months sober, promising me that he stays far away from drugs and alcohol as humanly possible, which was a relief because the stress that he had given me that day, I honest thought I was going to be going down the same route as Helena.

Vinnie - Babe, I am about 10 minutes away from the hospital any requests?

Delilah - did you get me a coffee?

Vinnie - Yessir already equip :) anything else though?

Delilah - Could you bring some food, I am not sure what but surprise me xx

Vinnie - Gotcha see you soon xx

Delilah - byezz xx

Vincent and I had decided to keep everything between us very lowkey, he was worried that once people found out on social media, that I would be bombard with messages and people being mean about literally everything, the last thing he said he wanted was people making fun of me having cancer or bringing me down and being negative, I did reassure him that if the best they have is "she's going to die anyway stop wasting your time" that I wasn't the slightest bothered by them but I think he just likes me as his little secret.

After a few minutes Vincent popped his head inside the door with a smile followed by the rest of his tall body, he closed the door behind him and came to stand next to my chair that I was sitting on just having my daily chat with Helena, "so anything different?" he asked as I shook my head as he placed a kiss on my head, I got up so he could sit on the chair, so that I could then sit on him, he placed the food and my drink he brought on the tray that Helena had and wrapped his arms around my waist "she hasn't budged" I said as he pouted and rested his forehead on my back "she will eventually, she's a fighter I know for sure" I added as he sighed, "you are the only thing keeping me strong at the moment" he said as all of a sudden there was a stir from Helena's bed "you're kidding me, am I not worth the strength" Helena muttered barely audible as we both jumped up and ran to her side.

"Vinnie go get the doctors!" I screamed as he looked at me with a smile and ran out as Helena started to slowly adjust herself, I placed a hand out just in case she needed some help adjusting "oi, I am not incapable, yes I am fragile but not disabled, allow it" she said as I smiled a little, oh my days! I had my best friend back, I took a deep breath and shook my head with a giggle.


The doctors were doing their all to keep Helena alive, fit and healthy and really there wasn't anything we could do more, so Vincent and I had told the whole family that she was awake and very much giving us all attitude the way she knew best, Helena was back for as much as she could hold out for.

"I am so glad she is awake" I said as Vincent and I were laying on my bed, I was resting on his chest and we were just looking up at the ceiling with nothing but comfortable silence in the room, "I am glad that everyone is in a place that is happy and healthy" he added as I looked up at him and smiled as he smiled down at me "I can't believe how far we've come, I mean I used to hate you, you were annoying and egotis-" Vincent cut me off mid-sentence "yeah alright I get it, you were also rude, self-centred and had a bad mind set" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes playfully "look at us now, I actually fell for someone like you" I said as I twisted around placing both of my arms on his chest and resting my chin on my arms looking directly at him "I think I can tolerate you now" he added as he grabbed a pillow from behind his head and threw it at my face, I gasped and grabbed the pillow and sat up onto his waist repeatedly hitting him with it, "well I can barely tolerate you" I said as he rolled his eyes, he grabbed the pillow and threw it to the ground.

He had my wrists in his hands and we were both looking at each other, before anything could happen the moment was ruined by my mum coming in "oh my! um I didn't mean to barge in" she stuttered through her words as I climbed off Vincent and he sat up with me sitting on my bed crossed legged "yes mum how can we help?" I smiled as she had a little red blush running across her face "I just wanted to say I have ordered pizza and we were thinking about watching a movie, Zack has come over so thought it would be nice for you two to join as well" she said as Vincent and I looked at each other, smiled, he winked at me and I looked back at my mum "Vinnie said he's down" I said as she nodded and awkwardly walked off closing the door behind her, "think you scared my mum" I said as he pushed my head "shush you".