
The Worlds Greatest Magician

A boy going off to the most prestigious magic academy in the world with an unknown magic.

etstaines · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - Preparing

I arrived at my dormitory after a few minutes and I was about to knock on the door but then the door opened, one of my three roommates came out. He introduced himself as Jester, he possessed a more common magic type, Earth Magic, and mentioned that he's at magic level 23, which was slightly above average for his age of 15.

We introduce ourselves and found out we're both in class 1-T. We talk for a few minutes, Jester mentions he is heading towards the student shop. I quickly drop off my bags on my bed and I decide to go with Jester since I have to go there anyway.

Along the way we made simple small talk about which classes we were most excited about. Jester is mostly excited for the Alchemy, and Transmutation. Whilst I am most excited about Conjuration, as well as the Swordsmanship classes.

At Arcanius, there wasn't a choice of classes in the first 2 years, whereas throughout years 3 to 5, you were able to choose the classes you were most interested in. Although Conjuration, Enchantment, and Swordsmanship are mandatory until you graduate.

Jester and I hurry over to the student shop, by the time we finish getting fitted for our uniforms, and collect our books required for the class, there's only 10 minutes left until the introductory class. We hurry back to the dormitory and quickly get dressed with just 5 minutes to spare. Our uniform is a robe down to our ankles, the colours changing depending on the house you're allocated in, there are 4 houses within Arcanius.

We arrive at the introductory class with only 2 minutes to spare and quickly find our assigned seats. I am at the bottom left, and Jester is at the middle right. Our seats were assigned in accordance to our magic level, which mine is only at level 1, and Jesters is at level 23. The Professor walks in and introduces herself as Professor Mickley.