
The Wizard Gamer Harry PotterxMarvel AU

A prophecy is something is something theoretically impossible to break, something that should predict the future and already tell how everything will end, but what happens when a unpredicatable varibale adds to the mix? First year will happen in 2001, so that by the end of the seventh year, the first Iron Man movie will happen

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3 Revelation

Ok, I discovered this wasn't as much of a gold mine as I had expected, because some books required stats to get a skill, mostly Int and Wis requirements, but some actually required higher-level, skills, and physical stats.

' If someone takes them away while I am trying to get high enough stats then I will lose a chance to get a skill, what can I do?'


Due to low knowledge about the gaming world, The Gamer has received a new tutorial.




I clicked on the inventory tag and just like the previous tutorial a screen with an explanation of what the inventory is, appeared.



A limitless space where Gamer can store objects, can't store living things, things must be stationary to get stored, can store up 100 of the same items for slot


'... This can be used in so many ways.'

Without wasting a second I immediately thought of inventory, and a brown screen with a grid drawn in it appeared.

Every slot was empty, but when I thought of storing the book inside my inventory, the book disappeared from my hand and the drawing of a book appeared on one of the slots,


You have gained a new skill: Stealing Lv.1

Stealing Lv.1

STEAAAAAAAAAAAAAL, Represents your ability to steal what is of others, while stealing something while unnoticed you produce less sound and move faster by (Skill level)%


' Not even mad about it, this can be a good way to gain experience actually, since there still are some books that I want to get.'

I also noticed on the bottom left of the corner the symbol of pounds with the number 10 near it, interested by it I wished for 5 pounds to appear on my hand and they sure it, I stored them back and continue with my book stealing shenanigan.

After making sure no one was watching, I stored the books I was interested in, and absorbed the knowledge of the books that I was able to.


You have gained the skills: Dancing Lv.1, Fencing Lv.1, CQC Lv.1, Reading Lv.1, and Writing Lv.1

Reading got to level 31

Writing got to level 23

+52 XP

You have unlocked the function map by absorbing the knowledge of the book: Local Map.



A screen with three tags appeared.



Country Map

World Map


I first clicked on the minimap, and a screen appeared in the corner of my eyes, showing the whole area around me as if I was looking at it from the sky, I could also zoom out and zoom in, but to a maximum of an x5 in both ways, it also showed some strange grey dots, which after few minutes, were revealed to be normal people inside the library.

Next came the Country map, which instead of being complete like the minimap had grey areas, which most likely are areas I hadn't discovered, visited, or seen a map of.

Same story for the World Map, England wasn't greyed out but the rest of the world was.

' Note to self, I need to get some maps, but later, now I can finally go to the fantasy section to search what I am.'

After reaching the second floor, storing the books that could come in handy, causing a level up in stealing, making it reach level 2, I started looking at the fantasy books.

To my surprise, some of the books actually were highlighted like the rest but, mean that I can do the same things done in those books, but how is this possible?

But to stop my interest was the notification that told me apart from stats, to study those books I needed to reveal one of the three question marks traits.

'Guess there is no shortcut then, it's time to read.'

I headed towards the books which seemed the least childish and the most scientific and picked a book named : Encyclopedia of fantasy creatures.

Without much hope I started reading it, and it surely wasen't a book made for children, but as much as serious as it could be, it still was a fantasy book,

After some pages though a welcome notification appeared.


By studying diligently you have been rewarded a +1 Int


Now with much more enthusiasm I continue reading the book until I reached a certain page

The page said:" Wizards are supreme magic users, defined and united as a class by the spells they cast. Drawing on the subtle weave of magic that permeates the cosmos, wizards cast spells of explosive fire, arcing lightning, subtle deception, and brute-force mind control. Their magic conjures monsters from other planes of existence, glimpses the future, or turns slain foes into zombies. Their mightiest spells change one substance into another, call meteors down from the sky, or open portals to other worlds."

'Damn, I hope I am a wizard then.'


You have compleated the quest: Find who you are

Reward: +50 XP, +20 pounds, One of the traits will be revealed, Skill book

Trait: Wizard has been revealed.


On your blood courses magical blood, which gives the possibility to study and use magic.

Effect: +50% in MP and Mp regen, you are now able to cast spells

Skill book has been stored inside the inventory.


' I... I was joking.'

Do this mean my parents were wizards? Or is it not hereditary? I have so many questions and just a stupid book to answer them.

Then something clicked and I checked The Boy who lived title.


The Boy who lived

You have survived the attack of ???, granting you a lot of fame through the Wizard community.

Effect: Wizard society will see you as a hero, ??? ??? will see you as an enemy.


' Ok now I know there is at least a scoiety, but I still don't know who sees me as an enemy, are they friends of the one I survive the attack of? Ignorance is so annoying.'

After sighing I checked the time and only now noticed how late it actually was.

My blood runs cold, and not even putting the book back in place I rushed out of the place, running as if my life depended on it, and it did.

I received notificaions during the run, but I was too concentrated, too scared, to even notice them.

I reached the door to my house, I knocked on it, and like usual Vernon opened the door.

" I am s-"

Before I could finish I was grabbed by the collar and thrown inside.

" Petunia had to cook because you were late, do you know what this means?" He asked with a sick smile on his face.

Just as I was about to get up and answer I received a kick from behind, making me fall again and this time my face against on the wood floor.

" Dudley, you are supposed to wait, how can we teach him good manners if we don't let him talk." He said with a sweet voice to the one that kicked me.

While ignoring the pain I got back up and tried to talk, only to get punched in the stomach hard enough to make me throw up, I am still a 10-year-old skeletal kid, and the one who punched me is an old big truck man.

"Unfortunately, pig can't understand human language."

And so Hell Gate opened up once again.