

In "The Bodyguard," Warren a highly trained ex-seal operative, is assigned to protect Kiara, a senator wife who has been receiving death threats. As Warren delves deeper into the case, they uncover a web of secrets and betrayal. With danger lurking at every turn, Warren must use his skills and wits to keep Kiara safe while unraveling the truth behind the threats. Along the way, they develop an unexpected bond, making his mission even more personal. Can Warren outsmart the unknown enemy and save Kiara before it's too late? Find out in this gripping tale of suspense and protection!

simply_ademide · Fantasy
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Chapter 5 - Tispy cow

I walk into the kitchen to find Warren already drinking coffee


Good morning

He's leaning on the counter, and he immediately offers me a cup. The memory of him last night, moaning my name again and again, brings a smile to my lips

You seem pretty cheerful today

it's because I had the most wonderful dream. but I'm sure you know all about those, don't you

what do you mean?

surely you remember

Remember what?

Last night. You repeated my name quite a few times

his face turns bright red

Must have been one hell of a dream. I'm so curious, though, what exactly was i doing to you?

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to hear that

Don't apologise. I'd love to hear you moan my name again

Warren pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs

Kiara, I'm sure you're aware that our relationship is becoming anything but professional. we should probably steer clear of blurring the lines any further. I've already made breakfast, so help yourself whenever you're ready. I'll be outside if you need me


Warren turns to look at me, his face carefully blank

I'd really love to go out today. Do you think that would be possible? I know I'm technically supposed to be a missing person.....But I just feel so trapped in this cabin

You might be recognised

Is there nothing we can do to change my appearance a bit?

It doesn't take Warren long to soften at my doe-eyed face

on the top shelf in the linen closet, you'll find some at home hair dyes and a pair of scissors. I also left you some outfits in the bedroom, which will help you blend in. if you make yourself unrecognisable, we might be able to somewhere today


I had a feeling you'd want to explore the town at town point


l lean forward and throw my arms around him. He stills, and it isn't long before he gently pushes me away . Not letting his actions deter me, I smile up at him

Thank you so much.You don't know how much this means to me

Just meet me outside when you're done. We'll be taking my motorcycle into town. You've ridden on one before, haven't you?

Before I can answer him, Warren's phone pings. He glances down as soon as he pulls it out of his pocket

it's Eli

Warren tuns the phone toward me so that I can see the messages, too

Mr. Garcia, what seems to be the problem? Unless there is an emergency, please refrain from leaving me more than one voicemail in the future. Your job is to keep my wife safe and not to bother me with any necessary details. Understood?

I glance up at Warren to find his eyes narrower in annoyance. He types him a one word reply and pockets the phone

Well, at least I'm sure now you didn't kidnap me

Warren fights back a smile before he leaves the room. I walk into the bedroom and look at the options Warren brought for me

I guess it's time to change up my look a bit. What should I do with my hair? I dyed my hair ginger and made it in a wavy style

I like it!

Once I'm done with my hair, I turn my attention to the several outfits carefully laid on my bed. I picked a cosy outfit. I hear the sound of motorcycle revving up outside the cabin, so I head up for the exit.

It's time to see what this town has to offer

The minute I walk out the door, I see Warren standing beside his motorcycle. My eyes are immediately drawn to the vehicle. I walk over to where he's standing, enthusiasm evident on my face

Can I be the one driving? I've always wanted to



he chuckles and gives me a wide smile

Maybe next time. You can't exactly use the GPS without a phone, can you?

And whose fault is that?

Warren takes a bulky looking helmet and gently places it ton my head. He adjusts it and pushes up the front shield so the open air hits my face

Just hold on tight, okay?

I nod. Warren climbs onto the bike and then turns back to me with an outstretched hand

Are you ready?

okay. what do I do?

Hook your leg over the side and wrap your arms around my waist

I do as he says. He wraps his hands under my thighs and pulls me forward, so I'm pressed flush against his back. Warren puts on his own helmet, then revs the engine again. The sounds is almost deafening, but it fills me with adrenaline

it's going to be pretty loud, so just tap my back if you need me to stop or slow down, okay?

