
The X-Gene of Fate

A young mutant in the Marvel 6161 universe tries to master their powers in a world that hates them for being who they are. They will go through trials and tribulations from humans, demon, mutants, inhumane, and anything else that gets thrown at them. Will our young mutant join one of the many mutant groups, turn his back on mutants and join another team of heroes who might never truly understand him, or will he forge his path in the chaotic universe? Read to find out! We are back! Ready to update, take names, kick butts, and pass out swiss cake rolls. Please support me on Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/boredasura --Warnings: Just cause I want no one to be shocked and complain later-- -If you are looking for a book full of cougars going after a kid, this is the wrong story. -If you are looking for something sweet-ish like a superhero cartoon, wrong story. -Looking for me to follow everything in Marvel and not create my ideas, wrong story. -Looking for someone who will not kill a woman opponent, wrong story. -Looking for a system that talks back, wrong story -If you wish for the same events as in comics, the wrong story - Looking for me to follow the timeline exactly, I don't even know how to properly read a marvel timeline except for the big stuff. -Looking for a harem, eh this might happen but only 3 or 4 at most but it will not be every random woman falling for him.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

CH 61: Family Secret

The meeting was concluded after that with each group making their way out of the room and towards the roof where most of their ships or jets were parked. The Avengers had other matters to discuss so they did not even show the others off.

Before Jason left the room though, he gave his mother a hug and got a communication device from Shuri. Jason gave her a look to ask what it was for and her reply was...

"This is both a thank you to you as well as the will of Bast. She wants you to visit one day. She says that the part of her that was with you enjoyed its time away the most."

It was after she said that, that Jason remembered that Smelly ended up being a supernatural cat.

'I always thought that she was just linked to that giant goddess. Did not realize that it was truly an avatar of a goddess. Then again, I have become a living god mutant from a human, so guess I should not be surprised.'

Jason thanked Shuri before he followed the others up to the roof. Iskandar was returning to the Kremlin that was located near Genosha while Okita and Jason had other plans.

Jason stretched out his wings before picking up Okita bridal-style and flying towards Manhattan. He had four meetings total that day and he was running late for the second one.

'I actually came late for this one too. Well, better to be fashionably late than boringly on time,' he thought as he flew.

-----In an office building------

Several men and women in suits were sitting around a meeting table while doing various tasks. Some were reading documents on tablets and their phones, some were flirting with others, and there were those who were staring at the clock with impatient looks on their faces.

One, in particular, was a Korean man who would look very familiar to Jason. This would be his uncle, Ji-Hoon Kim. He was actually the one who scheduled the meeting and was the most anxious about it. It would determine his future after all.

Suddenly, a beeping was heard in the room and everyone perked up. A woman's voice was soon heard through the intercom.

"Hello, leaders. I have a Jason "Chaos God of Mutants" Kim saying that he has an appointment."

Ji-Hoon was the one who pressed on the intercom and answered. He was the highest-ranking member in the room at the moment.

"Good. Bring him up and then make sure that no one disturbs this meeting."

"Of course, Mr. Kim."

Everyone stopped what they were doing before and brought out various packets of information before they placed it before themselves and looked as if they had been reading over it. Even though they had read the packet at least 5 times each, they wanted to appear serious and diligent for Jason.

This was not just any group of executives. These were some of the highest members of the international organization, The Hand. The Hand was a ninja clan and the current iteration of a pseudo-religious cabal worshiping the demon known as the Beast.

The clan was made up of several different factions which are each led by a faction leader with all being overseen by a single supreme leader. But ever since the emergence of the Beasts, there had been a subtle divide in the clan.

Many thought that the old beast was dead or useless compared to the new group known as the Beasts and began to silently worship them. This created a divide in the group between the old way and the new way, although the old way held a much larger influence.

The members in the room were the 2 faction leaders who switched sides as well as all the notable members of the clan who were willing to switch. They planned to meet with the Beasts to discover their intention and hope of the group backing their claim against the old way and the Beast.

Jason's uncle Ji-Hoon was the former faction leader in charge of Korea before he became the leader of the United States. This was actually a position that was inherited by the male of the Kim family for the past 500 years.

The other faction leader present was the current leader of the hidden faction known as The Nail, Black Lotus. The Nail was an all-female group that worked as an elite strike force the hand and killed off anyone it deemed too dangerous for normal members to handle.

These were the main supporters of Jason while the rest were their most powerful and loyal members in their factions. They did not dare bring in anyone else to the meeting due to fear of being discovered and killed before they officially had the backing of the Beasts.

Jason walked into the room with Okita behind him. He nodded toward his uncle and Black Lotus before he made his way to the available seats at the end of the conference table and confirming the official beginning of the meeting.

Jason knew what the meeting was for so it did not last long. Jason and Okita agreed for the latter to temporarily help the other group with breaking off from the main group of the hand as well as securing their new base for a period of 6 months in exchange for rare materials sent to the group once per year.

The new group would be known as The Fangs and would be based in North America. Jason did not want to be late for his next meeting so he left Okita to deal with whatever else was needed before he bade the group goodbye and took off for the air.

'Next stop, Athens.'