
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 - Gravity

After a few more people, it's now my turn, I'm confused what to do as I only now learnt what my magic type even was, but not I have to perform my first spell, how am I even meant to know what to do. I look at Professor Stein with a look of confusion on my face.

Professor Stein looked at me and said "Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel the magic energy flowing throughout your body, from your toe, to your head. Imagine manipulating your magic in whichever way you desire, now do it!"

I open my eyes, raise my hand towards the target, and a small purple circle up to the sky goes around the target. There's purple lines throughout the sky but only in the circle, all going downwards. Within a matter of a few seconds, the target is crushed to the ground in several small pieces.

The class is amazed but shocked at the sight of me destroying the target when I'm only level 1. No one else destroyed their target nearly as much as I did. Shortly after I finished demonstrating, Professor Stein announced that class was dismissed but asked me to follow him.

I ask Professor Stein where we're going and he says that we're going to meet the Headmaster. Within a few minutes of walking we arrive at the Headmasters office. Professor Stein knock on his door and we hear "Enter" immediately after.

We enter the Headmaster's office and introduces himself as Professor Johnson, not only the current Headmaster at the prestigious Arcanius, but a fellow professor, specializing in senior swordsmanship classes only. Headmaster Johnson possesses a common water type magic, but has never been very good at controlling it, despite that, he's at magic level 411.

Headmaster Johnson asks Professor Stein why I'm here with him. Professor Stein explains how I have a extremely rare magic, Gravity magic, and how it's really powerful, even at magic level 1.

Headmaster Johnson tells me I can go back to my dormitory now and prepare for the assembly happening in 20 minutes. So then I exit the Headmasters office and using my map, I head back to my dormitory and meet up with Jason, Jester, and Noah. I explain to them what happened, then we all prepare for the assembly.

In no time, there was 5 minutes left until the assembly so we decide to leave, the assembly hall wasn't very far away from the dormitory's. Within the next minute or two, we arrive and took our seats at the assigned seats for class 1-T. The Headmaster arrived and introduced himself to the rest of the cohort.

Headmaster Johnson explains there are 4 houses within Arcanius, Celestium, with the colour of Blue. Verdantor, with the colour of Purple, Nocturna , with the colour Red, then Sylvanor, with the colour green. Your house is assigned to you in random, but whichever house has the highest magic level collectively, as well as extra points you can gain throughout the year, wins The House Wars.

The House Wars is a little game to see who can get the most points throughout the year. The house that wins gets magic items at the end of each year. The rewards are allocated to the the person highest magic level, as well as the top 3 people who contributed to gaining extra points throughout the year. Each house is split up into year levels, and whoever has the highest magic level for each year level, also gets a magic item.

Then there is 1 magic item given to whoever has has increased their magic level the most throughout the year. The magic items can range anywhere from basic armour and weapons, to an item that can summon a Dragon. Headmaster Johnson finishes explaining the Houses and advises everyone to go to their dorm and get a good nights sleep for breakfast at 6am, then training at 7am.

I’ve decided to make 1 chapter the size of 2 chapters so that the plot can progress quicker to get to the more interesting stuff. As I’m aware, the beginning has not been very interesting yet but it should get more interesting around chapter 10, and hopefully continue to get more interesting from then onwards.

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