

In "The Bodyguard," Warren a highly trained ex-seal operative, is assigned to protect Kiara, a senator wife who has been receiving death threats. As Warren delves deeper into the case, they uncover a web of secrets and betrayal. With danger lurking at every turn, Warren must use his skills and wits to keep Kiara safe while unraveling the truth behind the threats. Along the way, they develop an unexpected bond, making his mission even more personal. Can Warren outsmart the unknown enemy and save Kiara before it's too late? Find out in this gripping tale of suspense and protection!

simply_ademide · Fantasy
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Chapter 6 - The speed date

What could he have mean by that?

The next day.....

While Warren is washing the dishes and I'm drying them, I break the silence by asking him a question

So, what time are we leaving?

Leaving for what?

The speed dating thing at your friend's bar?

Right....I forgot about that. Are you sure you want to go?

Sure! it beats doing nothing. And hey, who knows? I might meet someone fun and go home with him

Warren's entire body freezes, and he almost drops the plate he's been holding


You know, if I hit it off with someone, and he invites me back to his place -

You're NOT going anywhere with anyone without me. Have you forgotten why we're here?

Fine. If I can't go to his place, then we'll just hook up at the bar

in front of everyone else?

why not? I don't have issues with PDA (public display of affection)

Warren just stares at me stone-faced

if that's what you want..

it is. I'm going to go take a shower and get ready. Just let me know what time we're planning on leaving

He gives me a curt nod, so I turn and sashay into the bathroom

Warren keeps sending me mixed signals. He tried to sound calm, but his knuckles turned white from gripping that countertop. Maybe a sexy, tight dress will remind him what he's missing out on....A short red dress ( much better) I will definitely turn a lot of heads wearing this. And now, action

I wait for Warren in the living room, and it isn't long before he appears

Are you ready to go?


I face Warren. He's dressed casually, yet seems put together at the same time. I bite my lip as I take him in and realize that he's doing the same to me

You look nice

And you look....um...

He clears his throat

Well, I think you know how amazing you look in that dress, Kiara


You look nice

so do you

I hope you won't be the only one thinking that tonight

Warren scoffs

Those guys would be idiots not to find you attractive. In fact, I'm betting you'll have trouble shooing them away. Which reminds me....if at any point you feel uncomfortable or want to leave, let me know immediately

What if you're really enjoying the person you're talking to? I wouldn't want to interrupt

The only reason we're going tonight is because it's something you want to do. obviously, you're my main priority

So you'd walk away from your date just to make sure I'm okay? How sweet of you

I'm just doing my job, kiara

Well, you're really good at your job

I notice a hint of a smile on his face, and his posture finally relaxes

We'd better get going then if we want to make it on time

okay. Are we talking about your motorcycle again?

we can....if you want to?

Yes,definitely. I had so much fun on it yesterday. I really didn't expect to like it as much as I did

Warren grins boyishly, and the sight gives me butterflies

It's a great bike, isn't it?

it really is

Well, then....let's introduce you to the finest bachelors around, shall we?

We walk through the front door of the Tipsy Cow, and the first thing I notice is that the bar is completely packed

I didn't expect it to be so crowded

I guess an event like this is the talk of the town, huh?

Suddenly, something cuts in front of me, so I stumble backwards....but Warren quickly steadies me

Are you okay?

Yes. thank you

Men and women being eyeing us from the tables set up around the room, and a few gazes linger on Warren's hands on my hips

Maybe we should split up?

I turn to face Warren, which causes his hands to drop from my sides

split up?

if we stay too close together, it'll look like we're a couple

You want me to leave you here on your own?

I can't really date anyone if I have you glued to my side

My teasing seems to have the opposite effect as Warren's face darkens

Right. Like I said earlier, cone find me when you want to leave

Without another word, Warren disappears into the crowd. I frown after him

It's hard to keep up with all of his mood changes. Isn't the whole point of being here to meet other people?

A bell rings, and the noise quiets down. I can see Jack standing on top of the bar, a list in his hand

Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming out tonight. The rules are as simple as they can be - every time the bell rings, you have to change your partner's. So, find a seat across from someone else, and let's get started!

A couple of cheers are heard around the bar as everyone begins shuffling their way around. I sit down in front of a handsome looking man who looks to be in his early forties. He gives me a kind smile just as the first bell rings

The name Billy, What's yours, darlin'?

I detect a slight Southern accent when he speaks and decides it suits him. I hesitate, remembering I should probably use a fake name

My name's Bethany. it's nice to meet you

You're not from around here, are you?

How can you tell?

A girl as beautiful as you easily stands out in a small town like this

is that so?

He smirks

If you hadn't noticed, it's slim pickings here. Most of the women in this town are uniform chasers, which gets a little old after a while

I glance around the room and notice that there are actually far more women here than there are men

There's a naval base a couple of miles south, and this is a bar. The SEALs tend to frequent

SEALs, huh?

