
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Of a Clouded Future

Of a Clouded Future

When I emerged from that narrow tunnel, I was alone, staring at a clear, starry sky. When I turned around, I was a short distance from my house, where flames were shooting intensely into the sky. My mind went blank. 

I didn't know what my mother wanted to do, but I had an inexplicable trust in her for some reason. Yet fear overcame me, and I ran. I didn't want to know anything; sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness.

The battle in the village was chaotic. The pirates, armed with swords and knives, faced the villagers who, though at a disadvantage, fought valiantly.

At that moment, like the sound of lightning, a sudden noise alerted everyone. Looking in the direction it came from, it was like a small shock. Everyone immediately knew where it had come from, and doubts began to arise about what had happened.

Olwen, from the sky, saw the desperate resistance of his neighbors. The tragic scene unfolded before his eyes; he knew something bad had happened and, with his years of experience, could deduce that some pirates had likely infiltrated.

With a furious cry, he guided his dragon in a devastating attack. Using his control over earth and metal, Olwen's dragon raised a wall of rocks, trapping several pirates and protecting the villagers.

The pirate's dragon, seeing the maneuver, tried to intervene, but Olwen and his dragon gave no quarter. With one last powerful roar, Olwen's dragon launched metal spikes at the enemy dragon, forcing it to retreat. Injured and without the advantage of the terrain, the pirate's dragon fell back, followed by the pirates who, seeing their imminent defeat, began to flee towards their ships.

Without giving a second chance, and with the enemy dragon already wounded, Olwen took advantage to unleash his special technique, a rain of earth and molten metal. This technique combined the two elements, and like water, it fell, growing larger bit by bit like an avalanche, annihilating the pirates trying to escape. 

It was as if the supreme dragon of destiny watched over and favored the poor villagers. One attack managed to pierce through Luke and his dragon, killing them instantly.

Descending and giving orders to finish off this group of pirates who dared to attack, Olwen went directly to where the explosion had occurred. He saw piles of charred pirate bodies, and in the middle, the silhouette of a young and beautiful woman. But the only thing that relieved him was not finding the body of a child, assuming that maybe the child had escaped and survived.

And as if the earth itself knew of the tragedy, a small earthquake occurred.

And there I was, running aimlessly, terrified, constantly thinking that I had broken my promise to my mother, what a coward I was. But at that moment, the earth shook, and as if bad luck were pursuing me, the ground beneath me opened, and I fell into that abyss. My only thought was that maybe it was my time to die.