
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

roro1 · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 17: Betrayal

In the wake of countless battles and relentless determination, the ancient elven fortress had finally been cleared of its monstrous inhabitants. The air felt lighter, the shadows less foreboding, as the group of elves emerged from the depths of the fortress, victorious yet weary.

As the last echoes of a distant battle faded, Lireth approached Ray, a mixture of relief and gratitude in her eyes. The weight of their journey seemed to lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and renewed hope.

"Ray," she began, her voice holding a depth of emotion. "I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. Your assistance, your unwavering support—it's been pivotal in making this possible."

Ray's smile was warm, his gaze meeting hers with a genuine sense of camaraderie. "We did this together, Lireth. Every step of the way."

She nodded, her appreciation evident. "You've shown us that unity and determination can overcome even the greatest challenges. I'll remember this."

Ray glanced at the scarred elf, his curiosity piqued by the mention of a hidden treasure room. "A hidden treasure room, you say?" he mused, his interest evident. "I'd be more than willing to help uncover it."

The scarred elf extended his hand in gratitude, his expression holding a mixture of respect and camaraderie. "I'm Varin," he introduced himself. "And your aid in this venture has been invaluable. Let's work together once more to find this room."

Lireth's eyes sparkled with a sense of excitement as she nodded in agreement. "Agreed. The treasure, as much as it might be of material value, also symbolizes our shared victory."

With their resolve renewed, the group set to exploring the ancient fortress once again, their steps echoing through the stone corridors as they sought out the hidden room. Clues and signs pointed them in different directions, and Ray's keen senses and experience as a Witcher proved instrumental in deciphering the enigmatic architecture.

Hours passed, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows within the fortress, a faint draft and a glint of light caught Ray's attention. He signaled to the others, and they gathered around a section of wall that seemed slightly different from the rest.

Varin pressed against the stone, and with a quiet rumble, a hidden doorway swung open, revealing a chamber illuminated by the soft glow of precious gemstones and ancient artifacts. Their collective breath caught as the room's contents came into view—an array of jeweled ornaments, intricate sculptures, and glistening coins, all collected over generations.

Lireth's laughter bubbled up, a blend of astonishment and joy. "We've found it!"

Ray's curiosity led him and Pichu to explore a subchamber adjacent to the hidden treasure room. The air was heavy with a sense of anticipation as they stepped into the dimly lit space. Ancient scrolls lined the walls, and a pedestal stood at the center, upon which rested a weathered tome. The pages were filled with elegant Elven script, detailing histories, myths, and magical incantations.

Pichu's ears twitched with interest as it hopped onto the pedestal, its tiny paws brushing against the aged parchment. Ray leaned closer, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns on the pages.

"Looks like we've stumbled upon something significant," Ray mused, his voice filled with fascination. "A repository of Elven knowledge, perhaps."

As he skimmed through the pages, he discovered references to spells and rituals long forgotten, insights into the natural world, and even accounts of powerful artifacts that had once been wielded by legendary figures. Ray's heart quickened with excitement as he realized the potential of this discovery.

Pichu seemed to share in his enthusiasm, its tiny sparks of electricity dancing around the tome, as if drawn to the ancient magic contained within.

"We may have found more than just treasure," Ray said with a grin, his eyes alight with curiosity. "This knowledge could be invaluable. It might help bridge the gap between the past and the present, allowing us to harness the power of the Elder Races once more."

With a sense of reverence, Ray carefully closed the tome, tucking it under his arm. As he left the subchamber with Pichu, he couldn't shake the feeling that their journey had taken an unexpected and wondrous turn—a turn that held the promise of uncovering secrets that had long been buried beneath the sands of time.

As they were leaving the subchamber a metal gate crashed down, sealing Ray and Pichu inside, leaving them isolated. Before they could even react, the sounds of battle echoed through the stone walls, followed by shouts and the clash of steel.

Ray's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the scene unfold before him. Varin's group, the scarred elf and his followers, had turned on their comrades with ruthless aggression. The shock of the betrayal gripped his heart, the unexpected twist of events leaving him momentarily frozen.

In the midst of the chaos, Lireth's voice rang out, her anguished question echoing through the chamber like a cry of despair. "Why?!" Her tear-filled eyes searched for answers that remained elusive.

