
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 - Rival

I'm worried about this duel, I'm about to fight the highest magic level user in the 1st year. Frank summons a sword out of thin air, it looks like it's made out of bone, but without being about to think about it, he charges at me and thrust his sword towards my stomach, I hardly dodged it, his speed was incredible.

He then rushes at me again with a fury of fast attacks, I'm managing to block and dodge, but the weight of his sword is making me struggle. With every hit my hand hurts more and his sword is getting closer and closer to me. I need to do something about this, and quick.

I take a few steps back, I can get a better look at his sword, and I was correct, It's made out of bone. He must have 2 different types of magic! I've never seen anyone with more than one type, most people don't have the patience and determination to learn 2 magic types, let alone at such a young age.

As Frank continues his relentless assault, I focus my thoughts, trying to come up with a strategy to counter him. The bone sword he wields is certainly a unique challenge, and I can't afford to underestimate the combination of his speed and the weight behind each strike. My mind races as I analyse the situation. The weight of Frank's bone sword is a considerable disadvantage, but I notice a pattern in his attacks. With a deep breath, I decide to use his own momentum against him.

As Frank lunges towards me once more, I sidestep at the last moment, allowing his own force to carry him past me. Before he can react, I pivot on my heel and swiftly bring my own sword down in a powerful arc, aiming for his exposed back. I stop just before my sword connects with his back, and I can see the surprise in Frank's eyes.

I back off and put my sword to my side as Headmaster Johnson calls the fight and announces me the winner, Headmaster Johnson tells us we can work on other studies for the rest of the class. Frank stares at me with a mix of admiration and curiosity.

It seems he never expected that I would be the victor in this duel. As we walk away from the duel, he starts questioning me about my background and how I managed to develop such advanced swordsmanship skills. 

Frank asks me "How did you counter me so easily?" and I reply with "It's simply the difference in our sword experience." I reveal to Frank that I have practiced and honed my swordsmanship skills since I was just a little kid, it was the only thing I could do since I hadn't figured out how to use magic yet. I share with Frank the story of my childhood, growing up in a small village where high magic levels was unheard of.

While most teenagers in magical schools focused on honing their magical abilities, I had to find my own path. My family didn't possess any significant magical talents, so I turned to the art of swordsmanship, something that had been passed down through generations in our village, with our own unique fighting style, called Silvershade, meaning in the darkness, you'll always be able to hear our Silver Blade.

I explain to Frank that, despite my initial lack of magical abilities, my dedication to swordsmanship became a source of strength. Over the years, I discovered that the discipline, focus, and physical conditioning required for sword fighting were beneficial in developing my potential skills. 

Frank listens intently, absorbing the details of my journey. He seems to be genuinely intrigued, and a newfound respect is evident in his eyes. We continue talking about our experiences, exchanging insights into the diverse world of magic and combat. Frank shares that he was always drawn to the mystical side of things, experimenting with different magical disciplines from a young age. Thus why he learnt another type of magic are such a young age.

As our conversation unfolds, I offer to help Frank improve his swordsmanship skills. I emphasize the symbiotic relationship between physical prowess and magical abilities. Frank agrees, realizing that a well-rounded skill set will make him a more formidable wizard.