
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Army of Xingtian

Until noon, torture day with a group of people came to Xujia town.

Its slow speed, let Zhang Yi suspect that they are not very convenient in terms of transportation.

But since he's operating on his own turf, he has nothing to fear.

Zhang Yi called Uncle you and Xu Fatty, with flowers, ready to go out.

As for Liang Yue, she is still immersed in her own world, there is no relief.

It's just, she's getting weird.

She no longer complained to anyone, but every day alone in the room, holding a Tang knife quietly thinking.

Zhang Yi does not know whether her state is good or bad.

He didn't want to disturb her for a while, so he didn't ask her to join him.

A group of people riding snowmobiles, cautiously towards the other side of the river.

At this time, the day has taken dozens of people came to Xujia town.

As Zhang Yi had expected, their means of transportation were relatively simple.

It's all dog sledding!

It's no wonder that you can't expect a group of steelworkers to all transform vehicles, and they don't have as much fuel as the Yangsheng base and the Chaoyu base.

However, their dogs are very large.

Dogs that can survive the end times are very resistant to cold, and larger dogs are easier to feed.

The workers' dog is not delicate, whether it is a fight or a sledge is a good hand.

Dogs are omnivores and can eat any kind of food and are relatively easy to feed.

And no one can ignore the giant, silver-gray dog at the head of the pack, which is as big as a house!

On his back sat a lovely little girl, humming a familiar nursery rhyme in the wind.

Torture day did not wear combat uniform, is still a gray blue worker's suit, even he did not wear cotton clothes.

But then the cold weather, can not let him frown, shrink the body.

His short, muscular body seemed to be made of steel, with tendons all over it.

Of course, other workers around the same.

Years of working in steel mills, they look like they're made of iron.

No one wants to fight with such a steely team.

Standing in the cold wind, the punishment day rolled up his sleeves and looked at the Patek Philippe on his wrist.

This watch, which he stole from the director of the dog factory, can keep working in extreme cold temperatures and is said to cost more than 10 million yuan.

Although money has little meaning now, Xing Tian likes such luxuries.

Since he could not afford such things in his life before the end of time, he liked the things that gave him satisfaction.

"Zhang Yi is so slow!"

Torture day teased a sentence, and then carefully wiped the cold frost on the surface, carefully stuffed it into the sleeve.

At this time, several workers came over and said to Torture Day, "Chief, I have searched the neighborhood." There are still some residents alive!"

Xing Tian asked, "What is their relationship with Zhang Yi?"

The worker said, "It doesn't seem to matter, but when it comes to Zhang Yi, they are quite afraid."

Xing Tian thought for a moment and said, "This is also reasonable. If these people were protected by Zhang Yi, he couldn't have led us here. Never mind them!"

At this time, several workers have ambiguous smiles on their faces.

"Boss, hey, hey, hey!"

Seeing their strange smiles, Xing Tian could not help but raise his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

The workers rubbed their hands.

"There are a lot of women in this town, and they are all relatively young. We want to..."

Thousands of workers are still alive at the Qinghuali Steel Mill.

99.9 percent of them are men, and only a few women in clerical and back-office jobs have long been carved up by those in charge.

There are thousands of other men who want to have women of their own.

However, on the outskirts of the Qinghuanyan steel plant, the surrounding sparsely populated, has long been unable to find several alive women.

No wonder they can't help it.

Torture day's mouth crooked up, thinking for a while, he said: "Back to Zhang Yi came I discuss with him." After all, this is his territory, so you have to give him some face."

At this point, he added: "Of course, I have personally spoken, he also want to give me a face!"

The workers around nodded excitedly.

"That's necessary!

"The chief is mighty!


Before long, the sound of an engine was heard in the distance.

Zhang Yi is driving a snowmobile to bring people here.

Torture Day's eyes also become sharp.

With a sneer on his lips, he stood in the middle of the road with his arms crossed and his eyes staring straight ahead.

The collar was shaken by the cold wind, but it could not shake his body.

Zhang Yi stopped the car, cautiously opened the door and walked down.

The atmosphere between the two sides is a little tense, although they have talked about cooperation, but neither of them can fully trust the other.

Even if there is any situation that is not right, it will be on the spot!

The two had not seen each other for almost a decade.

Meet again, two people have changed relatively big.

Zhang Yi was much calmer than at the beginning, with a little less sunshine and innocence in her eyes, and a lot more cold and heartless.

As soon as he came out, he let the punishment day and the workers present feel like a great enemy.

Zhang Yi did not deliberately do anything.

It is just that he has killed too many people, that kind of killing has penetrated into the bones, as long as he is serious, this kind of killing will escape from his every action, every look.

"This is a tough guy to mess with!"

That's what everyone in the Cyan thinks.

Even if it is to become the leader of the green crawl base of the punishment day, also dare not downplay the present Zhang Yi.

However, he had to maintain his dignity, so his mouth was still crooked in disdain.

They looked at Zhang Yi at the same time, Zhang Yi was also looking at them.

Torture has changed just as much since then.

His body is stronger, and he can still wear ordinary overalls in the ice and snow, and it is clear that his ability has a strong benefit to the body.

All the workers around are fierce, and they don't seem to be easy to mess with.

He could not help thinking of the Xishan base of information on the introduction of torture day.

His ability is very specific, and seems to be a group buff ability that can greatly increase himself and everyone around him.

Of course, the giant mutated dog is hard to ignore.

After flower appeared, the magic dog and flower quickly eyed each other, the mouth issued a dangerous whimper.

Their sounds spoil the atmosphere of the scene.

The girl on the back of the magic dog Zhou Lingling quickly touched its head: "Lele good, don't woo others oh!"

After being soothed by Zhou Lingling, the demon dog narrowed its eyes and stopped purring cleverly.

And flower also too lazy to pay attention to it, quietly standing in Zhang Yi leg side, but the eyes are still sharp.

"Ha ha ha, long time no see, old classmate!"

Torture Day suddenly burst out laughing.

"I can't believe we haven't seen each other for more than 10 years, but we can meet again in this environment."

Zhang Yi also smiled and said: "Yes, I thought how to have a good drink in the classmate party!"

"But looking at you now, you're doing very well. Have become a prominent figure in Tianhai City!"

Zhang Yi touted let torture day very useful, because Zhang Yi saw his slightly raised mouth.

"Well, you're not bad now. Although not as big as I manage the territory, but also considered the number one person in Tianhai City."

Xing Tian sighed: "Who could have imagined that I would have today when I was inconspicuous in school?"

It looks like a sigh, but it shows off.

Zhang Yi heart laugh, also do not poke through, he knows this kind of people care about what is.

What he wants is the compliments and admiration of others, in order to make up for his inferiority and inattention in the previous decades.

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