

In "The Bodyguard," Warren a highly trained ex-seal operative, is assigned to protect Kiara, a senator wife who has been receiving death threats. As Warren delves deeper into the case, they uncover a web of secrets and betrayal. With danger lurking at every turn, Warren must use his skills and wits to keep Kiara safe while unraveling the truth behind the threats. Along the way, they develop an unexpected bond, making his mission even more personal. Can Warren outsmart the unknown enemy and save Kiara before it's too late? Find out in this gripping tale of suspense and protection!

simply_ademide · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Lake

Does that say I've been declared dead?!

There has to be some mistake

Warren, that's a body bag!

" it was early this morning that the remains of a young woman were found beside an abandoned building over on Lake Street. Two joggers noticed the body and immediately called emergency services. Though it's said to have been burned beyond recognition, the woman was reportedly wearing a wedding ring on her left hand. Just one hour ago, Senator Eli Nelson identified the body as that of his now late wife, Kiara Nelson. Nelson's wife went missing only a few days prior to...."

Turn it off! Please, just turn it off!

Warren snatches the remote from the coffee table and quickly turns the TV off

Hey, look at me

I can't!

Just breathe

Warren, I -

Warren gently takes my hands in his and rubs soothing circles on my palms with his thumbs. I try my best to match his breathing with my own, but my heart is hammering in my chest

there has to be some sort of explanation for this

Why would Eli do this, Warren? What do we have to gain from this? Saying that I was kidnapped is one thing, but dead?!

I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Maybe there was another threat that we're just not aware of?

Another threat?

it's possible that he felt like he had no other choice

No other choice but to kill me off? I guess you're right.....there might be a good explanation

Well, I hope we hear an explanation soon....because I don't like this at all

You and me both. This whole situation is too weird. I mean, an actual body was found. Could be the case of a mistaken identity... except the woman was wearing my own damn wedding ring!

That reminds me. isn't your ring here? I saw you wearing it the other day

His eyes fall on my bare fingers

I have two. Eli lost them before the wedding, so he ordered another set. Then he found them a few weeks later.....he must have used one of those

That's possible

Anyway, I don't see how this whole charade is supposed to protect me. is it possible he.....killed someone?

Would Eli really go that far?

I don't know. I...I don't know what your husband is capable of, Kiara

To be honest.....I don't know either

we both look down. the terrifying implementation of what Eli's done finally sink in, and I clench my fingers

Everyone thinks I'm dead. my neighbours, my friends, my family

Warren notices the change in my demeanour, and his eyes focus on my face


I can't ever come back from this, you realise that, right? All of my finances, my belongings, even my phone. They aren't mine anymore. Everything belongs to Eli

No, it doesn't. This is just temporary. I'm going to get in touch with him, and he's going to explain everything

how can you be so sure?

because I'll make him

something dangerous flashes in his eyes, but they soften once he looks at me again

Don't give up that easily

He opens his arms wide, and I melt into his comforting embrace. Even with all the chaotic things happening around us, this is still the safest I've ever felt. He kisses my forehead, then rests his chin on top of my head. so I use the opportunity to snuggle into his chest

we'll get through this, okay? I'm going to get in touch with him somehow, and we'll sort this out

I frown and pull away

what if he doesn't answer?

then I'll keep trying until he does. also, how about I make you something to eat? You're stressed

I don't think I can eat anything right now

what about tea, then?

sure, I guess

Warren picks up the heavy wool blanket from the back of the couch and drapes it over my shoulders

sit tight. I'll be right back

Fifteen minutes later, just as I take a sip of my tea, Warren stomps back into the room and tosses his phone on the table

I called his cell phone, his home phone, his office number, and even his secretary's landline. No one is answering

No surprise there

I shrug

I wonder if Eli told Hannah and my family that it wasn't true. Somehow, I doubt it. They're probably completely distraught that I'm dead, and I can't contact them. And even if I could. I'm scared. My father would get a heart attack as soon as he hears my voice

Warren takes my hand into his own

I'm not going to let you sit here and think about the what-ifs all day. I want to take you somewhere


you'll see

Warren, I don't really want to be around other people right now. I'd rather stay in -

Trust me, no one else will be there

I eye him skeptically but then seceide to take his lead

Go put on some warm clothes, and then we'll head out


he gives me a small smile, then turns to walk towards the front door. Heeding his advice, I head into the bedroom

He said to wear something warm....Here goes nothing

A gentle, cool breeze causes my hair to lift and dance in the wind . I close my eyes and inhale deeply

Wow. its so beautiful here

Warren smiles at me

A little fresh air always helps me clear my head. Do you feel any better?

Surprisingly, Yes. Clearing my head is exactly what I needed

Happy to be of service

How did you find this place?

Warren chuckles, and I glance over at him with interest

it's actually a funny story, it happened completely funny. I'd been playing in the years over at the cabin when I heard my mom start yelling my name. it wasn't one of those "Warren! Come inside, sweetheart!" Kind of calls. it was a "Warren! what did you do?!" call

how old were you?

He pauses, thinking for a minute

I had to be about seven or eight years old. so, once I'd heard my name, I knew she'd finally found the pieces of the mug I'd broken and swept into the closet

I laugh, and he shoots me a grin

why would you do that?

To hide the evidence, obviously. it was one of my mom's favourite coffee mug

You bad boy. What happened next? Did you run?

You're damn right I ran

oh, come on. she couldn't have been that scary

Kiara, when that woman even glanced at you, doesn't matter what you did, you ran as fast as you could. Her disappointment was worse than bullets

Warren laughs.

