
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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CH 60: Sure

The last sentence was said with force and pride that only two other people in the room could describe accurately. Thor because he exuded it himself and Black Panther because she was regularly talking with Bast who gave off the feeling.

It was a divine presence. One that induced both awe and fear to those who were in the presence of it. Something only true gods could have.

While the others may have doubted Jason's claims of godhood, those two knew just how right his claim was. Everyone else was stunned into silence and did not know how to continue. But someone broke the silence.

Thor slammed his hand on the table while he nearly buckled over laughing. Although he had worked with the Avengers and gotten along with humanity, Thor did not forget his godly heritage and being.

'That's right. What are the laws of man compared to the will of a god? If we decide to go along with them, that is our choice and not mortals.'

The others looked at Thor with a bit of frustration. His laugh was basically agreeing with Jason. They did not know that he truly did agree with Jason in his mind but did not say it aloud to give the mortals face.

"I don't care if you call yourself a god. As long as you are on earth, you follow our rules."

This caused Jason to have another bout of laughter.

"Please. Enlighten me on how gods obey mortals. Let's ignore the most obvious group of assholes, the Greek gods, and just name literally any other group of gods. In which pantheon, have gods ever been afraid to smite a few mortals?

But I don't wanna start the whole religion talk so let's just skip over gods being dicks as well as the part where you threaten me to do as you say and follow your rules or be considered a criminal. Then I say something about you not being able to make a prison powerful enough to arrest me. And then we all show our powerful hands and what we got.

Let's just get to the part where the mediators get us from killing each other, shall we?"

Mr. Fantastic coughed and stood up while Professor X and Emma Frost made hand motions to urge him to start before a fight truly broke out. No one wanted to deal with 4 gods and 11 mortals trying to tear each other apart in a small room.

"How about a compromise? You give the Avengers or other organizations slash groups chances to deal with the issues. We are not each other enemies and only want the best. And we can see what you have done and are grateful."

"Indeed. While their actions have been extreme, the Beasts have done much good. You and the other mutant gods have restored many parts of Genosha while rescuing many mutants and bringing them back to us. You have let them feel safe," Emma interjected.

The members of the Fantastic 4 and the X-Men nodded their heads in agreement. No one could deny that while their methods were extreme, the Beasts were extremely capable.

"Emma is right. You have helped not just mutants but humanity as well. Aquarius had slowed down the melting of the poles while Virgo did excellent work at the hospitals and has healed millions. No matter what anyone says, you all have done great," Reed said.

'Hmm. Reed certainly has a way with words,' Jason thought inwardly while he kept a poker face on the outside. Although praise could not sway him, no one disliked hearing it. Both Okita and Iskandar were silently laughing at Jason since they had been around him long enough to know what he was thinking.

"So you want us to pass on missions to you while we sit back and relax? That does not seem very fair to me," Jason said while trying to look as guilty as possible.

"Don't even play that, you bastard! It doesn't matter how old or powerful you have gotten, you're the same guy with the heart of a swindler who tries to hoard as many benefits as he can," Dick yelled from across the table.

Tim nodded from his seat as he agreed with Dick. Both had fallen victim to Jason's schemes many times when they were younger so they always had their guards up around him. Jason clicked his tongue at both his brothers getting in the way of his benefits.

"We don't mind hanging back for the most part. But if the situation demands immediate attention or you have failed to deal with it in a way that we consider proper, we will handle the tasks."

Everyone was surprised that Jason had agreed so easily and without consulting the others. Although he was usually the voice of the group, Jason would almost always take a break to discuss with he others.

What they did not know is that Jason had planned for this scenario. He knew that even if they kept doing things their way, the humans would fight back no matter how much good they were doing. This is why Jason and the Servants had been acting so flawlessly for 6 months. They wanted to do as much work as they could before they had to deal with the ire of humanity.

The second reason was to distract humanity from 2 projects. Anastasia had awakened and was able to unlock several new abilities. The main benefit was her Sumerki Kremlin had reached the EX rank.

It was much larger and granted a blessing to land it was located on. The only downside was that it took a long amount of time to build. After 3 months, the Kremlin was finally created and was now its own flying mobile fortress.

The other project that was being worked on was Quetzalcoatl's domain. Quetzalcoatl was created her own pocket dimension to work as the true base of the Beasts while the Kremlin would work as their public base for humanity to see.

While the group would have preferred to create their own domain on earth, there was something similar to the counter-force on the planet which did not allow godly domains in the main universe. This is why being such as Dormammu and Odin or dimensions like Limbo existed instead of simply taking over their own planets.

The group did not want the other chief gods to notice Quetzalcoatl's absence and the creation of her dimension so they could only distract them by using themselves as decoys.


Author's Note:

Jason and each of the Servants had been named after a western zodiac to use as codenames. This is in case I decide to make a servant war later and don't want their true names or statuses as servants revealed. They will only be called this on rare occasions but will still list them below.

Jason: Scorpio

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Pisces

Twins: Gemini

Anastasia: Aquarius

Nightingale: Virgo

Iskandar: Leo

Achilles: Taurus

Okita: Libra

Quetzalcoatl: Ophiuchus

Ashwatthama: Aries

Penthesilea: Cancer