
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - Training

I ask Noah "Hey, do you mind helping me with my magic? I want it to feel more natural so I don't have to think about it as much as I did earlier today." Noah happily agrees, everyone heads back to their dormitory besides Noah and I, instead we head towards the indoor training grounds.

We set up 10 different wooden targets, and I line myself up, prepared to use my Gravity Manipulation. Noah talks to me saying "Imagine it in your head, and remember that feeling you had when you produced your magic earlier today." So I did exactly that, and after a few minutes, I crushes the wooden target using my Gravity Magic.

i practice on the next 9 targets with Noah guiding me through each one, and by the last target, it already feels so much more natural. Noah and I then pack up the wooden debris on the ground and chuck it all in the bin for destroyed wooden targets.

After destorying the last target, my body lights up in a purple aura, and my body is filled with energy and magical power. I look down at my hands and the rest of my body, the sight was magical. After a few seconds, the glow disappears, Noah explains that my magic level has risen, and I'm now magic level 2.

My eyes light up with excitement but then all of a sudden I get really tired, and Noah also explains I must've used up all my magical power. Noah helps guiding me towards the door to head back towards the dormitory for a good nights sleep.

On our way out the door, someone else enters, hitting me with his shoulder, then looks back at me and says nothing. I decide to just continue walking back to my dormitory with Noah, and within a few minutes, we arrive. Noah and I quickly head to head and I fall asleep in no time.

While sleeping, I dream about back at my little village where I had lived at up until just a few days ago. The village was named Glavastore, after an ancient story, about a man named Glavastore who used his Void Magic to destroy an entire army in a day. Although this story is thousands of years old and nobody really knows if it's real or not.

Glavastore is a small village located in Eastern most part in the continent of Verdantoria with a population no bigger than 100. Despite the small numbers, the village has been around for almost 200 years. Although in all that time, several Magicians have went to Arcanius, but none had made any significant change, nor achieved a power level of 500 in their lifetime.

Whereas bigger towns or the Royal Capital where Arcanius is located, people hitting a power level of 600 is about every 1 in 5000. The royal capital is the largest city in the world of Eldorya, which within the Royal Capital, there is a population of nearly 50 million. Meaning there are only 10 thousand people in the royal capital who have achieved a magic level of at least 600. 

My goal is to become on of those 10 thousand people, but I'll have to work tirelessly for many many years if I want to become that strong, but I'll do it. In the excitement, I wake myself up, I check the clock and it's 5:13am. There's still 17 minutes until I had planned on waking up with my alarm clock, so I may aswell find something to do.

I walk outside my dormitory to hear yelling coming from not too far away. Without a second thought, I run over and see a person yelling while practicing his magic. His magic spell he is practicing looks almost like a black flame, but I was unsure what type of magic he had.

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