Anyway, I ended up veering down a road I didn't normally take and kind of stumbled upon this place. it became like a sanctuary to me. Whenever i needed to get away or want some time to myself, this is where I come

Well, thank you for bringing me here. it means a lot you shared such a special place with me

of course. I'm happy someone else can benefit from it

I'm kind of surprised by how much its helped

Or maybe it's just that's helped me

Warren shoots me a smile

So, your mom never found you here?

Nope, not that she really looked. if I stayed away long enough, she'd eventually calm down

Your dad never stepped in to help you?

it was always just me and my mom. I don't even know who the guy was. She never told me


it's not that sad really. I grew up without him, so I never felt like anything was missing. My mom might be gone now, but she'd always been enough for me

When he sees the question in my eyes, he gives me a sad smile

She passed away three years ago

I'm sorry to hear that

it's okay. it's been awhile

I weave my fingers through his and sigh. Warren squeezes my hand back and I rest my head on his shoulder. We stay there like that for a few more hours, making idle conversation and opening up about happy times from our pasts

Warren gets up and stretches

We should probably head back before the sun goes down. Your easy to go?

I think so. Thank you again for bringing me here. I really needed it

He nods, and we head over to his motorcycle. When we reach the bill, I notice a man walking on the road headed in our direction. He's carrying a fishing pole with a tackle box, and it isn't long before he notices us. He waves at us, but Warren doesn't react

Do you know him?


That man

The man waves again

it seems like he knows you?

Warren doesn't answer. instead, he starts up the bike and hands me a helmet to put on. The man seems to pick up his pace when he senses we're about to leave

Warren? Did you hear what I said?

Before I can inquire any further, Warrem revs the engine and takes off. I have no choice but to cling onto his waist as we speed away back toward the cabin. Since we got back to the Cabin. Warren has been unusually quiet. I've tried to start a conversation with him a few times, but he didn't give me much to work with. I notice him walking back inside with his shoulders slumped and his mouth in a frown

Hey, are you okay


You just look....

There's a haunted look in his eyes, and he lets out a shaky breath. I just want to comfort him, but I'm sire what to do

it's obvious Warren has some sort of history with that man with the fishing gear. Why else would he be acting so strangely?

i chicken out and instead avoid the question

Well, I'm here if you need anything

He turns to walk away

I'll be in the bedroom

I watch him step into the room and close the door behind him. I wait to see the bedroom light turn on from the crack underneath the door, but it never does

Maybe some time alone will help him

When I went to talk a few hours later, Warren was already in his mat. I don't think he slept a wink that night, but when the morning came, he pretended like nothing happened. We never raised the subject again

A few days later, the heater breakdown. The cabin is plunged into an icy, bitter cold that leaves me feeling almost breathless. Warren immediately goes out to check it, and he's far from happy when he finally comes back

This is ridiculous!

Warren? Did you fix t?

No....I can't. it seems that one of the valves is broken

What?! But why?

The heater lay dormant for moths before we started using it.... I should have checked it out before

He looks so miserable that I hurry to reassure him; but my chattering teeth don't help

It's f-fine, Warren. I'm f-fine

No, you're not fine, Kiara! You're shivering!

why is he so upset? Even though we didn't expect the heater to break, at least we're still safe here

How c-come you're not c-cold?

I'm used to harsh weather.And why are you worried about me? it's my damn job to worry about you, Kiara. I can't protect you if you freeze to death!

why are you m-making such a big deal about this? I'm c-cold, not --

Your lips are turning blue, for God's sake!

I m-mean; if you're really that worried, why don't you c-come warm me up yourself

Warren's body tenses


Warren hesitates at my proposal. . His gaze becomes heated as his eyes rake over my shivering frame, and I can feel my cheeks blush

Like you s-said, you were hired to take c-care of me, right?

Warren takes a step toward me his eyes locked on mine


His arms reach out, and he gently pulls me closer to seize me in am embrace. I can't help but tremble in desire when I feel his skin against mine

You're right, it is my job

He places a hand on my waist, while his other trails down my cheek until it resets softly against my neck

Your skin feels like ice

Not for long....if you keep touching me this way

He leans his head down until his nose skims along the length of my neck. His warm breath on my exposed skin sets my body on fire, and I can see the hunger in his eyes

I think I can help with that

His mouth lingers on my shoulder, and the breathy moan that escapes my sounds desperate and pleading

Does that help?


please what?

His words are teasing, but he obeys my demand. His lips become more persistent as he trails open mouthed kisses down my body. His hand tightens on my waist as his other one explores my curves. His teeth graze my earlobe, and I grab onto his shoulders when I feel my legs go weak

Do you feel warmer now?


No? How about now?


His mouth starts moving lower and every inch sends another wave of pleasure through my veins. I throw my head back and sigh in pleasure, shivering, anticipating.....but then he stops

Tell me what you want

Tell him what I want. I can't even speak!

When I don't answer, he pulls back to look into my eyes. both of us are breathing heavily, the rise of our chests perfectly sync

This man.....I don't know what it is about him, but I just can't seem to stay away. if this is wrong, then I don't want to be right

I-i want. ..

could I really tell him?

He leans in until out lips just barely brush, sending tingles down my spine

What do you want, baby?

Baby.....oh, I love the sound of that

I look straight into his eyes and take a deep breath. Every touch, every kiss, every embrace we shared the last few days has been electrified

if I tell him I want him, it will change everything between us. But the wat he's looking at me tells me he's hoping for that

I bite my lip and place a gentle hand against his cheek. I tangle my fingers into his hair and pull his face closer until his lips are hovering directly over mine

I want you, Warren

He pauses, but before I can beg him to continue, another voice chills me straight to the bone

"What's going on here?!"

is that my husband?!