
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 - Training

The large grass area with some targets quickly went from hot and sunny to cool and cloudy with a slight breeze, from Professor Stein's magic, Weather. He asks everyone to show off their magic spells starting with Noah, going from highest magic level to lowest magic level.

Noah yells "Rabbit" with a clear picture of the rabbit in his head, then a blue magic circle appears on the ground and a White Rabbit raises from the middle of it. We all applause him and the teacher commends him for his spell.

Then it's the next person's turn, number 2 in the class, Sebastien. He reveals his Fire Magic with a magic level of 42. Out of nowhere, 2 fire spears are created in the air he then grabs one of them and fires the other at the target. Then with his other, he throws it with immense strength at the target. Everyone is shocked at the speed he threw the fire spear.

A few more people display their magic until it reaches Jester. He creates a 4 metre high earth wall in front of him that is 12m long, the teacher is impressed of the size of the earth wall, but asks "Do you have any other more offensive spells?", in which Jester looking down, replies with "Not yet Professor."

After a few more people, it's now Jason's turn which he creates an ice wall behind the target which is only about 2 metres high and 4 metres long. He then creates a small bit of ice in the air and manipulates it into being a spear head and shoots it towards the target at an incredible speed.

The ice blasts straight through the middle of the target but is stopped in it's tracks by the ice wall. The teacher is flabbergasted at how someone with a magic level that low can manipulate the ice to go that fast and is shocked at how strong his ice wall is to have stopped his ice shot.

Starting to add a bit of actual talking into it, not just describing what they’re saying like I have been, what’re your thoughts on it? Should I add more actual talking or keep it like it was?

etstainescreators' thoughts