
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5 - Magic

I walk up nervous but excited, I lay my hand on top of the magic crystal ball and the room lights up purple, brighter than anyone else's. It displays the number "1" and the word "Gravity". I'm excited but I was looking confused, as I have never heard of Gravity magic before.

Professor Mickley had the same look as me as she had never heard of it before either. Professor Mickley just shrugs it off and tells me to sit back at my seat. Professor Mickley then tells the class that their first class is Conjuring in an hour at the same room, as first and second years had the same room for majority of classes. She then dismisses the class.

I go over to Jason and find out that we share a dorm together, as well as Jester and another roommate we hope to meet soon. We all walk to the dormitory together and walk inside to see another person sitting on a bed. He introduces himself to be Noah, having a magic level of 43, and having a Summoning magic type.

Noah explains that he can talk to animals and make contracts with them to summon them at any given time. It's also mentioned that he's number 1 in the class and expresses his interest in teaching us anything if we need help.

The hour quickly passes and it's time for the Conjuring class. All 4 of us head there together and we all sit down in our assigned seats. Noah in the top right, Jester in the middle right, Jason in the bottom middle, then of course I'm in the bottom left.

The professor enters and introduces himself as Professor Stein, he then gets everyone to announce their magic level and magic type. It's revealed that the lowest magic level other than me is 8. After we're done announcing the information, Professor Stein asks the class to follow him outside to a large area of grass along as some targets. Professor Stein uses his magic to move clouds over the top of them so that it's not sunny, as his magic type is Weather.