I look around the room in search of Warren. When I finally find him, I notice that he's sitting at a table with a pretty woman in a short, black dress and skyscraper heels. She's touching his arm and pushing her chest out toward him, but the glazed look on his face tells me he's bored . He slowly peels the woman's hand off of his arm

Not your type, Warren?

The woman looks irritated by his move, but she soon rests her hand on his knee instead. Warren presses his mouth into a firm line and says something to her that causes her to back off completely. He catches my eye, and he mouths the words "help me" as I stifle a laugh

Sorry, Warren, you're on your own here!

He smirks at me, then shifts his gaze to Billy. Realising I'm probably coming across as rude, I reluctantly turn back to the man sitting across from me

Are you a veteran?

Sadly,no. I'm a cattle rancher, but my dream is to become a world-class body builder someday

Billy flexes happily and admires his arm

I'm actually-

The bell rings, signalling that it's time to change partner's

it was nice meetin' you, darlin'. Come find me later if you want to see what a real man can do

He gives me a wink and then shoos me away


I glance around the room and then make my way toward a twenty-something bachelor - the other two looked like they were pushing seventy

I like older men and much as the next girl, but not that much older

As I sit down, my new date grins up at me

Well, shit. Ain't you a beauty

He eyes my body with satisfaction and shoots me a wink

um, hi. what's your name

Rusty. But you may know me better as last year's world Cup tractor racing winner

Rusty smiles proudly

I'm actually not from around here, but congratulations. That's quite an achievement

it was a hell of a battle, but the best came out on top

I can only imagine how intense it must've been

one of the strongest moments of my life, that was

So, have you lived here long?

I even have the trophy showcased in my livin' room . it serves as a constant reminder that my countless years of training were worth the struggle


My unenthusiastic remarks don't seem to be much of a deterrent. As Rusty continues to prattle on about his World Cup win, his eyes soon stray away from my own and down to my cleavage . His tongue swipes out to wet his bottom lip

He's definitely not interested in anything I have to say

So, what do you say to the two of us gettin' out of here? I got my tractor parked out back. Have you ever had sex in a tractor, darlin?

I shake my head

I can't say I've had the pleasure

You can feel every bump and divot in the road. it's a mind blown experience, I'm tellin'' ya

He gives me a toothy grin

I could show you one hell of a time if you're interested. I've never slept with an older woman

Might as well have some fun with this until the bell rings again

oh, thank goodness. I know I felt something between the two of us

I smile at him adorably

God, Rusty, I can't believe this is happening. I never really believed in love at first sight, but looking at you -

Woah, love?

Rusty raises his hands and glances around with a nervous smile

You lost me there, Darlin'

Don't you feel it, too? The moment I saw you, I thought, "There's the father of my children."

I see Rusty turn white while I pull out a pen and paper from my purse

I'm going to give you the dates of my ovulating cycle so we can make sure to time this out properly. I stopped taking birth control a few months ago, so we should be good to go. I want us to have at least six children -

The bell sounds, and Rusty almost springs out of his seat

Jesus, lady! you're freakin' crazy! Screw this, I'm out of here!

Rusty immediately rushes toward the door, shoving people aside

Are you scaring away my eligible bachelors over here?

I turn my head to find Jack already sitting down in the seat. Rusty vacated

I don't know. I'd I'd consider that one an eligible bachelors

Rusty's not that bad of a guy. I think he won first place in last year's tractor, something or other?

Such a sexy accomplishment

Jack chuckles

Are you participating in the speed dating tonight?

Unfortunately, not enough guys showed up, so I'm filling in

From what I heard, a lot of these women are looking to hook up with a man in uniform

You got that, right!

So, shouldn't you be happy about that?

Not when most of them are women I've already.....been intimate with

Ah, that sounds like quite the dilemma

Smirking, Jack glances behind me

So, have you and Warren....?

No, we haven't

That's a shame. it's pretty obvious there's something going on between you two

Well, you're right about one thing....There IS something going on, but I think it might be one-sided . Warren's made it very clear that nothing can ever happen between us

I wouldn't be so quick to write him off. With the way he's been watching you tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if he went back on his word. He's obviously into you

I stare at him quizzically

You really can't see it, can you?

I shake my head . Jack laughs and leans forward until his mouth is right by my ear

I'd say give it thirty more seconds

Give what -

Jack kisses my cheek, and I hear a chair screech loudly from behind me

Jack, what are you-

Before I can finish my question, I feel a presence standing directly behind me

I think it's time to switch partners now

Nope, I haven't sounded the bell -

Get up

Grinning, Jack stands up and offers the seat to Warren

it really was a pleasure meeting you, Ashley

I laugh, and Warren's face hardens. As soon as Jack's gone, Warren takes his seat and stares at me impassively

oh, are you my next date?

Yep.What were you and Jack talking about?

He was telling me to stop scaring off all the eligible bachelors

Warren's face softens as he lets out a low chuckle

I was wondering what happened when your last date ran off like that. What did you say to him?