He turns his head until he can see my eyes

I'm going to need a verbal affirmation, Kiara. Do you trust me?

I look at him straight in the eyes, my expression serious

with my life

my answer seems to take him off guard. His lips part, and he searches my eyes

That was more confident than I expected

it's how I feel. you protect me, you take care of me, you always think of my safety' first... how can I not trust you?

it's my job, Kiara

I know it is. But is this assignment truly the entire reason you're doing all of this? One would expect you to keep me confined between these four walls... not take me out for a date

Warren's mouth part in protest when I said "date," but I continue smiling

Face it; Warren. You care about me

of course, I care about you

Now it's my turn to be surprised. He shifts on the motorcycle seat, now facing me

it's hard not to develop some sort of cordial relationship with a client in these kinds of situations. You're the only person I'm spending time with right now

so.....I'm just another client to you? When this whole charade is over, we simply go back to how things used to be?

My voice gets lower, and a hint of sadness creeps in

we won't even stay in contact?

I never said that, Kiara. But after this is over, you might choose to just forget about this entire ordeal. Including me

He eyes never leave mine, and I know he means it

I could never forget you,Warren

He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes

Now, come on. hold on tight

Three hours later, we're casually strolling through a local park

I can't believe a town this small has so many hidden treasures

surprising, isn't it?. I've always liked it here

I can see why. There's something so peaceful about being away from all the city sounds. You can actually hear the birds chirping without the rumble of traffic in the background

That's definitely something I miss when I work in cities

how long have you lived here?

Most of my life, actually. My mom and I moved here from california when I was about five years old. The cabin we're staying in was our first and only home here

just as I opened my mouth to ask him what happened to his mom, Warren pointed at a nearby building

One of my friends actually owns this bar. Do you want to grab something to eat?

Food sounds nice

As we come closer to it, it isn't long before I notice the sign carrying its name

Tipsy cow?

Don't ask

I grin as he holds the door open for me. The first thing I notice when I walk through the door is that it seems pretty empty - aside from one other couple seated at the bar. The walls look like they could use a new paint job, and the stools seem a bit wobbly, but it is other's a welcoming place

it's cosy

it's the best bar within a hundred mile radius

Just as he says that, a large imposing man walks over to us with a huge smile painted across his face and claps Warren on the back

Don't listen to this guy here. it's the best bar in the whole damn state, I'm tellin' ya

Warren scoffs

Now you're just exaggerating

Am not. What other bar would give you free welcome drinks as soon as you enter?

He pours us both beer on tap , slides it along the bar, and winks at me

it's on the house, darlin' . And I can keep' em coming for as long as you want

We can pay for our own drinks, Jack

The barman shakes his head

Nonsense. My best friend isn't paying for a thing here. And neither is any company he keeps

Warren sighs and takes a sip of his beer

I don't know how you're keeping the business afloat. You do the same thing with half the patrons

Jack shrugs

The regulars are loyal. They'd never let me go under. Besides, the women practically line up when they see me running the place

He flexes, and Warren chuckles

speaking of women.....

He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. Warren immediately stiffens by my side

Hello, beautiful. My name is Jack Wayne

And I'm-

Ashley Carter

Right. Not even Jack can know my real name

it's a pleasure to meet you

A pleasure?


Sweetheart, I can show you the real meaning of pleasure

Though the words sound flirtatious, I can see a teasing glint in his eye and it's obvious he's trying to spite Warren. He winks at me again

Back off, Jack

Hey, hey, I was only introducing myself

She's taken

Don't worry, Warren. I saw the rings

I follow his gaze down to my left hand and frown at the wedding rings sitting on my finger

I guess I should probably stop wearing these? It's become such a habit that I hadn't even though about what the represent

Looks like you finally found yourself a good one, Garcia! I'm happy for you, man

Jack thinks that Warren and I are- -

we're just friends

Just friends, huh?

Just. Friends.

Ah, so I'm free to try with her, right?

Warren's begins to object, but Jack throws his arm around my shoulders and starts walking me towards the bar again. Warren trails behind us, and I can practically feel the glare he's shooting at the back of Jack's head

Just take a seat there, little lady, and I'll get you something else to drunk

He points to the full pilsner glass I'm still holding in my hands

Not a fan of beer?

