
The Witcher:Raging Fire

Author: TacetIrae
Ongoing · 1.4M Views
  • 90 Chs
  • 4.6
    34 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Witcher:Raging Fire

Read ‘The Witcher:Raging Fire’ Online for Free, written by the author TacetIrae, This book is a Book&Literature Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name o...


I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Childhood
Volume 2 :August and magic
Volume 3 :To the journey.
Volume 4 :Who is August?


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I have been waiting for a Witcher fanfic, and this is pretty good just keep the regular updates and the good work Ciri for me


Plz no harem... I mean Geralt didn't get it so why MC? ....................................................................................................................................................


Annoyingly decent is a great way to describe this book. The constant contradictions in character and overall logic absolutely ruin the atmosphere of the Witcher universe and this book as a whole(He almost loses in a sword fight to some arrogant prince because, in the authors eyes, "nobodies perfect" while trying to make him more human. Which sure, i agree no ones perfect, but he is a WITCHER not a human, he will hear and smell the guard behind him(in full metal plate might i add, very loud btw) before he goes to attack him. Dialogue and personality of the MC is mundane and forced (robotic) so theres not much going for character development. Some issues with grammar here and there but its still very good, especially when it's not the authors first language which i was impressed with. Author also can't take criticism to save his life, making commenting trying to help with absolutely stupid decisions or dialogue tiring ,when you are an invested reader trying to help them improve.


I don't really know nothing about the Witcher, so I'm asking this, what's the storyline here ? It's start from the Witcher 1 or 2 or 3 ? I'm asking this cuz there is a channel on YouTube(Game Movie Land) where they make movies from a game. So if you guide me, I'm going to see it first on YouTube and then read the fanfic. Giving 5 stars, this is new on this site. Don't make it harem please, we are tired of that ****, it's everywhere …


This is an incredibly frustrating read. I can see the authors ideas and the way he wants to shape the story but the writing is just not good enough. The conversations feel awkward, there are a lot of errors in grammar and the overall feel of the characters is just that bit "off". It always teeters on the edge of being a good read but never actually quite manages to get there. I commend you for trying to make the mc an actual child but I think you bit of more than you can chew. Its like you have all the right building blocks for a child mc but you fail at putting them together in a way thats realistic or at the very least presentable.


Reveal spoiler


Really enjoyed the old story so might as well get this started with a good old review. Keep up the good work author friend, are you keeping the same story ark or will this be a complete rewrite?


Atmosphere is a bit depressed, but characters and world are really amazing .


loving it so far, I've been looking for a decent witcher fanfic for over a year. since "alan: tale of orgin blood was dropped. you're doing really well so far, the story is smooth and the character design is great. I would love to see in depth writing about alchemy and magic arts, maybe meditation/cultivation. would love for more oc's eventually and I can't wait for the mc to interact with dandelion. I do have a question if you have a possible love interest in mind all ready like triss or a completely new character. I really love the book so far, keep up the great work author. can't wait for more. I wish you health.


Great story so far. Looking forward for more. It-s rare to find a Witcher story so that s'a bonus too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------


It's the witcher dude, that alone deserves 5 stars. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Excellent work, I think the advantages here clearly outweigh everything else. The only negative is only for readers from Russian-speaking countries (Russia and so on), we have all the monsters named after themselves, because initially they were copied from our chronicles, so often we have to check the names to see what kind of monster I see now...


I have read almost all Witcher books on this app and this is the best one I have read. It has everything I was looking for in a Witcher book. If you are looking for not only a good Witcher book but also a really good book you will not be unhappy with choosing this one.


God God God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god godGod God God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god God god god


We don't get to see many Witcher fanfics, but I am positively relishing this, keep up the outstanding work author and please don't drop this work [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


I'm really enjoying this fanfic keep up the good work, The story has a good progression so far and I like how the character is being portrayed.


Reveal spoiler


Buena historia y buen capitulo[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Great story awesome to have a good witcher story. Keep the work up author.


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