
The Young Knight: Marqueza

A 16 year old lady come back to their empire after 5 years of living on Earth. She came back to Marquea Empire and wanted to become a squad knight, a knight in training, for a certain reason. She has this special being inside her that causes an outbreak of war. Will she be able to stop the forthcoming war, or will the pressure inside her makes her vulnerable? ... Nashtassia Freya Marqueza, she is the Emperor's youngest child who was hidden inside the palace for the reason that she has a living being that resides within her that might cause a few problems if not kept undercontrol. After hearing that her Aunt and Uncle were going to Earth to live peacefully, she decided to go with them without them knowing. At first, she intended to stay for only a few days, but those few days turned into a few years, almost 5 years to be exact. When she graduated highschool on Earth, she thought it was finally the time to return to her family in Marquea Empire. Before deciding to return to the empire, she made certain that the years she spent on Earth were worthwhile. She had learned swordsmanship from her uncle, unaware that Nash had a reason for doing so. ...

merrilllyynch · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 75

Underground (Demon Realm)

"I will tell you something that even your father isn't aware of," Chrollo said. They are currently in a wide space with no one else except the Demon King's family and a few demon guards.

Nash grew anxious, but at the same time, she was intrigued, "What is it?"


"Summoning..." Nash whispered, "What will I summon?"

"Demon creatures, obviously," Chrollo said, "I'll show you."

Chrollo mentioned a few demon's names, and they appeared one by one.

"Woah! That's so cool!" Nash exclaimed as she looked at the line of demon beings in front of her.

"Now you do it,"

The demon creatures disappeared.

Nash took a deep breath and focused; she recited the demon names supplied by Chrollo, but no demons emerged. "Eh? Why aren't any demons appearing?"

"Father, she's not a full demon," Raum stated.

"Ah! Right... HAHAHA I forgot about that!" Nash looked at him in disappointment, "Since you are only a vessel of a demon, you have to offer your blood."

"And draw a magic circle," Lilith suddenly appeared beside her husband along with her son behind her.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that Lilith is in charge of all the demon creatures, so it would be preferable if you two got along. She will teach you a lot about demon beings."

Nash gulped, 'Shit.'

Lilith looked at her from bottom to top, "Tsk"

Nash creased her forehead, 'See? How can we be on good terms?'

"What do I need to do then?"

"Draw a pentagram with your blood, and be sure to add a dot of blood in the center before summoning them."

Nash was surprised.

'She really told me?!'

"Why do you look surprised, huh, human?" Lilith looked at her with disgust.

'Her surprised look looks unpleasant.'

"Nothing, then I will try it," Nash bit her fingers until they bled, then drew a pentagram with a dot in the center, "Shoosuvas."

The pentagram lit up and a Shoosuvas appeared.

"I did it!" Nash exclaimed.

Lilith raised her right brow, 'She's quite a fast learner.'

"I guess you're getting along, so Lilith, my dear wife, you'll be training Nash from now on."

"Why should I?"

Nash looked at her pleading with her eyes,

Lilith felt irritated as she looked at her, "You don't look pleasing, stop that. I will only train you just because Chrollo called me 'dear'."

"Yes, ma'am."

"What ma'am? I'm the Demon Queen."

"Yes, Auntie," Nash smiled at her innocently.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Sorry, Auntie"

"I'm glad you two are getting along with each other HAHAHA." Chrolo said, laughing.

"Right? I thought Auntie despised me, but I guess I was mistaken," Nash grinned while Lilith was irritated.

Nash chuckled, 'I have to be on good terms with Lilith.'

They had to wait a few weeks for Nash to summon all of the Demon creatures at once. There were moments when she collapsed and her fingers were all wrapped up from biting her finger just to give her blood.

"I did 6!" Nash exclaimed and sat on the ground, all sweaty.

"That's too few,"

Nash shook her head, "Nope. Six is an excessive number for me."

"Well... doing 6 can make you open the entire demon realm for us to get out of here," Lilith stated as she sipped the tea Nash brewed.

"I can do that? How?! Teach me?!"

"Are you yelling at me?"

Nash pressed her lips thin, "No, Auntie."

"Tsk, Just as I said, you opening up the demon realm will allow us to get out of here and go to your world."

Nash pondered a few things before asking, "Is it okay if I open the demon realm?"

"Even if you open it, no one would want to go to your world."

"Even if I ask for help?"

Lilith observed Nash's sorrowful eyes as she glanced at her "It's a different story if you ask for assistance. Who knows if my husband will be willing to assist you?"

