
Lets Strive to be OP before Cataclysm Start


"First things first, lets confirm my identity. If not wrong my name should be Lee Jiwon. Humm, let's check my appearance first"

Saying so I walk toward a mirror.

"Dammit, this appearance is too average. Without going back to time, this guy truly have nothing worth. Even if he's idiot at least he should have a bit of decent face, but this face is more average than average"

While I see the mirror I said so regretfully.

"No matter then, I'm sure I can turn my face to be more handsome by using bloodline from Naruto system shop. If not I can try to check Deva store, there should be anything that can make my face more handsome. Though before I worry about my face I should train first in order to become stronger"

After that I tried to open my Gamer ability.

'Hoho, look at this. With this ability I'll make sure to become as strong as my stats suggest. If I can reach 1220 INT stats I should be at very least as smart as Einstein right, hehehehe....' thought the man shamefully.

There are gamer body and gamer mind. This should at least guarantee my future stats. However the leveling function is locked, looks like I need to wait until the start of Otadolon cataclysm to be able to open leveling function.

Next, let's check Naruto System Shop.

There are 4 tabs here: Jutsu section, Bloodline section, Summoning Section, and Item section.

Jutsu section consist of elemental jutsu (from fire, water, lightning, even until ice or wood ninjutsu), taijutsu, kenjutsu, genjutsu, fuinjutsu, senjutsu and medical jutsu.

Bloodline section like its name imply, sell any bloodline from Uzumaki, Uchiha, Hyuga, even Ootsutsuki.

Item section sell variety of items in Naruto world from kunai, shuriken, summoning scroll, even food like Ichiramen. I can even buy an item that can turn my face permanently in to the face of character in Naruto world.

Hehe, with this I can kiss goodbye to this average face of mine.

Who'll I pick for my face? Sasuke? Itachi? Madara? As long as it's handsome I'm fine with it.

Ahem, I digreess. Next...

Summoning section, it's the most intiguing for me. In this summoning shop, I can buy not only tail beast or summoned creature like Gamabunta, I can also buy any character from Naruto world. The summoned creature even guaranteed to be absolutely loyal to me the summoner.

With this, I can summon many characters of Naruto world as part of my own faction.

As for who the member are, of course I'll only summoned the females.

There are Tsunde, Hinata, Mei, Sakura, Ino, Kurenai, and other female kunoichi that'll be part of my Harem, Guhehehehehe...

Once they summoned here they'll also be able to become deva, in other words they'll also able to grow stronger by level up.

With my army of beautiful kunoichi, who'll be able to mess with my faction, hahahaha.

But since all character in Naruto is Japanese, it'll be easier for me to make Japan as the base of my faction.

Well, I don't have any attachment to Korea nationality since I merely borrow this body.

But first things first I need to go to the one-hundred-meter tall Beguru tree in the Bakassi Peninsula, an area under territorial dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon.

There I'll find the first Don Gate that'll turn me in to a deva and obtain the first deva bonus.

After that I'll try to change my face as a Japanese using one of a character from Naruto world.

However before I start going to Bakassi Peninsula, I need to buy some jutsu as means of self defense since the land was under territorial dispute.

First things first let's try to buy a taijutsu, a tail beast, and a bloodline. This because I'm afraid that I'll not be able to use jutsus in this world that devoid of chakra.

Taijutsu only require its user's physical and mental energies and can be executed without chakra, though chakra may be used to enhance its techniques.

On the other hand a tail beast will allow me to possess a large amount of chakra even if this world is almost devoid of chakra.

As for bloodline, it will allow me to possess a strength in a short amount of time since currently I only have a year before otadolon cataclysm begin.

I also considering senjutsu techniques that are using natural energy that can be collected from the atmosphere and terrain and blend it with my chakra to enter sage mode, but I'll delay it since I don't want to bite more than I can chew.

For Taijutsu, I intend to buy Eight Inner Gate to enhance my body, Leaf Strong Whirlwind a B-rank jutsu for leg attack, and Leaf Thunder Fist for my fist attack.

By the way here are list of price for Naruto jutsu from E to God:

E: 10-100

D: 100-1.000

C: 1.000-10.000

B: 10.000-100.000

A: 100.000-1.000.000

S: 1.000.000-10.000.000

SS: 10.000.000-100.000.000

SSS: 100.000.000-1 Billion

God: > 1 Billion Golden Rings

As for others, the price is vary.

For bijuu, I start by buying one tail shukaku first. As for other bijuu, I'll buy them later.

As for bloodline, of course I'll buy Uchiha bloodline.

I need to get use to chakra first before considering to buy other bloodline or jutsu.

All that purchasing amount to total of 150.265.000 GR.

My remaining Golden Rings: 17.849.735.000 GR.

I'll be honest here. I actually not that familiar with Unlimited Blade Work from Fate. So if you have any suggestions please leave it at comment below

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