I told him I was in love with him and wanted to have his babies

Warren's eyebrows shoot up, and he coughs out a laugh

You didn't actually say that, did you?

I nod my head and slide the piece of paper across to him

I was in the middle of writing down my ovulation cycle, but he ran off beforehand I could give it to him

Warren laughs so loudly that it draws the attention of everyone else in the bar

is this real?!

of course not! I don't want that creep knowing when it's safe to impregnate me

He laughs again, and I laugh along with him. I notice how carefree and happy he looks - his eyes are crinkled, and two dimples have appeared on his cheeks

Who knows, dimples on a man could be so freaking attractive?

was he really that bad?

I guess he wasn't all bad. He did win last year's World Cup tractor Race

Now you're just making shit up

I make a cross motion over my chest

I swear, I'm telling the truth

Jesus, I didn't even know the town still held events like that

Apparently, we've really been missing out

Warren smiles at me and glances around the room. Other couples have started dancing to the music, and I feel myself grin at the sight

Would you like to dance with me?

My eyes fly back to him


only if you want to

I would love to

Warren stands up and holds out a hand to me. I take it and he pulls me up, then guides me over to an open area near the back. I follow his lead as he places a gentle hand on my lower back while the other holds one of mine. Draping my free hand on his shoulder, I look up at the handsome man before me and find his eyes already on me

Giving up on the speed dating, are we?

it appears so

What, have you already found the woman of your dreams tonight?

He chuckles and shakes his head

No, I didn't meet her here

He gives me a secret smile, and I recognise the glint in his eyes

it's obvious he means me - no need to question him. Alright, Warren Garcia.....it's on

I give him a soft smile

I think it's time to go home

As soon as we get to the bedroom, I sit on the bed and pull my shoes off, flexing my feet and feeling the immediate relief once the heels are gone

Well, tonight definitely wasn't at all what I expected, but I think you really saved the night


Yes, You

I flop back ok the bed and stare up at the ceiling

Did you have fun?

He's quiet for a moment, then I feel the bed shift as he lies down beside me

Surprisingly, yes


I've never actually gone to one of those things before

I roll onto my side to face him and see him watching me

Why not?

They aren't really my thing

I'm sorry I made you go

I'm glad we went

You are?

He reaches out and tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I'm so shocked by his action that I'm afraid to move and ruin the moment

You looked really beautiful

Then he frowns

What's wrong?

That is much harder than I thought it would be. Watching you flirt with those men tonight...I didn't like it

I open my eyes and see him studying me cautiously

I wasn't flirting

it looked like you were. Especially with Jack

Jack? I wasn't flirting with Jack, trust me

He kissed your cheek

he did it to prove a point

What point?

He was trying to tell me that you had feelings for me, but i didn't believe him

Warren is silent

I didn't mean to upset you

His hands comes up to rest softly against my cheek, and I feel his thumb move slowly back and forth. I close my eyes as tingles of desire flood through my body, heating my skin and intensifying the neeed to feel more of him. Suddenly , I feel a gentle pressure against my lips. My eyes fly open in shock and my heart pounds against my chest. Warren pulls away after a second of me not responding, but i feel too stunned to move

He kissed me!

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that

his eyes watch me carefully as he waits for my response

No, you're right. We shouldn't

He looks a bit disappointed, but he nods in agreement

it's easy to see how much he loves his job....I don't want anything to ruin it for him

I'm going to go get washed up before bed. Good night, Kiara

I watch him walk away, I don't call him back. curling up under the covers, I close my eyes and try to put all thoughts of Warren out of my head

The next morning....

Ever since we woke up, it's been incredibly uncomfortable between Warren and me. Neither of us knows what to say to the other, so it seems like we've silently agreed to stick with avoiding each other at all costs. if he's in the kitchen, I go and sit on the front porch. if I'm in the bedroom, he heads outside to work on his motorcycle. But at some point, we both end up on the couch, sitting in awkward silence until Warren decides to break it



Are you feeling okay today?

why wouldn't I be?

Huh, I guess that's a good question

I guess

why is it so uncomfortable between us all of a sudden?

Should we....turn the TV on?


is there anything in particular you want to watch?

News, maybe? Maybe there's an update on my situation


Jack told me Warren has feelings for me...but how can that be true when he's been acting like I don't exist all morning?

Warren reaches for the remote and turns on the TV. As he turns to the news channel, I hear the remote drop to the floor with a loud crack. Both of us stare at the screen in complete disbelief as a body bag is being loaded into an ambulance....in front of my home

What the hell?

This has to be a joke. This isn't real

I'm calling his phone

Warren stands up and dials Eli's number. it must've gone straight to voicemail because he slams it down on the coffee table almost immediately after. My hand starts shaking as I lift it to point at the screen. Warren glances over at me with concern and anger

Does that say...?

In big, bold letters across the bottom of the screen, the words "Kiara Nelson has been declared dead this morning!" Flash in my face

Does that say I'm DEAD?!