"Then please teach me,"

"I don't want to."

"What?! Why?!"

"It's... life-threatening, especially for you, because your demon power is a little unstable because you don't know how to fully utilize it."

"I don't care," Nash said without a second thought.

"So it's fine for you to die?"


"What about your close ones?"

Nash halted, "they will be fine."

"How can you be so certain about that?"

"Just teach me! Please."

Nash thought to herself, 'It's fine to die as long as everyone is safe.'

"You should consider the feelings of others. Don't be selfish."

"I don't care if they call me selfish... as long as I could save them then I'm fine with it."

Lilith slapped Nash, "Don't think that you're the only one fighting."

Nash looked down.

"I'm going back, we'll continue tomorrow after you cool down."

"Please... teach me." Nash kneeled in front of her.

"I will, so rest," Lilith patted Nash's hair and disappeared.

Nash lay down and gazed at the red sky, raising her arms to capture the clouds. She quickly drew it down and covered her eyes.

After a few seconds, someone began to poke her cheeks, and when she looked up, she noticed that it was Asta. Asta was finally at ease with Nash and treated her as if she were a sister.

"You're here?"

Asta leaned in close to Nash and wiped away her tears.

'I'm tearing up?'

Nash chuckled, "My eyes hurt."

"Did mother scold sister Nash?"

Nash shook her head, "No... I angered her... I think."

"You did well, sister," Asta caressed Nash's head.

Nash smiled and pinch Asta's cheeks, "Let's go back"


"Remember everything I told you yesterday?"

"I do."

"Good. If you want to open a portal for the demon realm, simply repeat the summoning process, but this time you must enchant some demon words. Like this,"

Lilith showed her how to open a demon realm portal, she enchanted a few words and suddenly the magic circle brightened up and slowly made a hole inside.

"Is that our world?"

"Yes, but in an abandoned place so no one could see." Lilith closed it, "Now you do it."

Nash nodded and did it, she failed multiple times already.



They've been doing it for a few weeks straight and finally, Nash opened a portal.

"I taught you this not to use in an unimportant situation, you understand? If you do, then I'll be the one to kill you."

"Yes, auntie."



The summoned demons started to fight with the devil creatures. As they fight, the portal is not yet closed causing more creatures to appear.

On the other side, Roven and his two sons were fighting the shadow guy.

"Hihihihi... your daughter is dying... Do you know that?" The shadow guy was weakening after a lot of deadly blows from Roven.

Daniel managed to capture him, and Roven walked in front of him, clutching his neck. Because the shadow guy's body was visible, physical contact was conceivable, which was not the case previously.


As Roven clutched the guy's neck, he removed the hood of the guy and realized that it was not a guy, but a girl, grinning.

The portal grew big and as if the creatures evolved, it became bigger and increased in numbers.

Roven immediately crushed the shadow guy's neck and Vincenzo burned it's body into ashes.

"She looks familiar," Roven whispered.


"That thing we fought."

The portal was slowly closing, but the creatures were still many.

"Father, go to Nash first."

Nash was held by Jaxael, almost gasping for air as she continued to vomit blood.

Roven took her away from Jaxael and held her, "Father... Please let go of me."

"No!" Roven looked at Squad 15, "Bring him to Serio, NOW!"

He gives Nash back to Jaxael and heads to Serio but suddenly, Squad 15 were thrown off by Nash's gravitational ability.

"Nash!" the Squad 15 yelled. Before they could approach Nash, a group of creatures surrounds them.

"I told you to go to Serio!" Roven yelled.

"No. I have to find Katherine," Her stomach has healed, but she still feels weak after her strength got sucked up.


Roven looked above and saw the shadow guy he fought a few minutes ago, "You're still alive?"

"That's not my body. Do you not remember me, Roven?"

The lady's body became more visible after she took off her robe that caused her body to turn into a smoke-like shadow.



Nash approached one of the magical knights. Nash recognized the magical knight as soon as he turned around.

'He was one of those who almost raped me...'

"Does your veins contains poison in it?" She asked.

"It does..."

Nash held out her arms, "Insert me some."


"Just do it!"

Veins began to encircle her arms, thorns from the veins began to pierce Nash's arm, and the poison from the magical knight began to flow in her body.

Nash could feel the poison enveloping her body. Her body began to feel lighter than it had been.

"Thank you," Nash approached her squadmates who had just finished defeating all their nearby creatures.

"Where's Katherine?"