
The Worst Father(?) In One Piece

Light synopsis: A Father with Daughter Complex The daughter's with HUGE Father Complex and a bit of Yandere tendencies BEFORE YOU START - This fanfic do not resolve around pirates world all that much. Mostly resolve around Kingdom, Empire, Underground World. -There are some new characters that I will introduce to fit the Mc backstory. The character design will come from different anime verse since my brain can't come up with a new characters that will sound interesting. Their fighting style mostly remain the same if they have one and will be fully integrated on one piece power system (including some tribe or clan) but their personalities might change -I will most certainly will not Follow canon, FUCK CANON. But there are some event that will come directly from the anime such as their background etc. but there will be slight change - The power system will 'Mostly' remain the same. But don't put your hope high, i might change my mind - I want to say that Mc don't have plot armour, but.... who am I to lie? if the MC dies early in the stories how will the story progresses right? ----- ----- A/N This story is mostly Au and has quite a few change in the stories and timellime but not by much -- the cover photo and one piece is not mine, credit to the owner of this photo and Oda sensei 1/2 chapter everyweek https://www.patreon.com/Amarhazlin

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

"It's time to wake them up" Yuuto got up from his seat and place Baby 5 on the ground "Stay with Mihawk alright?" he pat her head and gesture to Mihawk

"Hn" Baby 5 just nod her head with a smile and come closer to Mihawk " Is Shanks-jisan and Buggy-nii going to be okay?" She ask concern, Yuuto just smile and said everything going to be ok.

He have questions to ask for example, why did she call shanks like that, but held it in since it was time to wake both of them up.

Yuuto look at the sun that was about to set in and walk toward where he place Shanks and Buggy was. They both are laying side by side on a makeshift bed that he build, their expression already ease up a little from the beginning

He crouch in front of them and put his hand on their head before closing his eye, his eyebrow furrow the longer he held their chest. Mihawk come by his side with Baby 5 and ask

"Is something wrong Sensei?"

"Is everything okay Daddy?"

"... Just something annoying come up, don't worry about it" Yuuto said in annoyed tone. " Go a little back further. Take Baby 5 with you and what ever happen don't come closer" He continue with firm tone, and inside he thought 'I need to change her name fast, the name 'Baby 5' just didn't sit well with me'

This is the first time Mihawk heard his Sensei said something in that tone since he is always so carefree all the time. He want to says something but ultimately just follow his word

"Yes Sensei" he drag Baby 5 by her collar since he knew that the girl didn't like being touch by anyone else other than Yuuto and move a couple tens meter away from him.

Yuuto didn't look back at them and start doing what he is planning to do. With a fast movement of his hand 2 identical unrecognizable language by everyone else emerge and floating in front of him.

The writing has this powerful aura surrounding it that made people who look at it will feel intimidated by it. He stand there and stare at them for a moment before the writing start to glowing in bright red before in dim once more, but from the body of Shanks and Buggy start to seeping out black gases

With another wave of his hand, a light blue colored spherical spatial barrier appear with Yuuto as it's center. The black gases from earlier start to gather together in front of him and form a blurry silhouette

It start to look around in confusion and upon seeing the body of Shanks and Buggy that is laying motionlessly in the ground, it speak.

"Impossible!! how come both of them still alive? And why am I outside of their body!!!" The silhouette voice become panic the more it spoke " They're suppose to be a vassal, how many years has past, did that woman notice the change of the seal? No!!! that's impossible"

The silhouette then turn around to notice the writing that Yuuto draw earlier and 'it' 'face' change drastically to fear.

"NO, NO, NO!!!! You're supposes to be trap in THAT PLACE!!!!!!!" The silhouette scream before making dash, but before it can move any further 'it' crash into some sort of barrier that can't be break

The silhouette slowly turn 'it' head and for the first time notice Yuuto sitting there on a wooden chair he pull out earlier when the silhouette rambling about

Yuuto has a careless smile on his face as he watch the silhouette panicking around his barrier. But it cannot be said the same for the other person, it start to grew more frantic and want to get away from this place as fast as possible

The gases around it body start to disperse as the back of it body touch the wall of the barrier and what reveal after the gas clear up is a humanoid creature with a dinosaur skeleton-like-face with a big horn in the middle of it forehead

But the body is a body of a man with a buff muscle and a sliver plated armor-vest covering his chest.

As the creature realize that the gases already disappear he turn his face at Yuuto even despite his trembling body

"Y-You, how are you here? Aren't you suppose to be trap in 'that' place ?!" he said in his deep voice trembling a little bit.

Yuuto didn't answer and just keep smiling carelessly and looking at his direction, he put his hand on the arm rest and pull out a cigar from his pocket and lit it up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!?? HOW DID YOU ESCAPE FROM THAT PLACE !!!! ANSWER ME YOU TRAITOR!!!!" seeing that Yuuto is not saying anything , he grew angry and despite the fear on his heart he yell at Yuuto

Yuuto put his fist under his chin and the carefree smile on his is now gone replace with a lazy expression. The man flinch seeing that face as if remembering a horrifying past.

With lazy eye, Yuuto command his order

"kneel" Yuuto said in low and lazy tone. If someone who know Yuuto saw this scene they will be surprise seeing the change in his demeanor , he who is usually someone who is so carefree in life change to a god that is looking down on his creations.

"…. WHAT DID YOU SAID YOU TRAI-" the man is silent for a moment before yelling his outburst, but he didn't get to finish what he want to said because...

Yuuto lift his hand that's holding the cigar and cross his leg

" I said.... " the two finger that's holding the cigar is brought down, the moment the finger fell, an oppressive aura fell upon that man making him having hard time standing up straight

"KNEEL" Yuuto voice turn cold as he said those word, the man who is on the receiving end didn't want to obey but the more he tried to resist the more heavy his body feel until….





[If we can reach 120 powerstone i will ne posting extra chapter

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