
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 59:Plot?

[Meanwhile in Lan Exeter]

While August and prince Baldwin were at the rally, there was a dispute happening in the capital city of Lan Exeter.

The streets of the city became empty, as nobody dared to walk outside, only dust and mud were present on the streets. Ghostly silence enveloped the entire city. While this was happening the castle in the centre of the city was much busier than it would always be.

Soldiers running around fully geared under the commands of their squad leaders, people in fancy clothes walking around with worry on their faces and servants carrying various dishes in hurry going from one place to another.

The place was busy, the reason is simple there is something about to happen there, and that is a council meeting of all royalty.

The big hall was beautifully decorated with various arts that came from all over the world. A huge table made out of redwood stood in the middle. The entire table was filled with various dishes and a lot of fancy bottles of wine. All around stood chairs all made out of precious wood and covered n gold as a symbol that this is one of the richest places in the world.

Slowly but surely more and more people in fancy attire, wearing clocks, having gold rings on their hands and beautifully made masterpieces on their necks started to gather and sat around the table gossiping with each other.

Estril slowly made his way, towards his place silencing everyone present in the hall. Taking a seat in his place, he looked around observing everyone present in the hall.

Clearing his throat he said "Good to see everyone here. I would like to announce the start of the council meeting. I will start by introducing the topic that we will discuss today: Ways to avoid a bloodbath in our country of Kovir and Povis."


[With Francesca]

Francesca was in distress, the appearance of another witcher didn't contribute to the plan that she wants to complete. There are a few people that she could contact to see if it is possible to solve this matter.

But she could at least try. Using her magic she teleported into the Tretogor searching for one particular person that she needed.

After searching in the king's castle she finally found the one she was searching for.

Almost instantly seeing the one she wanted to find, she dashed at her direction.


In front of her appeared a charming lady. Eyes yellow and sharp like a falcon, in them, you could see endless wisdom and intelligence gathered throughout the years. The beauty of a water nymph, charming without words. Crimson-red lips that beckon every passerby to do whatever the owner of those lips can say. Black as night, long hair braided into 2 long pigtails.

Sumptuous dress colour of bright blood, decorated with various precious stones. Diamonds, sapphires and rubies with collars are made of the finest ermine fur.

She looked at Francesca with judging eyes, looking at Francesca that had a lot of confusion of her face.

"Why did you come here Francesca?" inquired Poppy.

Francesca looked towards Poppy's eyes, silently pleading.

"What did you need help with?" inquired Poppy

With a sigh full of worry Francesca replied "Poppy, I need your help. Can you please replace someone for a second, I know you have those that can do that. I beg you this is vital!"

With a slight snort, Poppy turned around wanting to walk away, not wanting to get involved in the matter of this woman.

"Sorry, I have more important things to do, for now, I don't have time to play your games and achieve your goals, I need to work towards my own goals" replied Poppy, taking a few steps further away from Francesca.

Gritting her teeth, Francesca spat saying every single word with hardship, seemingly struggling with every single word. "I will do whatever you ask me to do once!"

A smile rose on Poppy's face showing her white as marble teeth. Turning around and looking at Francesca that was almost cursing out loud, Poppy said with a smile "I guess I can find a few minutes to help you with something"

[With August]

August returned to his prisoner that strangely enough had nobody guarding him. Walking closer to him he saw Brehenlying on the grass silently.

August found it strange that he didn't react to him coming closer to him, however, that was nothing of importance.

"Wake up cat! I want to know other things you know." Said August lifting Brehen by the collar.

"Get your hands off me bastard!" Shouted Brehen with anger.

*sigh* "Here we go again," said August.

"Can you just tell me who are the ones to hire you and we will be done with that?" said August, having no desire or patience to deal with him any longer in a nice way.

Spitting on the ground, Brehen looked at August with some hate and replied "I work for nobody"

Being tired of those useless talks and words that come out of the mouth of the other Witcher, August raised his hand ready to punch some teeth from the disgusting mouth of the Brehen.

But before August's fist reached Brehen face, August's eyes shrank looking at the neck of the Brehen noticing something quite odd and feeling tricked at the same time.


Quite a short one, but I don't really have time today, so I have what I have. Tmr I will write a long one I guess.