
The Worst Father(?) In One Piece

Light synopsis: A Father with Daughter Complex The daughter's with HUGE Father Complex and a bit of Yandere tendencies BEFORE YOU START - This fanfic do not resolve around pirates world all that much. Mostly resolve around Kingdom, Empire, Underground World. -There are some new characters that I will introduce to fit the Mc backstory. The character design will come from different anime verse since my brain can't come up with a new characters that will sound interesting. Their fighting style mostly remain the same if they have one and will be fully integrated on one piece power system (including some tribe or clan) but their personalities might change -I will most certainly will not Follow canon, FUCK CANON. But there are some event that will come directly from the anime such as their background etc. but there will be slight change - The power system will 'Mostly' remain the same. But don't put your hope high, i might change my mind - I want to say that Mc don't have plot armour, but.... who am I to lie? if the MC dies early in the stories how will the story progresses right? ----- ----- A/N This story is mostly Au and has quite a few change in the stories and timellime but not by much -- the cover photo and one piece is not mine, credit to the owner of this photo and Oda sensei 1/2 chapter everyweek https://www.patreon.com/Amarhazlin

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


Rayleigh, Tommy and even Shakky flinch hard hearing the sound of Mikoto who can't even finish his word getting punch in the stomach and being blown away to the other side of the room. They know how hard that punch is and with the information Rayleigh and Tommy got, they know that Kushina might not holding any punch.

If it was 10 years ago, even if Kushina punch with her full strength, Mikoto will only flinch a little bit showing how strong Mikoto really is. But now? With the concoction Yuuto provide Kushina strength seems to multiple several time.

But the red head seems not to notice the increase of strength she got as she was feeling different emotion right now.

"Please Mikoto, tell me. Where our son right now, he need me.... I-" Kushina began asking with begging tone, her tone contained unbearable amount of desperation to it.

But before she can complete her sentence Mikoto rise from the rubble and cut her off

"Yes I know, you seal his memory off." Mikoto step forward and arrive infront of Kushina

"Then why didn't you let me SEE HIM!!!! His memory will come back causing a massive headache, we need to help him first" Massive amount of aura erupt from her body making the ground crack and even covering the wall.


Mikoto wrap his hand around her body and hug her tightly patting her back gently, not letting go even when he felt Kushina try to resist. After a while Kushina stop struggling and hug him back weakly while sobbing



They stay in that position for some time before Kushina finally speak up

".... I miss him…. I miss you….. I-I miss both of you. I d-don't know how long I've unconscious but I truly miss you" Kushina said in a low voice and choking from her tears

"I know, I know. I also miss both of you greatly. There's never been a single moment I'm not thinking about both of you…." Mikoto said in pained voice as he look deeply into Kushina violet-blue eyes

However Kushina seems daze when hearing what Mikoto said and suddenly she start to think something happen when she's in comatose state

"W-what do you mean by missing both of us? Didn't he stay with you?" she in panic start to break off from Mikoto hold " What happen to HIM!? What happen to MY BOY!!!!!! "

"Kushina please calm down" Mikoto tried to sooth her but she didn't seems to listen

"WHAT DO YOU BY CALM DOWN!? TELL ME!!! WHAT HAPPEN TO HIM!!!!!!" She scream in panic at Mikoto, the other in the room want to help calm her down but was stop by Tommy and Kureha since they know that Kushina will need to hear it from Mikoto himself

"Listen to me Kushina" Mikoto tried but still fail to calm her down, when she was about to break free from his hold he yell " IT'S BEEN 10 YEARS…."

And that is what finally stop her as she slowly turn her head, Mikoto push back her hair behind her ear and caressing her face with tenderness

"It's been 10 years Kushina... it's been 10 years since that day. Our son is fine right now, he is in the old man care right now and he can help us with shanks situation" Kushina eyes widen hearing what Mikoto just said

"10 years…." Her tears start to fall down as she hug Mikoto

"Yes, I haven't talk to you both for 10 years…" Mikoto eye redden a little remembering the time that the 2 most important person in his life is in front of his eye but he can't even touch or talk to them

Kushina couldn't even imagine how much it must be for her husband to suffer this entire time. And it also hurt her so much that she made him suffer this way, she also feel very hurt not being part of her son life for over 10 years. But there's one thing that confuse her

"Why can't you see our son? Did something happen?"

"The seal that you put in their mind is….. tampered. We can't let him see us or his head will explode" Mikoto said slowly and Kushina eyes widen in fear

"B-but how? I-I made that seal for them so they won't remember me and ONLY me when I'm death. I-I don't want them to feel any grief upon seeing my death, why did the seal –"

" It's because the energy that entering your body change the structure of the seal and made it more complicated to undo. The moment our son meet with someone that can jog his memory up it will trigger the mechanism. The only reason both of them are alive is because the old man managed to stop it from happening. Luckily their seal didn't interact with each other or it might cause more problem" The fear in her eye become more prominent the more she heard.

The thing that she wanted to do is to lessen the burden of her husband but it seems like it cause more burden instead

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" She repeatedly mutter those word as tear begin pouring more and more

"It's not your fault Kushina, You've done nothing wrong"

After she calm down for a moment Mikoto said with a smile

"Now… do you want to listen to me? There's quite a lot you need to catch up to" He smile gently making Rayleigh and Tommy a little creep out seeing the usual stoic person talk in such way

"Hn" Kushina just nod meekly and follow Mikoto along with the rest. Dr Kureha want to said something but close her mouth back and follow them, whatever she want to say it can be said later

"BOSSSSSSSSSSS – SANNNNN, ARE YOU SAFE?" another guess come to the room with a broken skull and trembling bone leg as he gallantly holding his cane sword.

His gaze then land on Dr Kureha before pointing his sword at her

"I believe our fight is not over yet, Young Lady....… Can I see your panti-"



"He ask for it"



[ If this book get 100 powerstone i will be posting an extra chapter

I'm planning on clear up my extra chapter in patr-eon so don't join yet cause i'm planning to revamp it

And no, I don't planning on dropping this, just lost my motivation for now since there's been a lot going on in my life now]