
The Worst Father(?) In One Piece

Light synopsis: A Father with Daughter Complex The daughter's with HUGE Father Complex and a bit of Yandere tendencies BEFORE YOU START - This fanfic do not resolve around pirates world all that much. Mostly resolve around Kingdom, Empire, Underground World. -There are some new characters that I will introduce to fit the Mc backstory. The character design will come from different anime verse since my brain can't come up with a new characters that will sound interesting. Their fighting style mostly remain the same if they have one and will be fully integrated on one piece power system (including some tribe or clan) but their personalities might change -I will most certainly will not Follow canon, FUCK CANON. But there are some event that will come directly from the anime such as their background etc. but there will be slight change - The power system will 'Mostly' remain the same. But don't put your hope high, i might change my mind - I want to say that Mc don't have plot armour, but.... who am I to lie? if the MC dies early in the stories how will the story progresses right? ----- ----- A/N This story is mostly Au and has quite a few change in the stories and timellime but not by much -- the cover photo and one piece is not mine, credit to the owner of this photo and Oda sensei 1/2 chapter everyweek https://www.patreon.com/Amarhazlin

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"….. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Yuuto was silent for a while before bursting out laughing as if he heard the most funniest joke he ever heard of


"…." Yuuto stop laughing and look down to see Baby 5 startled face with her hand turning to a gun that is slightly smoking and smell of gun powder. "Ouch?"

"DADDY!!!! Are you hurt?" Baby 5 wake up from her stupor state and quickly pat Yuuto body down in hurry to search for any injuries and wound. Seeing no visible wound or bleeding she sigh in relief seeing everything is okay except for the hole on the stomach area of his hoodie

"Daddy, don't startle me like that. What if you get hurt?" She pout as she blame Yuuto for her 'little' slip of hand

"… Aren't you the one who shot me in the first place?" Yuuto said speechless at what coming out of his daughter mouth

"But you startle me first and neither of us is hurt either. Daddy only got a hole on his hoodie and I only got mental tarmau….. taammoo…. emmm trauma, so it's a equivalent exchange" Baby 5 nod sagely, in her book, since no one is hurt then it's all fair play

"…. I don't think that's how the law works" Yuuto then saw Mihawk irritated look from the corner of his eyes "What?"

Mihawk was a little annoyed when Yuuto laugh at his statement earlier and fining him laughing about it offend him a little

"Do you thing such a person didn't exist?"

"Ouh about that, Hahahaha" Baby 5 pouting on his lap seeing that her Daddy ignore her, she turn her hand into a metal claw and pinch him 'hard' at his thigh and give a stare that can burn a hole through his face

"…." Yuuto look down and helplessly sigh. He pick her up earning another 'kyaa' and hug her while patting her head. Somehow this little girl reminded him of the girls he dated on the past, clingy. Well, at least Baby 5 wouldn't attempt to strap him on a room filled with torture device right?...... RIGHT?

His attention then turn back to Mihawk who stare eye Baby 5 speechlessly. In Mihawk point of view Baby 5 right now acting like a child who didn't get attention from her dad and develop a Daddy Issue

"I'm not laughing at what you imply, it's just your way of wording is similar to a person I know…" he pause for a bit before continuing " Did your word is somehow influence by someone?" he ask curiously

"I once had a mentor that introduce me to the way of sword back in the kingdom" Mihawk nod his head and explain

Yuuto chuckle a little bit hearing what Mihawk said

"No wonder, No wonder" He repeatedly nod his head " Since nowdays, especially in this era where having an 'Honored' battle between Swordsman/Swordswomen is something people don't care about. Very few people that still follow that code"

"There are more people like my mentor out there?" Mihawk raise his eyebrow and ask. Although he know he will one day find the person that fit his criteria, with all the travel he has for the past 5 years. Not even once he find the person that fit it and he subconsciously thought that his mentor is the only few rare one, or they are not someone he can challenge yet

"Of course there are…." Yuuto smile turn mischievous " And one of them is the want that you must defeat to achieve your goal….. The current holder of the title many want to snatch.

The World Greatest Swordsman in the world, Shimotsuki Ryuma or better known as…..

'Sword god' Ryuma"

[Yeah…. Mihawk and a certain mosshead goal just become 100x harder]





(Another location)

"Kushina wai-"







"….. You good Boss?" Rayleigh and Tommy just stare blankly at Mikoto who is currently lying down on the ground and then switch their gaze at the hole he made when he come crash through the room.

They just finish cursing Yuuto saying that old man is irresponsible geezer and many other cursing words when Mikoto decide to mad ehis entrance

"… Aren't you suppose to have a tear jerking reunion with your wife?" Rayleigh said as his mouth twitch a bit seeing the state Mikoto currently in.

"Don't say another word" Mikoto jump back up and stare at both of them before focusing back to Tommy " Didn't I said to call Rayleigh? What the hell taking you so long? Are you having an affair or something?"

"... I just off talking with the Big Boss" Tommy face turn ugly hearing what Mikoto just said but he still replied somewhat calmly " And Rayleigh is taking a shit"

"…" Mikoto took a deep breath to calm himself down " Did you tell him his wife are also here….. among the intruder?"

"Oh, I almost fo-"

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!! What's Shakky doing here? Isn't she suppose to open the bar?" Rayleigh said panicking and shake Mikoto shoulder violently

"Ara~ Am I not invited here Ray-san~?" Appearing from the hole that Mikoto come from are 3 beautiful women and all of them have this smile on they face that although look somewhat peaceful and innocent to someone else, but for the people in this room they back are drench in cold sweat upon seeing this

The one that speak just now is a relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards and is smoking a cigarette.

Shakky, once a member of Rocks Pirates and now a Bar owner and Rayleigh business partner/Wife

"H-Haha Shakky, didn't expect you to be here. What's up?" Rayleigh laugh nervously upon seeing the smiling Shakky.

"'What's up?' Nothing really, it's just Dr Kureha here is asking for some 'help' and I just so happen wanting to meet my lovely husband again" Shakky said smilingly and pointing with her thumb at the direction of a beautiful blond hair woman


Dr Kureha the woman that Shakky gesture to is a gorgeous bombshell of a woman wearing a simple white shirt and a loose lab coat holding a bottle of booze. This woman is the owner of the famous and prestigious Y&K pharmaceutical and beverage company and despite her outer appearance she is the oldest one in the room at the moment.

"Nice to meet you again Kids" Dr Kureha greet cheerfully and wave her delicate hand at them, however the boy just turn their face to the other side awkwardly since they know how dangerous this woman really is.

[img dr kureha]

"I heard that my husband is here?" she look around the room seeing nothing more beside the 3 awkward men and her face turn ugly " Where is he, I haven't meet him in more than 55 years now"

"The old man is single do- urgh" Rayleigh can't finish his word as his ribs is being punch by Shakky on his ribs that giving him a warning eye and gesture her eye at Dr Kureha direction who is glaring at him telling him to shut up, he can hear from his side Tommy muttering 'idiot'

Before Dr Kureha can jump on them a hand land on her shoulder making her look back and look at the Red hair woman who is also smiling making her a raise of her eyebrow.

"Let me ask first " She just give the woman who is wearing a blue set of patient gown a slight nod. Kushina step forward and made her way to Mikoto and grab the collar of his suit " Now, can you answer me? Where. Is. MY. BABY. BOY. Darling?" she said slowly with a 'sweat' smile

"Kushina, listen please. Shanks is sa- GAHH"






[*sigh* Truthfully I'm starting to losing my motivation, idk known why .

I already thinking of dropping this book multiple times now

Anyway, that's all for now]