
the world of magical dragons

In the vast continent of Asbenia, where magic and dragons exist, humans rule thanks to magical contracts with these powerful and wise creatures. For millennia, this continent has guarded mysteries and secrets yet to be discovered.

carlos_durte_caliz · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Dragon Egg

Dragon Egg

As if the world took pity on me, when I fell, it felt as if all the goose feathers in existence were beneath me. But when I opened my eyes and looked around, there was only dirt, and I thought, 'Good thing I survived.'

Looking around, everything was dark.

The faint light from above barely illuminated the cavernous space I had fallen into. I tried to stand, feeling the bruises and scratches from my fall, and began to cautiously explore my surroundings.

Suddenly, something caught my attention. A faint glow emanated from a corner of the cavern. Intrigued and with a sense of unease, I approached the light. As I drew nearer, I saw it: a large, shimmering egg nestled in the dirt. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, glowing with a soft, ethereal light.

Tentatively, I reached out and touched the egg. It was warm to the touch, pulsating with a strange energy. As I laid my hand on it, the egg began to crack. Startled, I stepped back and watched in awe as the cracks spread across the shell. Within minutes, a tiny dragon emerged, its scales glistening in the dim light.

The dragon looked at me with curious, intelligent eyes. Despite its small size, there was a sense of power and wisdom in its gaze. It let out a soft chirp and flapped its wings experimentally. I extended my hand, and the dragon crawled onto it, nuzzling against my palm as if seeking comfort and reassurance.

'Hello, little one' I whispered, feeling a connection form between us. "I'm Kerin. It seems we both needed a bit of luck today."

As if understanding my words, the dragon let out a small, determined roar. It then began to claw at the dirt, creating a small tunnel. Realizing what it was doing, I joined in, digging alongside the dragon. Together, we worked our way up, the dragon using its innate abilities to manipulate the earth and make our passage easier.

After what felt like an eternity, we emerged back onto the surface.

The cool night air was a welcome relief after the stuffy darkness of the cavern. I looked around, getting my bearings. The village was still in the distance, the glow of the fires still visible against the night sky.

With the dragon perched on my shoulder, I felt a newfound sense of courage and determination. Whatever had happened, I needed to know.

I couldn't run away any longer.

"Let's go," I said to the dragon, who chirped in agreement. "It's time to find out what happened."

Together, we made our way back to the village. As we approached, the scene of chaos and destruction became clearer. Houses were burned, and the once-bustling streets were now eerily silent. But there were survivors, villagers who had fought valiantly against the pirates.

Everything was over now. I immediately looked for Olwen to ask what had happened. As I ventured deeper into the center of the village, people stared at me with eyes full of sorrow, but with a small relief at the sight of the dragon on my shoulder.

When I arrived, I saw Olwen, sitting dejectedly beside his dragon. He looked at me, and the despair in his eyes faded a little. He said, "Boy, what a relief. Come here."

As I approached, I wanted to ask about my mother, and he continued, "What a relief that you are safe. I know what you want to ask. Just remember that she died like any brave warrior, taking her enemies with her. Here, even though we won, we still lost."

I knew that was likely what had happened, but sometimes we didn't want to accept the cruel reality, and I simply cried.

Olwen hugged me, and I felt his tears falling too. I realized that, in one way or another, we all suffered.