Varin's cold response cut through the air, a chilling contrast to the warmth that had once existed between the members of their group. "No more questions, Lireth." With a swift and brutal motion, his blade found its mark, ending her life in an instant.

The echoes of her final cry seemed to reverberate through the chamber, a haunting reminder of the betrayal that had shattered their unity. The injured and outnumbered elves fought valiantly, but the odds were against them. Ray's heart ached as he witnessed their struggle, the raw emotion of the moment etched into his memory.

Varin's presence near the gate was a bitter reminder of the twisted reality they now faced. His words dripped with venom as he approached, keeping a safe distance from the aftermath of the battle. "It's a shame," he said, his tone mocking and disdainful, "however, this was all your fault."

Ray's gaze narrowed, a mixture of confusion and anger flickering in his eyes. "My fault?" he retorted, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Varin's sneer deepened, his lips curling into a malicious grin. "If you had not gotten in Enna's ear about your so-called plan, you—a mutated half-elf—want to lead our people to a far-off land and make peace with humans." His words were laced with contempt, his accusation a bitter indictment of Ray's intentions.

As Varin turned to walk away, he tossed a final barb over his shoulder. "It was luck we met you on the way here. This fortress used to be a sanctuary that protected our people. We know it well, and this room..." He gestured to the chamber they stood in, "...used to be a prison for powerful and political prisoners, before it was converted to a treasure room."

Ray's brow furrowed as Varin's words sunk in. The revelation shed new light on the history of the fortress, its purpose now tainted by the bloodshed and betrayal that had unfolded within its walls. His gaze followed Varin's movements as he reached a painting on the wall, his actions deliberate and purposeful. With a deft movement, Varin removed the painting, revealing a hidden lever behind it.

As the lever was pulled, a series of mechanisms were set into motion. Ray's heart raced as he watched, the sudden realization of danger settling over him like a shroud. The holes in the ceiling, unnoticed before, now became conduits for a deluge of water. The subchamber quickly transformed, the walls and floor becoming slick with the rush of water.

In an instant, Ray's instincts kicked in. He lunged toward higher ground, his feet slipping against the wet stone as he sought a foothold. Pichu, perched on his shoulder, let out a series of alarmed chirps as the water rose, its electric energy crackling with unease.

The lever that had triggered the flood vanished into the wall, leaving Ray with a sinking feeling of being trapped. He cast a quick glance at the rising water, his mind racing to find a solution. His Witcher senses, honed by years of training, told him that time was running out.

As the water continued to rise, Ray's awareness of the situation heightened. Varin's departure and the closing of the treasure room's entrance left him with a sense of isolation, the confines of the chamber feeling more claustrophobic with each passing moment. The weight of his choices pressed upon him, mingling with the urgency of his predicament.

With a heavy heart, Ray's thoughts wandered to his experiences in this world—the victories, the connections forged, and the challenges faced. The memory of Kaer Morhen and the camaraderie he shared with his fellow witchers warmed his thoughts. The lives he had saved, the moments of hope he had inspired—it was a testament to the impact he had made during his time here.

Yet, amidst the memories, there was a profound realization of his own arrogance and hubris. The belief that he could control the outcomes and shape the course of events had led to unintended consequences, including the tragic loss of Lireth. Her death served as a somber reminder that his actions carried weight beyond his intentions.

As the water level rose, Ray's resolve strengthened. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could determine his next steps. With a determined exhale, he reached deep within himself, tapping into the wellspring of energy stored within his soul-connection to the ancient gate. His magic responded to his will, channeling the energy into a forceful conduit.

With a burst of power, the fabric of reality shifted around him. A portal formed, a rippling gateway through which he could escape the impending flood. Pichu, nestled in his arms, chirped with anticipation, sensing the imminent journey.

Ray's boots touched down on the other side of the portal, the world beyond the subchamber vastly different from the one he had left behind. The dampness of the water-soaked fortress was replaced by a sensation of renewal, of being cleansed by the act of passing through the gate. His connection to the ancient magic had saved him once again, offering a path to safety.

As he looked around at his new surroundings, Ray's heart remained heavy with the weight of his choices and their consequences. Lireth's voice seemed to echo in his thoughts, a reminder of the lessons learned and the lives impacted by his actions. With a renewed sense of purpose, he cradled Pichu in his arms and began to walk, the journey ahead uncertain.

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