
The Witcher: Equivalent Exchange

Thrown into a new world he hardly knows as a new witcher Ray must navigate a world filled with monsters and political intrique in order to survive in this new world, luckily for him he came into this new world with a special ability

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18 Chs

Chapter 18: Land of the Dead

Emerging from the portal, Ray found himself atop a towering apartment building, a vantage point that offered a sweeping view of the chaotic scene below. The contrast between the modern skyline and the unsettling atmosphere of destruction was jarring. As his eyes scanned the cityscape, his Witcher senses heightened, alerting him to the signs of turmoil that enveloped the urban landscape.

The acrid smell of smoke hung heavy in the air, mingling with the distant sounds of sirens, crashes, and anguished cries. The city streets, once bustling with life, were now marred by pillars of smoke rising from buildings set ablaze. The once-familiar sounds of urban life were replaced by a cacophony of chaos—the shrieks of panic, the shattering of glass, and the reverberating echoes of destruction.

Ray's heart quickened as he processed the gravity of the situation. This was no ordinary crisis; it was an apocalypse in progress. The scale of the destruction hinted at a cataclysmic event that had shattered the fabric of this world, casting it into a state of turmoil and desperation.

His gaze shifted to the horizon, where ominous storm clouds churned with an otherworldly intensity. The unnatural hues of red and orange painted the sky, casting an eerie glow that deepened the sense of foreboding. The world before him was one of chaos and uncertainty, a reality consumed by disaster.

The grim reality of the situation came into stark focus as Ray's eyes settled on the macabre scene below. The sight of the group of individuals feasting on the remains of a man confirmed his suspicions—the world he had stumbled into was in the throes of a zombie apocalypse. The horror of the situation sank in as he witnessed the depths of desperation and depravity to which humanity had fallen.

His heart clenched with a mix of sorrow and revulsion. The once-living beings had been reduced to mindless predators, driven by an insatiable hunger for human flesh. The depravity of the scene stood as a chilling reminder of the fragility of civilization and the depths to which humanity could sink when faced with such a dire and chaotic reality.

Ray's training as a witcher had prepared him for facing monsters and supernatural threats, but this was a different kind of horror—an apocalypse that had reshaped the world and brought humanity to the brink of extinction. As he observed the grotesque feast below, his mind raced with thoughts of strategy and survival.

Ray's mind churned with the gravity of the situation. The combination of his witcher mutations, combat skills, and magical abilities had given him a formidable edge against supernatural creatures and monsters. However, the unknown virus that had sparked the zombie outbreak posed a new and unpredictable threat—one that he couldn't simply fight off with his usual tactics. The risk of infection was a shadow that loomed over his every move.

His gaze scanned the chaotic streets below, taking in the eerie scenes of destruction and chaos. He realized that his usual strategies might not be sufficient to navigate this new world. Stealth, evasion, and choosing battles wisely were now paramount. With Pichu at his side, he knew he had a trusty ally, but even their combined strength had its limits.

As he watched the zombies roam the streets, he remembered his encounters with various undead creatures in his own world—drowners, ghouls, and more. He had faced them with his witcher knowledge, silver sword, and signs, but this was different. These were no mere creatures; they were once people, and the thought weighed heavily on him.

Ray's survival instincts kicked in as he mentally mapped out a plan. He needed to find shelter, gather supplies, and assess the situation. He would have to be cautious, avoiding direct confrontations whenever possible, and using his magic and combat skills only as a last resort. He considered finding higher ground or fortified structures where he could defend himself against the horde.

His connection to the ancient gate weighed on his mind as well. If he could find a way to use it strategically, it might provide a means of escape from dire situations. But that was a risky endeavor—one that might bring him to another unknown world.