
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 - Classes

The professor enters the classroom and introduces herself as Professor Mickely. She says that she teaches Necromancy. She possesses a semi rare elemental magic type, lightning, and is at magic level 473, but for now will be teaching the new students in class 1-T about what classes we will take and what they are.

She begins explaining what classes we will take, Conjuring, Transmutation, Alchemy, Enchanting, Necromancy, Healing, and then Swordsmanship. 6 different types of magic classes as well as a non-magic class.

Professor Mickley goes on to explain that Conjuring is learning your magic, Transmutation is turning something or yourself into something else. Alchemy, mixing different ingredients to make potions, whether it's a healing potion or an explosive potion. Enchanting, applying an enchant on to your sword by saying an incantation, as well cursing people.

Professor Mickley explains that healing is a study for other classes after you get the basics down. She explains that there is only 1 basic healing spell you can use without having a healing focused magic. The only spell you can use is simply called Light Heal, which can only heal shallow cuts or light bruises. She then explains that Swordsmanship classes are simply learning how to use a sword and which type of sword fits you best.

Professor Mickley puts a smile on her face and she starts talking about Necromancy, her specialty. She begins to explain that beginner Necromancy allows you to bring small dead animals back to life.

She then starts to explain that as you get more advanced, you can bring larger animals back to life and speak to the dead. She explains the end goal for all Necromancers are to bring the dead back to life and she goes on to state that only a few people have ever been able to do it.

All of the 27 people in class 1-T are excited, the looks on our faces are staggering. Professor Mickley brings out a crystal ball and explains that this will tell you what magic type you have and what magic level you are, she explains that everyone has to do that, even if you already know it all.

She calls up several of my classmates as it goes from highest magic level to lowest. Within very few minutes, it gets to Jester and to no surprise, Jester puts his hand on the crystal ball, it lights up Brown and displays the word "Earth" and the number "23" then after a few more minutes, it gets to Jason.

I have a surprised but happy look on my face as I hadn't known that my new friend Jason was in this class. Jason walks up to the crystal ball and lays his hand on top, it lights up to a Light Blue colour and displays the word "Ice", and the number "11".

After a few more minutes it finally arrives to my turn, I walk up nervous but excited, I lay my hand on top of the magic crystal ball and the room lights up purple, brighter than anyone else's. It displays the number "1" and the word…

This was more of an informatiom chapter, should get into the actual story a lot more from now on. This chapter was around 200 words longer compared to other chapters due to all the information, but I intend to keep it at around 300 words, not 500 words like this chapter.

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