Beer is fine, really. I just...forgot to drink it

I take a sip, and Jack chuckles

So, how do you two know each other?

Me and Garcia? oh, we go way back

we grew up together

you know, he's always been jealous of me

The only thing I've ever been Jealous of was how quickly uou scared off women

Women love me

sure, sure

They do! Just the other night, I had two of them begging me to take them to bed

He's also an elaborate storyteller

Jack pouts

He's so mean to me, Ashley

Warren, stop being mean to Jack

Thank you


Did he tell you he's the reason I lost my leg?

I look at Warren in shock. He shakes his head

Don't be so dramatic, Wayne

I'm not being dramatic!

So, you're not the reason he lost his leg?

Not in the wat he's implying

I don't understand

I turn to Jack, and he grins at me

it happened when we were in the SEALS together. I'd just taken on a round of gunfire and thought that was the end for me

You were shot?

oh, hell yeah. we've both been shot multiple times

My head whips towards Warren, who shrugs sheepishly

it's part of the job

That day, I was hit in the leg and shoulder with nowhere to run. No one was there to help me and I was bleeding out pretty quickly

He scratches the back of his head and looks away

I really thought I was a goner, bit this idiot over there....

Jack throws a thumb in Warren's direction

He just couldn't let me die

see what I mean about dramatic

What did he do?

When he couldn't find me, he came running back out into the line of fire. I don't remember much other than seeing pretty little angle wings sprouting out of his back when he hoisted me up and dragged me to safety

Jack bats his eyelashes at Warren

My beautiful guardian angel

I laugh at the expression on Warren's face, and Jack joins in

Now, I've got this sexy prosthetic leg here

He lifts up his pant leg and shows it to me

Total uniform magnet, right here. Women love this thing

He looks up at me hopefully, as if asking for my approval

it's a very nice looking leg

Jack smiles smugly at Warren

See, I told you. Chicks dig this thing

she's just being polite

Whatever helps you sleep at night, big guys

is it hard to walk around with it?

Nah, I'm used to it by now. Hasn't stopped me from doing what I want in life

Still, I'm sorry that happened to you

Hey, it wasn't that bad . I might've lost a leg, but poor Garcia over here lost his heart

Jack chuckles, but Warren stays quiet

Your heart, Warren?

Warren refuses to meet up my gaze. Instead, he stands up and storms out of the bar. I watch, stunned, as he slams the door behind him

What just happened?

Turning back to Jack, I notice that his smile is gone

I shouldn't have said that. I didn't realize it was still a sore spot for him

what do you mean?

sorry, doll, it's not my story to tell

I frown and turn back toward the door

I'm not going to be nosey. if he wants to tell me, he'll tell me on his own

You're not going after him?

I don't think that would be a good idea. I'll give him some space

Jack shrugs, then heads over toward the other couple to refill their drinks, and I'm left sitting awkwardly by myself. I fiddle with my glass of water and watch the small beads of condensation drip down the sides. A little while later, Warren finally comes back and pretends like nothing happened

Hey, before you two take off, we're hosting an event tomorrow night. it's a speed dating buffet

why would we want to go to that?

Actually, it kind of sounds like fun?

Warren regards me coolly

No, it really doesn't

I pull him aside, out of Jack's hearing range

Hey, as someone who's about to become newly single, I think it would be nice to get myself back out there. Besides, since you've decided we're keeping things "professional"..... don't I deserve a chance to go meet and flirt with some sexy, avaliable bachelors


Excuse me? why not?



it's not safe

it's not "safe"?


That doesn't even make sense. We're in the middle of nowhere, and we've been out in public all day. No one has even glanced my way


He groans and drags a hand through his hair

You really want to do this?


Fine, we can go then


obviously I'm coming, too


I smile at him brightly

This should be fun

I can't wait to see how you react when you get a look at all the "secy, avaliable bachelors" here

What's that supposed to mean? And why are you smirking?

Come on, Let's get home

Warren walks out of the bar and waves to Jack when he calls out Good bye

What could he have meant by that?