
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Form

I walk over to him and introduce myself as Ethan, he turns around whilst introducing himself as Frank. As he fully turned around, I remember him, he's the guy who bumped into me last night, but it doesn't seem like he remembers me so I decide to just leave it.

I ask him "What type of magic do you have?" and he responds with "None of your business weirdo, what're you even doing here anyway?"

I explain that I heard yelling and rushed over, but he warns me "If you run to where yelling is, eventually you'll get yourself hurt." Despite his rudeness about his magic earlier, he seems like a genuine guy who just lays it out straight.

I ponder about if I should ask him his magic level and after a few awkward seconds of silence, I decide to ask him. "What magic level are you? You must have a high level being out here at this time. He responds with "Not that it's any of your business, but 93, the highest in the whole academy."

After a few more awkward seconds of slience, he turns around and starts performing his magic again. Having a closer look at it, it's definitely not flames at all, it's just like a black ball of nothingness.

I stood there wating for a few minutes, amused at the sight of his magic, but then the huge clock located in the middle of Arcanius rings, meaning it's 5:30. The bell rings multiple times throughout the day, indicating when to wake up, get to breakfast, and when to get to and leave classes.

I head back to the dormitory to see Noah, Jason, and Jester all awake with their robes on ready for the day. I quickly change into my robe with red areas, as I'm in the house of Nocturna. Noah is in house Celestium, Jason, Verdantor, and Jester is in house Sylvanor. We're all in different houses meaning we'd have to compete in events throughout the year.

There was 15 minutes left until breakfast so we head there and grab some waffles with maple syrup. It was delicious, but now it's time for form class, the class that happens at the beginning of everyday to adress several things.

We enter the room and find our seats, and not shortly after, Professor Mickley enters the room. Form class only goes on for about 10 minutes and in that time she handed everyone notes with our unique timetables to know what, where, and when our classes were.

Professor Mickley states she has two things she needs to go over today, and first, it's an event to compete for extra points for our house. She explains as 1st years, we don't do many events, as to get settled into the school first, but she explains in 3 months, the school will be hosting a tournament for all 1st years.

There will be 2 stages, the entry tournament, basically a torunament where the top 16 people get to compete in the actual tournament. There will be no extra points given for the entry tournament, but there will be extra points allocated to everyone in the actual tournament, the amount of points depending on your placement in the tournament.

The second thing she has to go over is the dueling system. People are allowed to request duels as long as it's during meals. There has to be a witness to every duel, and the people who wins the most duels by the end of the year get special rewards.

With Form over, I head over to my first class, which is Swordsmanship training with Headmaster Johnson. I arrive there and he explains that first we'll be getting our own swords, which we carry everywhere, then next we'll be doing mock duels.

Headmaster Johnson states that we start with the lowest magic level, which is me. He asks the class who wants, to which, Frank raises a hand and says "I will, I've been wanting to do this." He steps in and assumes a fighting position but without a sword in his hand, but nonetheless, I grab my sword and assume my fighting stance.