
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Yang Mi's ability

According to the agreement between the two sides, Zhang Yi took out a third of the food and gave it to the punishment day as a deposit.

There were enough men and sledges to carry all this food back.

Looking at himself without a soldier to get food, the heart of torture day is very happy.

And Zhang Yi is also appropriate to show a faint pain appearance, more let torture day heart feel happy.

"Zhang Yi, don't be distressed about this food. Cooperating with us is definitely worth it!"

Punishment day smiled to Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Yi mouth slightly hook up, he squinted his eyes, said such a sentence to the day.

"I don't know if you remember when I was in junior high school, I had a fight with some people in the next class?"

Torture Day recalled, nodded: "There is indeed such a thing." It seems that some gangsters in the next class chased Fan Xingcan of our class, but Fan Xingcan has always loved you."

Zhang Yi said: "At the beginning, five of them beat me one. I knew I couldn't beat them, so I grabbed the guy and knocked out three of his teeth!"

Zhang Yi extended his index finger to the punishment day, and his eyes gradually became fierce.

"This time I have given you food, and I hope you will keep our promise!"

"But if you betray me, then even if you all come to attack, I would rather ignore the others, but also desperate to pull you into the water!"

"When the time comes, we will break the net and see if you can survive in Tianhai City!"

Punishment day was Zhang Yi said some hair, subconscious swallowed spit.

"Oh, Zhang Yi, you look down on me too? I tell you, I came out of prison with just two words - loyalty!"

"Well, then you'll see!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "That's certainly the best." I also don't want our old classmates to spill blood on the street!"

Torture day let his people bring food, left Xujia town, before leaving he also from time to time vigilant look back at Zhang Yi a glance.

He had even forgotten his initial intention to ask if he could bring some of the women from Xujia Town back.

Zhang Yi waited until they left, but also called Uncle you and others back to the shelter.

"Come on, we must prepare for battle."

Uncle You said, "I hope our food is not wasted! Otherwise, you will lose your wife and lose your army."

Zhang Yi said dismissively: "The supplies for them are from the Xishan base confiscated canned goods, those things have nothing to eat."

"In the future, as long as there is peace, depending on the ability of me and Fatty Xu, there will be as many of these things as you want." Don't be sorry!"

Uncle You laughed, "I'm just worried that the food is being fed to a white-eyed Wolf." If they turn back, we will suffer a great loss!"

When someone eats your gift and hits you in return, it's definitely not very pleasant.

"No, they probably won't!"

Zhang Yi's tone is gentle, but there is a kind of confidence.

"Although more than a decade has passed, Xing Weinan's personality has not changed much."

"It's hard to change a person's nature."

"To go from being an unknown figure to suddenly being a force leader with great powers and great power does not give him the ability and wisdom of a commander."

"So his style of doing things is very conservative, and he does not dare to easily start a war with others." He was terrified of losing everything he had."

"There is too much to defend, not enough to attack."

"I've given him the benefit of the doubt, and rather than risk playing against us, he'll do nothing and get the most out of it."

In fact, this is the mentality of most ordinary people.

Even Zhang Yi is no exception.

He thought that if he were in the position of punishment, he would gladly take the food and leave under the condition that he could not determine the strength of the other party.

After all, ten birds in the bush are worth one in the hand.

"Of course, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that they will turn back. In short, we should be prepared for any eventuality!"

Zhang Yi a line of people back to the shelter.

As soon as they entered the living room, they smelled the familiar aroma of the meal.

But today, the flavor is more intense, so that everyone feels the spirit after smelling!

Zhang Yi eyes flash, guess who is cooking.

Came to the island kitchen, sure enough to see the recovery of the body of Yangmi is cooking.

Next to several women are around her, a face of intoxication, has been fascinated by the smell of food.

Seeing Zhang Yi back, Yang Mi's eyes lit up and said happily: "Zhang Yi, I have mastered the skills of using powers!" Come and taste my cooking!"

Zhang Yi eyes twinkle, smile: "Oh? So quickly use very skilled ah! Good for you."

He took his time to change his clothes and walked toward the island kitchen.

Zhang Yi asked them with a smile: "It seems that you have tasted Master Yang's cooking!"

Lu can An crazy nod: "Yes big brother, Yang sister cooked food can be delicious!" And it seems to have a magical effect that makes you feel energetic and motivated after eating!"

Zhang Yi thought to herself: It seems that the dishes made by her powers have an effect not only on inhumans, but also on ordinary people.

It's convenient.

Because eating can only restore strength.

But it's so hard to rejuvenate people!

At the kitchen table, Zhang Yi saw Liang Yue.

She looked very well and had more energy than before.

Zhang Yi was very curious, asked Yang Mi: "Liang teacher eat your food is not emo?"

Yang Mi proudly waved the dish spoon: "That is of course! Eat the food I made, refresh your mind, make people energetic! It can even eliminate the negative state of the body!"

Zhang Yi heart startled, good guy, this is equivalent to the own corruption agents and mercury ribbon ah!

Yang Mi picked up a bowl of chestnut porridge, full of expectations to Zhang Yi: "Zhang Yi, you also come to taste!"

Looking at Yangmi that clear eyes, Zhang Yi also embarrassed to reject her in front of everyone.

He took it with a smile, then reached out and held Huahua aside.

"It smells good, it must be delicious!"

Zhang Yi said, while quietly using a spoon to scoop a mouthful to its mouth.

Hua Hua sniff, and then the small eyes suddenly become wise up, buda buda to eat down.

Zhang Yi saw this just a little rest assured, drink a small bite.

As soon as the chestnut porridge was in his mouth, he felt a strange energy begin to pour into his body.

All fatigue was gone, and I was refreshed! Can't wait to get down on the floor and do his 100 push-ups!

'Good stuff!

Zhang Yi could not help admiring.

Then, Huahua jumped up to pull the bowl.

Yangmi happy flower flower also filled a bowl.

Yangmi woke up the power, although it is partial auxiliary class, but the effect is remarkable, everyone is more happy.

After all, the war is imminent, and it is good to have a little more help.

Is Zhou Keer and Lu Combustible covetous, also look forward to Zhang Yi can use the rest of the ice as soon as possible.

Zhang Yi perfunctory them, ready to watch for a while.

Only Yang Xinxin, for the so-called ice soul dismissive.

She thinks her brain is the best power.

On the contrary, if after using ice soul, get some powers similar to cooking, it will only add unnecessary burden to her.

Everyone has tasted the Yangmi cooking, have expressed admiration for her ability!

At first, Zhang Yi just tasted it, but later did not find something strange, which was completely at ease.

Then he went to inquire about the specific information of Yang Mi's power.

Yangmi to Zhang Yi without reservation, in order to prove their role, she put their ability and Zhang Yi said again.

Due to her newly awakened powers, she can only enchant a limited number of foods at a time.

You can probably only serve five people at a time.

The advantage is the ability to quickly restore human status, including inhuman powers.

After hearing this, Zhang Yi said to Yang Mi: "Can the food you make with your powers be stored?" I mean, does it wear off over time?"

Yang Mi Wen Yan, some uncertain said: "This... I haven't tried it! But I've tried it, and it works better when it's just made."

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "This is not important. In short, from today on, you prepare a lot of this food! Preferably something convenient, like an energy bar."

"I'll take care of the storage problem!"

As long as the food made of poplar honey is put into a different space, there is no need to worry about the loss of efficacy.

In this way, Zhang Yi can obtain a large amount of military provisions through this method.

In the future, Inhumans will definitely become a mainstream force on the battlefield.

And this military food will also become a strategic material.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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