
The Witch of Raisaya Kingdom

The witch has kidnapped the Prince of the Raisaya Kingdom Prince Curtis Redwing in order to get what was hers but was taken away from her. The plan is perfect. The King will arrive and save his son and she'll get what she wants in return. But will it really go her way? *Please Mind My Typos. I'm not a professional in the field of writing. But I really enjoy writing stories*

Yahooligan_683 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 7

The calming silence surrounded them as they walked back home. They had bought all the numerous necessary items despite Curtis's protests. It was okay until Luria noticed some guards. Her face stiffness and she pulls Curtis towards the nearest ally.

"Looks like your father is finally taking action, my Prince." said Luria as she tried to keep an eye on the guards.

"What? Did His Majesty send guards in search of me?! Where?!" he tried to peak out but before he could do that, Luria placed a hand on his mouth and pulled him before he could show himself to them. His back was placed against Luria. She sighed and shook his head.

" I know that you told me that nobody really recognizes you, but that doesn't mean that your own palace guards don't. I could cast a sleeping spell on you but it hurts me considerably more than you might think. My shoulders still hurt from carrying you before. Do you want to turn into a frog instead? " he could hear the mischief in her voice, he even imagined that she would be smirking right now. He shook his head multiple times

" Right then, keep quiet and try not to be seen by them, my Prince i would be grateful for that. "

She saw the guards having a conversation and tried to hear it.

"I've heard about the Prince... I feel sorry for him. It must hard."

"Keep quiet Luther! You don't want to be caught by King's slaves! If they heard you are having a conversation about His Highness, you'll be off with your head!".

"Oh right! The king forbade us from letting the news of the Prince out. But how are we going to find His Highness? If we don't let it out, then nobody is going to tell us the clues about His Highness."

"I don't know honestly.... I don't even know if His Majesty wants his son to return or not. I couldn't even see a hint of worry or anxiousness on his face. Doesn't he worry for his own son? If Her Majesty were in his place, she would have instructed us to search for her son till we die, I don't know what is wrong with him. "

Luria was shocked to hear this. She had never expected the King to be this heartless. He didn't even cared that his own blood was missing, what made her think that he would even care for mere people who weren't related to him.

Curtis slightly removed her hand

"My Prince, what are y-"

"You don't have to do it. Let's get back, lady Luria." he said with a hint of grief in his voice. He wore the cloak and pulled the hood down. He walked and Luria followed him. She felt slightly guilty about it. He knew his father didn't care about anyone. But he still wished his father had worried him. It was all evident on his face.

After reaching the cottage he shut himself in Luria's room. She knocked on the door

"My Prince? My Prince? Are you alright? My Prince, please answer me so I could be relieved about you!"

"I'm fine! Just.... Could you please give me some space? I have a lot on my mind right now...."

"..... If the Prince say so.."

She knew how the prince was feeling. He must be eagerly waiting for his father to come find him. She knew alot about what was going on in the palace and the private life from her insider. She knew the prince insisted on hiding the fact that he loved and wished that his father could love him back. But it was to no avail. She also knew if he mentioned the King searching for him, he would cooperate with her in her mission just to see if his father really cared for him. The conversation between the soldiers made him emotional. And if she doesn't restore his fate in his father again, he might not cooperate with her. But what she needs to worry about is how to bring the prince out of the room. She needs to know more, so that he could cooperate and she could get closer to the thing she needs. She knew she was using the prince, but she also reminded herself that it wasn't only for her good, but was for everyone's good. Her mother....would have supported her....